Undergraduate Program
The core curriculum is a balance of social science and liberal arts courses designed to provide a broad understanding of the role media on play in societies both nationally and globally, the influence of different types of media content on individuals and societies, and the industry structures and policies that guide and regulate the media content and corporations. All students work with an advisor to plan a general education program that provides the necessary background in the social and behavioral sciences, language and culture, science and mathematics, and arts and humanities. Our curriculum and our advisers encourage students to develop a general education background that provides a solid basis for their own personal specialization that best serves their own career goals.
Focus Areas
Media Production students specialize in the creation of video or audio content that will be delivered to audiences through traditional television and radio channels as well as on-line and social media platforms. While the methods for capturing and delivering sounds and images have evolved, the fundamentals of video production, such as lighting, framing, and editing remain the foundations of professional media production. Similarly, recording and mixing of audio remains the essence of audio production and careers in the radio, music and allied audio industries. Production classes are taught so that students master these creative skills and apply them to both traditional and new media platforms. All production students spend significant amounts of time learning in our state-of-the-art studios and on locations such as concert halls and sports arenas using our state-of-the-art digital audio and video recording equipment.
Media Studies students focus on the management, analysis and critical evaluation of media content and media systems. They can build expertise in management and sales, audience analysis, and media culture. Media studies students learn to analyzed audience ratings and analytics in order to understand what makes content successful with different audiences. They also learn media management principles that enable them to work in and lead regional, national, and global media companies and organizations.
Media Production & Studies Minor
The 21 credit Media Studies & Production minor balances a three course core (9 credits) with the opportunity to build a four course (12 credits) specialization in the area that best serves the student’s major. The core courses focus on media writing, the changing role of media in society, and the relations between media, industry and government. The four remaining minor elective courses allow students to focus on an area of media that supports their major. For example, Film Production majors often develop an audio production focused minor and Cultural Studies majors may build minor focusing on media and culture.
The School also offers a minor in advertising and a minor in documentary studies.
Updated: 02/27/2025 11:24AM