Mohammed Almomen
Mohammed Almomen
Description of Work
The Thirst - 3D Animation, MP4 - Not for Sale
Artist's Statement
I make 3d and 2d animation. In this piece I want to show some part of a real horror story that happened before 1400 (10/12/680.) It is a religious story about Houssine. We learn from them (love, dedication, and peace). I use Maya, Photoshop, and After Effect. I want use those to create a best in my work.
I use my work to bring the attention of others to the common denominator of humanity as a whole. Because I know that Hussein is not only for Shiite Muslims as he imagines the world. But Hussein for all the world without discrimination of religions, or ethnicity. But Hussein for humanity.
If you wish to purchase any of these pieces, please contact the gallery director, Jacqueline Nathan (

Updated: 04/13/2021 02:09PM