Monica Placzkiewicz
Monica Placzkiewicz
Description of Work
Exist, Flourish and Naturally Evolve - Laser Print, Collage - Not for Sale
Exist, Flourish, and Naturally Evolve - Photography, print, collage, Mod Podge - Not for Sale
Artist's Statement
Exist, Flourish and Naturally Evolve
Lake Erie is a foundation of life and a giver of resources. It provides careers and revenue, allowing the cities established around it to thrive. In order to enhance it’s importance in the eyes of people today, this thesis visually explores the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) and supports the natural rights of the lake along with it’s surrounding ecosystems. Reading and analyzing documentation from the 19th Annual Great Lakes Water Conference (held at
the University of Toledo, November 2019) is challenging because the documents consist of mostly various types of legal arguments surrounding the issue of LEBOR. The idea emerged to help bring this issue to a wider audience in a different way. Doing so by collaging photography of the region showing people fishing, this helping visualize the beauty of the lake. The photography is some of my own, but was also provided by my uncle who is a Captain of a boat in family’s business, Parker Guide Service, the longest running charter service on Lake Erie, established by my grandpa back in 1973. Collaging these two groups allowed the project to develop deeper emotive elements, better engage with the viewer, and encourage them to look further. This project supports the conservation of Lake Erie, and the efforts of LEBOR in establishing the lake’s legal rights to exist, flourish and naturally evolve.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 04/16/2020 03:58PM