Advertising Minor

Students who declare the advertising minor during or after Fall 2020 should follow the new requirements on the Advertising Major and Minor page.

The Advertising Minor gives students a background in the advertising industry, interactive advertising, effects of advertising, and advertising campaigns for careers in advertising and media. The Advertising Minor will be beneficial to students interested in broadcasting, online media, marketing, promotion, and other media-related industries and culture.  

Students will need to complete four required courses. MDIA and Marketing majors cannot double count any courses. Gateway courses and elective courses also cannot be double counted. MDIA majors will need to take two additional elective courses that will be be counted in their MDIA major.

1. Gateway courses (6 credits)

  • For MDIA Majors: MKT 3000 (3) and either MKT 4080 (3) or MKT 4100 (3)
  • For Marketing Majors: MDIA 1030 (3) and MDIA 2600 (3)
  • For all other majors, choose MKT 3000 (3) and either MKT 4080 (3) or MKT 4100 (3) sequence or MDIA 1030 (3) and MDIA 2600 (3) sequence

2. Production courses (6 credits, 3 credits for MDIA majors)

  • MDIA 2640 Interactive Online Media (3)
  • Choose one (3 credits): MDIA 2500, MDIA 2610, MDIA 2620

3. Electives (6 credits, 9 or 12 credits for MDIA majors. MDIA majors will need to take one additional course from the list as they will need to make up one course not taken for production course requirements: 9 credits. If MDIA majors used MDIA 2640 for their major, they will need to take two additional courses: 12 credits. The listed courses cannot be double counted between major and minor.)

  • COMM 3030 Persuasion
  • JOUR 3410 Principles of Public Relations for Nonmajors
  • JOUR 4900 Specialized Journalism Skills
  • JOUR 4950 Specialized Journalism Issues
  • MDIA 3520 Online Social Media
  • MDIA 3610 Media & Strategic Communication
  • MDIA 3650 Broadcasting History
  • MDIA 4530 Media Sales and Promotion
  • MDIA 4610 Audience Research
  • MDIA 4630 Media Programming
  • MDIA 4690 Seminar: Contemporary Aspects of Telecommunications
  • MKT 3020 Consumer Behavior

4. Capstone course (3 credits) Choose one - not counted in major

  • MKT 4120 Advertising Management
  • MDIA 4530 Media Sales and Promotion
  • MDIA 4911 Media Management

Updated: 04/12/2021 03:14PM