We are here to help.
The ASC Chair and Chair-Elect meet with the BGSU President and Human Resources Leadership once a month and the ASC Executive Committee twice a month. If you would like to submit a question, have an idea or solution to an existing concern, please contact ASC. The information we receive can remain anonymous and helps us with new committee initiatives, drafting our agendas for our monthly leadership meetings and/or discussion topics for general meetings.
Submit a Question or Solution
Compensation & Benefits
Every year, the Personnel, Welfare and Compensation committee drafts a Compensation & Benefits Request and submits it to University senior leadership for consideration.
You can also find a year-to-year analysis of the requests and cost of living increases.
Workplace Resolution Support
Designated administrative staff employees who serve as impartial dispute resolution practioners are available to help you. These individuals are known as Ombudspersons, or Ombuds for short.
Please contact the ASC Ombuds as soon as possible when any workplace conflict arises.
Grants for Staff
Do you want to attend a conference, class or training, but you do not have enough funds allocated to cover the cost? If so, we invite you to submit an application to receive an ASC professional development grant.
Two $500 grant scholarships will be awarded per semester.
Staff Awards
ASC celebrates the hard work of administrative staff monthly through the Spirit of BG award and annually through four prestigious awards.
Recognizing staff for their contributions not only feels good, it also boosts morale and retention of our colleagues. This is a great tool for managers to utilize to recognize their high-performing staff.
Student Scholarship Fund
We are proud to award several ASC Student Scholarships every year! These scholarships are used to pay education-related expenses.
We invite you to learn more about how to donate, and if you are a student, how to apply.
ASC Committees
Every year, representatives serve on one committee that help support the mission of ASC – to promote your general welfare while employed at BGSU.
Anyone can serve on a committe, even if they are not a representative as well. Please reach out to ASC if you want to get involved or need to connect with a committee for support.
Staff Events & Programs
If you want to feature an event or program that benefits Administrative Staff on our webpage, simply create an event on the BGSU calendar and add the tag "ASC". Once published, it will show up on this page within 15 minutes. Please note: ASC has the rights to remove any event.
Updated: 03/04/2025 10:24AM