Meet the Staff
Office of the Dean
369 Central Hall
Student Success and Enrollment Management
374 Central Hall
Student Success and Enrollment Management is guided by the College’s commitment to student success and achievement. To that end, our aim is to provide holistic support for our students — both undergraduate and graduate — from recruitment to graduation, through the development and implementation of inclusive practices and processes that provide our students with the resources and opportunities to make the most of their Arts & Sciences education. Integral to our work, we foster productive partnerships with our academic units, faculty, staff, and campus partners.
- Undergraduate and graduate student success initiatives that support our increasingly diverse student body, inclusive of those efforts that seek to minimize equity and opportunity gaps
- Processes and procedures to support the recruitment of a diverse student population
- Undergraduate and graduate academic affairs, curriculum exceptions, substitutions, grade modifications, appeals, and general student academic concerns
- Liaison to the Office of Admissions and the Office of the Dean of Students
- Liaison to College of Arts & Sciences learning communities, such as the Arts Village, Global Village, and Finding Your Voice in Social Justice Learning Community
- Liaison to University Advising, Michael and Sarah Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections, and the Geoffrey H. Radbill Center for College and Life Design
Resources and Operations
371 Central Hall
Resources and Operations is responsible for all personnel, financial, and IT matters in the College. We liaise with many offices on campus (e.g., Human Resources, Registration & Records, Payroll, Purchasing, Controller’s Office, Grants Accounting, Office of the Provost, ITS) and should be the first point of contact for faculty and staff with questions about those matters.
- Hire and onboard full- and part-time faculty and staff; approve hiring of post-docs and independent contractors; point of contact for faculty and staff applying for parental leave, Family Medical Leave, and partial or full unpaid leaves
- Coordinate schedule development so that classes offered meet student needs consistent with faculty workload and Registration & Records guidelines
- Manage and monitor budgets and expenses, work with the Dean on salary increases, field requests for professional development and event funding
- Plan for upgrading technology needed for instruction and research, run Faculty Senate and College committee elections, website maintenance
Research Support & Development
371 Central Hall
The Associate Deans for Research Support & Development seek to expand and enhance research and creative activity by faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates by providing resources and training for faculty to cultivate individual and collaborative research/creative projects and to seek external grant funding. Research Support & Development fosters interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations, and is also responsible for enhancing student success via experiential learning activities, including: education abroad, internships, student research/creative activity, community-based learning, and residential learning communities.
Faculty Development
371H Central Hall
Faculty Development seeks to support the success of an increasingly diverse faculty by improving recruiting practices and providing inclusive programming that fosters professional growth across all faculty cohorts, along the full career trajectory. Faculty review guidance is oriented toward transparency, equity, and consistency in all processes. Policy development involves collaboration with units and the Office of the Provost to establish clear standards that align with our mission and recognize an appropriate range of traditional accomplishments and emerging practices in teaching, scholarly/creative activity, and service.
- Faculty success: recruitment, transition to the university, mentoring, support across career stages, pedagogical development, scholarly/creative support, leadership development
- Faculty review: guidance and oversight of Annual Performance Review (APR), Enhanced Performance Review (EPR), Promotion, Tenure, Graduate Faculty Status (GFS) processes
- Faculty qualifications and affiliations: Tested Experience or other faculty qualification review processes, joint affiliation documents
- Faculty conduct: policy and process guidance for unit and college response to reported complaints and concerns
- Policy development: Merit, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, Graduate Faculty Status, Workload
Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Workload Planning
371H Central Hall
Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Workload Planning focuses on creating and sustaining an array of student-focused learning experiences which foster the habits of mind appropriate to a 21st century liberal arts college: openness to new challenges, abiding curiosity, critical methods of investigation, experimentation, interpretation, expression, and reflection. Our role is to encourage collaboration and innovation across disciplinary boundaries, and to develop curricular and assessment practices that encourage student learning and thinking skills.
- Curricular development, including collaborative feedback with faculty on their development of proposals and revisions, shepherding proposals through the college curriculum committee, and representing the College on University curricular bodies such as Undergraduate Council and BG Perspectives Committee, when necessary.
- Assessment, particularly connecting assessment practices to curricular thinking, assisting units with program review and accreditation, representing the College on University assessment bodies such as the Student Achievement Assessment Committee, and working with state compliance efforts regarding transfer evaluation and alignment
- Faculty workload initiative
Updated: 02/13/2025 01:13PM