Family Profiles

Original reports summarizing and analyzing nationally representative data with the goal to provide the latest analysis of U.S. families. These profiles examine topics related to the NCFMR's core research themes.



Number of Children Ever Born to Women Aged 40-44, 1980-2022 (FP-23-29)

Recent Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Mobility, Region, Home Ownership, and Household Income, 2022 (FP-23-28)

Recent Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Marital History and Age at Marriage, 2022 (FP-23-27)

Age Variation in Never Married and Never Cohabited, 2008 & 2017 (FP-23-26)

Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022 (FP-23-25)

Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022 (FP-23-24)

Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2022 (FP-23-23)

Children’s Co-Residence with Mothers and Fathers, 2022 (FP-23-22)

Maternal and Paternal Age: Births to Individuals Aged 40 and Older, 2016-2021 (FP-23-21)

Sociodemographic Characteristics of Fathers by Fathers’ Coresidential Status (FP-23-20)

Remarriage Rate, 2021 (FP-23-19)

First Divorce Rate, 2021 (FP-23-18)

First Marriage Rate, 2021 (FP-23-17)

Baby Boomers' Union Transitions, 2021 (DV-23-01)

Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2021 (FP-23-16)

Geographic Variation in Percentage of Homeownership Among Never Married Adults, 2021 (FP-23-15)

Homeownership Among Never Married Adults, 2021 (FP-23-14)

Geographic Variation in Percentage of Mid-Life Never Married Adults, 2021 (FP-23-13)

Adult Children’s Four-year College Completion by Parent’s Race, Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment (FP-23-12)

Age Variation in Singlehood from Young Adulthood to Midlife, 2022 (FP-23-11)

Median Age of Never Married Adults in the U.S., 1940-2020 (FP-23-10)

Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: 2019 & 2021 (FP-23-09)

Age Variation in Unmarried Adults, 1900-2020 (FP-23-08)

A Decade of Change in Shares of Single, Cohabiting, and Married Individuals, 2012-2022 (FP-23-07)

Geographic Variation in Percentage of Unions Including Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples Unions (FP-23-06)

Geographic Variation in LGBT+ Identification in the U.S. (FP-23-05)

Unmarried Adulthood: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2020 (FP-23-04)

Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandchildren (FP-23-03)

Grandparents’ Characteristics by Age (FP-23-02)

Prevalence of Grandparenthood in the U.S. (FP-23-01)

Older Adults Living with an Adult Roommate and Sibling, 2020 (FP-22-32)

Duration of Marriage at First Divorce, 2020 (FP-22-31)

Characteristics of Single Adults in the U.S., 2022 (FP-22-30)

Cohabitation among Young Adults (FP-22-29)

Age Variation in Cohabitation, 2022 (FP-22-28)

Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2021 (FP-22-27)

Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2021 (FP-22-26)

Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2021 (FP-22-25)

Ohio and Florida Births Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic (FP-22-24)

Median Age at First Divorce, 2020 (FP-22-23)

Coresidential Fathers with Minor Children, 2015-2019 (FP-22-22)

Women’s Union Status at First Birth (FP-22-21)

Women’s Prime Parenting Years, 1980 & 2020 (FP-22-20)

Forty Years of Change in Marriage and Motherhood Among Women, 1979 & 2020 (FP-22-19)

Marital Status Variation in Religiosity Among Older Women and Men (FP-22-18)

“Solo” and “Nonsolo” Single-Parent Households in the U.S., 2021 (FP-22-17)

Older Adult Cohabiting and Married Couples (FP-22-16)

Median Age at First Marriage, 2021 (FP-22-15)

Single and Living Alone in Midlife, 2021 (FP-22-14)

Women Who Gave Birth Within the Past 12 Months, 2020 (FP-22-13)

Marriage, Divorce, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S. (FP-22-12)

Childbearing Desires, Intentions, and Attitudes among Childless Adults 40-49 (FP-22-11)

Prevalence of Cohabitation Among Unmarried Older Adults (FP-22-10)

Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2020 (FP-22-09)

Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2020 (FP-22-08)

Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2020 (FP-22-07)

First-Birth Timing Expectations among Childless Adults Intending Children (FP-22-06)

Median Age at Last Birth for Fathers (FP-22-05)

High School Seniors’ Expectations to Marry, 2020 (FP-22-04)

High School Seniors’ Attitudes Toward Cohabitation as a Testing Ground for Marriage, 2020 (FP-22-03)

Non-Marriage Among College-Educated Adults, 2005-2019 (FP-22-02)

Trends in Non-Marriage Among Men, 2005-2019 (FP-22-01)

Children’s Family Structure, 2021
Relationship Status Trends According to Age and Gender, 2019-2021
Marital Experiences in the U.S., 1996 & 2018
Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007-2021
Variation in Stepfamilies among Currently Cohabiting and Married Men and Women Under 50
Stepfamilies among Currently Cohabiting and Married Women Under 45, 1988 and 2017
Recent Marriages to Same-sex and Different-sex Couples: Mobility, Region, Home Ownership, and Household Income
Recent (2019) Marriages to Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Marital History and Age at Marriage
The U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2019: Trends and Geographic Variation by Gender
Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers under 40, 1980-2018
Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2019
Variation in Men’s Actual + Intended Number of Children
Recent Changes in Men's Childbearing Goals
Median Age at First Marriage: Geographic Variation, 2019
Median Age at First Marriage, 2020
Median Age at First Marriage for Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples, 2019
First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2019
First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2019
Same-Sex Married and Cohabiting Couples Raising Children
Grandchildren Living in Grandparent-Headed Households, 2019
Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 2019
Median Age at Last Birth
Trends in Cohabitation Prior to Marriage
Mother’s Experiences of Unintended Childbearing, 2017
Unintended Births: Variation Across Social and Demographic Characteristics
Twenty Years of Change in Unintended Births

  • FP-20-29
    Marriage in the U.S.: Twenty-five Years of Change, 1995-2020
  • FP-20-28
    Stepfamilies in First Marriages
  • FP-20-27
    Thirty Years of Changing Cohabitation Experience in the U.S., 1987-2017
  • FP-20-26
    Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019
  • FP-20-25
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019
  • FP-20-24
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2019
  • FP-20-23
    Widowhood: Decades of Change, 1940-2018
  • FP-20-22
    Divorce: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018
  • FP-20-21
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2018
  • FP-20-20
    Ten Years of Change in Remarriage
  • FP-20-19
    First Marriage vs Remarriage: Demographic Characteristics
  • FP-20-18
    Median Age at First Divorce, 2018
  • FP-20-17
    Women Who Gave Birth Within the Past 12 Months, 2018
  • FP-20-16
    Median Duration of Marriages in the U.S., 2018
  • FP-20-15
    Married & Living Apart Together
  • FP-20-14
    Fatherhood in the U.S.: The Decoupling of Marriage and Childbearing
  • FP-20-13
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2018
  • FP-20-12
    Age Variation in Cohabitation, 2018
  • FP-20-11
    Distributions of Age at First Birth, 1960-2018
  • FP-20-10
    Distributions of Age at Remarriage, 1960-2018
  • FP-20-09
    Distributions of Age at First Marriage, 1960-2018
  • FP-20-08
    The Geography of Marriage & Divorce: Rates by Quartile for the U.S.
  • FP-20-07
    Recently Divorced Adults with Resident Minor Children, 2018
  • FP-20-06
    Age at First Birth Among Mothers 40-44, 1990 & 2018
  • FP-20-05
    Age at Entry into Motherhood and Mothers’ Sociodemographic Characteristics, 2015-2018
  • FP-20-04
    Number of Children to Women Aged 40-44, 1980-2018
  • FP-20-03
    Union and Childbearing Characteristics of Women 40-44, 2000-2018
  • FP-20-02
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2018
  • FP-20-01
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2018
  • FP-19-30
    Older Adults' Living Arrangements and Citizenship Status
  • FP-19-29
    Fatherhood in the U.S.: Number of Children, 1987-2017
  • FP-19-28
    30 Years of Change in Men’s Entry into Fatherhood, 1987-2017
  • FP-19-27
    Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Demographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-26
    Single, Cohabiting, and Married Households: 1995, 2012 and 2019
  • FP-19-25
    Children's Family Structure, 2019
  • FP-19-24
    Marriage to Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-23
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-22
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2018
  • FP-19-21
    Resident Single Parents: Mothers & Fathers
  • FP-19-20
    Gray Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-19-19
    Coresidence Among Older Adults and Their Adult Children
  • FP-19-18
    Parental Bereavement in Mid- to Late-Life: The Death of a Child After Age 50
  • FP-19-17
    The Retreat from Remarriage, 1950-2017
  • FP-19-16
    Family Formation Experiences: Women’s Median Ages at First Marriage and First Birth, 1979 & 2016
  • FP-19-15
    Family Formation Experiences: Shares of Women Who Married and Had a Birth, 1979 & 2016
  • FP-19-14
    Marriage by the Numbers
  • FP-19-13
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2017 
  • FP-19-12
    High School Seniors’ Ideal Time for Marriage, 2017
  • FP-19-11
    High School Seniors’ Expectations to Marry, 2017
  • FP-19-10
    High School Seniors’ Attitudes Toward Cohabitation as a Testing Ground for Marriage, 2017
  • FP-19-09
    Characteristics of Foster Children in the U.S., 2016-2018
  • FP-19-08
    First Marriage vs. Remarriage in the U.S., 2017
  • FP-19-07
    Median Age at First Marriage: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-19-06
    Median Age at First Marriage, 2017
  • FP-19-05
    Age Variation in the First Marriage Rate, 1990 & 2017
  • FP-19-04
    Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007-2018
  • FP-19-03
    Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-19-02
    Composition of Cohabiting Families
  • FP-19-01
    Cohabitors Raising Shared Children
  • FP-18-26
    Young Adults Living Alone, with Siblings, or with Roommates
  • FP-18-25
    Average Age at First Birth, 1970 & 2017
  • FP-18-24
    Young Adulthood: Sequencing of Union Experiences Relative to First Birth
  • FP-18-23
    Young Adulthood: Number & Type of Family Formation Events
  • FP-18-22
    Young Adulthood: Cohabitation, Birth, and Marriage Experiences
  • FP-18-21
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-18-20
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2017
  • FP-18-19
    Living with a Sibling or Roommate in Older Adulthood, 1990 & 2016
  • FP-18-18
    Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 2016
  • FP-18-17
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change, 1900-2016
  • FP-18-16
    Change in the U.S. Remarriage Rate, 2008 and 2016
  • FP-18-15
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2016
  • FP-18-14
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2016
  • FP-18-13
    Attitudes Towards Births Outside of Marriage, 1988 & 2012
  • FP-18-12
    Men's Birth Expectations
  • FP-18-11
    Job Satisfaction and Interference with Family Life Among Mothers and Fathers
  • FP-18-10
    Attitudes on Women's Roles in the Home: 1986-2016
  • FP-18-09
    Childbearing Desires, Intentions, and Attitudes Among Women 40-44
  • FP-18-08
    Characteristics of First Time Mothers Aged 40 and Older
  • FP-18-07
    Childbearing Among Women 40 and Older
  • FP-18-06
    Fathers with Resident Minor Children, 2016
  • FP-18-05
    Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandchildren
  • FP-18-04
    Grandparents' Characteristics by Age
  • FP-18-03
    Prevalence of Grandparenthood in the U.S.
  • FP-18-02
    Coresident Grandparents: Caregivers versus Non-Caregivers
  • FP-18-01
    Grandchildren Living in a Grandparent-Headed Household

Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2016

Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2016

Characteristics of Early Marriages

Crossover in Median Age at First Marriage and First Birth: Thirty-Five Years of Change

Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990 & 2015

Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990 & 2015

Mothers Aged 40-44 with Four or More Births

Twenty-Five-Year Trends in Living Alone in the U.S., 1990 & 2015

American Children's Family Structure: Single-Parent Families

American Children's Family Structure: Stepparent Families

American Children's Family Structure: Two Biological Parent Families

Variation in Birth Spacing by Maternal Characteristics

Variation in Birth Spacing by Family Context

The Role of Union Dissolution & Repartnering on Health Later in Life  

Nonmarital Sex by Age 25: Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers and Millennials

Women's Experiences of Unintended Childbearing

Unintended Births: Variation Across Social and Demographic Characteristics

A Quarter Century of Change in Unintended Births

Generational Differences During Young Adulthood: Families and Households of Baby Boomers and Millennials

Generational Differences During Young Adulthood: Baby Boomers vs Millennials

Thirty Years of Change in Women's Premarital Cohabitation Experience

Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers, 1980-2014

Median Age at First Divorce, 2015

Over Twenty-five Years of Change in Cohabitation Experience in the U.S., 1987-2013

Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015

  • FP-16-22
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015
  • FP-16-21
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2015
  • FP-16-20
    Cohabitation in Middle and Later Life
  • FP-16-19
    First Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2014
  • FP-16-18
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2014
  • FP-16-17
    Marriage and Cohabitation Experiences Among Young Adults
  • FP-16-16
    Young Adults in the Parental Home, 2007-2015
  • FP-16-15
    High School Seniors' Ideal Time for Marriage
  • FP-16-14
    High School Seniors' Expectations to Marry
  • FP-16-13
    High School Seniors' Attitudes on Cohabitation as a Testing Ground for Marriage
  • FP-16-12
    Attitudes towards Marital Infidelity
  • FP-16-11
    Recently Divorced Adults with Resident Minor Children
  • FP-16-10
    Over 25 Years of Change in Men's Entry into Fatherhood, 1987-2013
  • FP-16-09
    Stepfamilies in the U.S.
  • FP-16-08
    Long Term Marriage Among Older Adults, 2014
  • FP-16-07
    Median Age at First Marriage, 2014
  • FP-16-06
    Trends in Men's Economic Characteristics and Marriage
  • FP-16-05
    A Quarter Century Change in Nonmarital Births: Differences by Educational Attainment
  • FP-16-04
    A Quarter Century Change in Nonmarital Births: Racial/Ethnic Differences
  • FP-16-03
    A Quarter Century Change in Nonmarital Births
  • FP-16-02
    Childlessness and Marital Status Among Middle-aged U.S. Adults, 1992-2012
  • FP-16-01
    Divorce Timing and Economic Well-being
  • FP-15-21
    Trends in Cohabitation: The Never Married and Previously Married, 1995-2014
  • FP-15-20
    Marriage Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-19
    Marriage-to-Divorce Ratio in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-18
    Divorce Rate in the U.S.: Geographic Variation, 2014
  • FP-15-17
    Marriage in the U.S.: Twenty-five Years of Change, 1989-2014
  • FP-15-16
    Assortative Mating: Racial Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 1964-2014
  • FP-15-15
    Assortative Mating: Educational Homogamy in U.S. Marriages, 1964-2014
  • FP-15-14
    Assortative Mating: Age Heterogamy in U.S. Marriages, 1964-2014
  • FP-15-13
    Generation X and Millennials: Attitudes About Having & Raising Children in Cohabiting Unions
  • FP-15-12
    Generation X and Millennials: Attitudes Toward Marriage & Divorce
  • FP-15-11
    Marital Stability Following Mother's 1st Marital Birth
  • FP-15-10
    Remarriage & Stepfamilies
  • FP-15-09
    Divorce Before vs. After Age 50
  • FP-15-08
    The Remarriage Rate: Geographic Variation, 2013
  • FP-15-07
    The Role of Same-Sex Marriage in the Declining U.S. Marriage Rate
  • FP-15-06
    Religiosity in U.S. Families: Single, Cohabiting, and Married Mothers
  • FP-15-05
    Median Age at First Marriage, 2013
  • FP-15-04
    Number of Children Living in Same-Sex Couple Households, 2013
  • FP-15-03
    Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers, 1980-2013
    Multiple Partner Fertility Among White Married Couples in the U.S., 1955
  • FP-15-01
    Twenty-five Years of Change in Cohabitation in the U.S., 1987-2013
  • FP-14-20
    Median Duration of 1st Marriage and the Great Recession
  • FP-14-19
    The Divorce Rate and the Great Recession
  • FP-14-18
    The Marriage Rate and the Great Recession
  • FP-14-17
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2013
  • FP-14-16
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990-2012
  • FP-14-15
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2013
  • FP-14-14
    Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Prevalence of Grandparenthood Among Adults Aged 50+
  • FP-14-13
    Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Grandparents' Characteristics by Life Stage
  • FP-14-12
    Grandparenthood in the U.S.: Residence Status of Grandparents
  • FP-14-11
    Marital Duration at Divorce, 2012
  • FP-14-10
    Remarriage Rate in the U.S., 2012
  • FP-14-09
    First Divorce Rate, 2012
  • FP-14-08
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2012
  • FP-14-07
    Marital Status in the U.S., 2012
  • FP-14-06
    Living Arrangements of Fathers and Their Children
  • FP-14-05
    Trends in Births to Single and Cohabiting Mothers, 1980-2009
  • FP-14-04
    Trends in Motherhood Before First Marriage
  • FP-14-03
    Demographic Profile of Same-Sex Couple Households with Minor Children, 2012
  • FP-14-02
    Healthy Marriage Initiative Spending and U.S. Marriage & Divorce Rates, a State-level Analysis
  • FP-14-01
    Single, Cohabiting, & Married Households: 1995-2012
  • FP-13-20
    Change in Proportion of Childless Women, 1995-2010
  • FP-13-19
    Children's Family Structure, 2013
  • FP-13-18
    Living Alone in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-13-17
    Age Variation in the Remarriage Rate, 1990-2011 -- Featured in USA Today!
  • FP-13-16
    Diverging Destinies: Children's Family Structure Variation by Maternal Education
  • FP-13-15
    Intentions of Nonmarital First Births and Maternal Age at Birth: 2000-2010
  • FP-13-14
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-13-13
    Marriage: More than a Century of Change
  • FP-13-12
    Trends in Cohabitation: Over Twenty Years of Change, 1987-2010
  • FP-13-11
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-13-10
    Women Who Gave Birth Within the Past 12 months, 2011
  • FP-13-09
    Working Women with Children in the Household, 2011
  • FP-13-08
    Receipt of Food & Cash Assistance among Poor Children: Trends and Geographic Variation
  • FP-13-07
    Young Adults in the Parental Home and the Great Recession
  • FP-13-06
    Crossover in Median Age at First Marriage and First Birth: Thirty Years of Change (first published as FP-12-03)
  • FP-13-05
    Economic Well-being and the Great Recession: Dual Earner Married Couples in the U.S., 2006 and 2011
  • FP-13-04
    General Marriage Rate and General Divorce Rate, 2008: A Comparison of ACS & NVS Data
  • FP-13-03
    Grandchildren: Living in a Grandparent-Headed Household
  • FP-13-02
    Public Assistance Participation among U.S. Children in Poverty, 2010
  • FP-13-01
    Coresident vs. Non-Coresident Young Adults, 2011
  • FP-12-24
    Intentions and Planning Status of Births: 2000-2010
  • FP-12-23
    Single, Cohabiting, and Married Mothers in the U.S., 2011
  • FP-12-22
    Young Adults in the Parental Home, 1940-2010
  • FP-12-21
    First Marriage vs. Remarriage in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-12-20
    Women's Employment Rate, 2010
  • FP-12-19
    Women's Employment Status & Worker Classification, 2010
  • FP-12-18
    Co-Resident Grandparents: Caregivers Versus Non-Caregivers
  • FP-12-17
    Child Poverty in the United States, 2010
  • FP-12-16
    Health Insurance Coverage of U.S. Children, 2010
  • FP-12-15
    Demographic Profile of Same-Sex Parents
  • FP-12-14
    Remarriage Rate in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-12-13
    Nonresident Fathers and Child Support: Exploring Who Pays and How Much
  • FP-12-12
    Relationship Quality Among Married and Cohabiting Couples
  • FP-12-11
    Timing of First Marital Birth
  • FP-12-10
    Mothers and Fathers Exiting the Workforce in 2008
  • FP-12-09
    Fatherhood in the U.S.: The Decoupling of Marriage and Childbearing
  • FP-12-08
    Who are Nonresident Fathers? Demographic Characteristics of Nonresident Fathers
  • FP-12-07
    Median Age at First Marriage, 2010
  • FP-12-06
    Unmarried Births to Cohabiting and Single Mothers, 2005-2010
  • FP-12-05
    Age Variation in the Divorce Rate, 1990-2010
  • FP-12-04
    School Enrollment and Completion
  • FP-12-03
    Crossover in Median Age at First Marriage and First Birth: Thirty Years of Change
  • FP-12-02
    Nonresident Father Visitation
  • FP-12-01
    Young Men's Contact with Criminal Justice System
  • FP-11-13
    Marital Duration at Divorce, 2010
    • Cited in Nijole V. Benokraitis, SOC 3, 3rd Edition (p. 229). ISBN-13: 978-1-133-93913-9.
  • FP-11-12
    First Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2010
  • FP-11-11
    On the Road to Adulthood: Sequencing of Family Experiences
  • FP-11-10
    Fatherhood in the U.S.: Number of Children, 1987-2010
  • FP-11-09
    First Divorce Rate, 2010
  • FP-11-08
    On the Road to Adulthood: Forming Families
  • FP-11-07
    Children in Cohabiting Unions
  • FP-11-06
    Adoption Motivations Among U.S. Parents
  • FP-11-05
    Adoptive Parents in the U.S., 2007
  • FP-11-04
    Fatherhood in the U.S.: Men's Age at First Birth, 1987-2010
  • FP-11-03
    Adopted Children in the U.S., 2007
  • FP-11-02
    On the Road to Adulthood: Leaving the Parental Home
  • FP-11-01
    U.S. Families and Households: Economic Well-being
  • FP-10-08
    Same-Sex Couple Households in the U.S., 2009
  • FP-10-07
    Trends in Cohabitation: Twenty Years of Change, 1987-2008
  • FP-10-06
    First Divorces in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-10-05
    Rate of First Marriage in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-10-04
    Thirty Years of Change in Family Roles and Parenthood Attitudes, 1976-2008
  • FP-10-03
    Thirty Years of Change in Marriage and Union Formation Attitudes, 1976-2008
  • FP-10-02
    Cohabitation in the U.S., 2006-2008
  • FP-10-01
    Marital Status in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-09-03
    Median Age at First Marriage in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-09-02
    Divorce Rate in the U.S., 2008
  • FP-09-01
    Marriage Rate in the U.S., 2008

Updated: 07/23/2024 10:58AM