We can support our Falcon families.

The past year challenged us, but we embraced our role as a 21st-century public university for the public good and launched FORWARD., a guiding strategy defined by action. We've identified 21 moments during 2020-21 that moved us forward and will continue to make us better. Each of these moments, or actions, are positioning Bowling Green State University and our students for success.

Moment No. 16 – we can support our Falcon families. It takes a community to ensure students are successful and that they graduate from BGSU prepared to live meaningful and productive lives. In early 2021, BGSU created a centralized office focused on supporting Falcon families. The Office of Parent, Family and New Student Connections builds upon previous progress in staying connected with families, repositions internal staff and functions at BGSU and elevates the support of our parents and families across campuses.


Families matter at BGSU: A Q&A with Amy Swank

Parent, family and new student advocate Amy Swank recently joined BGSU to lead the Office of Parent, Family and New Student Connections. Her higher education experience spans 14 years, and she comes to Ohio from Gonzaga University, where she founded a similar office more than a decade ago. She is a first-generation college graduate, and she has also spent the past five years leading the national association focused on parents and families in higher education.

Read more about Amy Swank and her plans to support Falcon families. ➔


Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349

Updated: 07/23/2021 01:13PM