Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts


Description of Work

Unison - 2022 - Animation- Not For Sale

Artist's Statement

Throughout my life, I have always been in love with storytelling. I believe there is something truly amazing about the way humanity can share experiences, both real and fictional, by sharing stories with each other. Especially when told through visual art forms, such as animation. While attending university, I have strived to expand my technical skills in creating animated shorts while also strengthening my ability to convey narratives within my work. My aim is for my viewers to be able to share in the emotion and experiences I express in my animations.

My BFA Thesis Project, Unison, is a 2D animated short designed to relate the experience of entering something as an individual and becoming something greater than oneself because of it. For about 8 years of my life, I have been a part of a marching band ensemble. Throughout my time in these programs, I have grown exceptionally as both a musician and a person, and I can say with little hesitance that I would not be who I am today without the people and experiences they provided me. After reflecting upon what is most likely my final year in the program, I wanted to create a work that helped show the gratitude I have for the ensemble and members responsible for shaping my person.

While studying at BGSU, I’ve been exploring the relationship between narratives and visual art. Due to my time in marching band, I have also learned the impact that music can have on someone and its ability to transport listeners. Having experienced both modes of storytelling individually, I’d like to combine them to enhance and tell my narrative. Working closely with a composer, I have created a soundtrack that is tailored to my animated short in order for the audio to equally reflect the events being told by the visual artwork. The story itself takes place in an oceanic environment, following a musical fish who is isolated from all other life.

Everything changes for him when he hears another melodic line for the first time, propelling him forward towards the unknown source. Not well acquainted with other lifeforms, he faces various challenges in his pursuit of the music; running into fish who don’t understand him and struggling to maneuver through bustling schools. Upon finally reaching the source of the melody, he discovers a group of fish just like him. Through trial and error, he is taught to play with the other members of his kind. It is only after he is fully integrated into this group that he begins to radiate happiness; playing a small part in a much greater musical ensemble that is revealed to be circling the reef.

While the visual story is not a direct representation of the marching band, I still wanted to incorporate references to the program in my design. The characters featured in my short were all created to be reminiscent of real-life instruments. I wanted to reflect these pinnacle tools in my character design, while still maintaining a sense of believability for the environment they live in. The soundtrack for this work also features the instruments used in my character hybrids, to balance what the viewer sees and hears, but also to provide a similar sound to the original source which inspires me.

Through the creation of this project, my explorations of the relationship between music and visual art have only deepened my love for animation as a medium. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to create a compelling story that appeals to others, rooted in a combination of my passions. By incorporating my personal experiences into my work, I hope to reflect my personal growth throughout my time at university; as an artist, musician, and person.

Link to Artist's Website: www.hannahrobertsart.com

If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (jnathan@bgsu.edu.)


Updated: 03/20/2022 11:32AM