Unlocking Student Potential Using Active and Guided Inquiry Learning Community

Community Facilitator


Dr. Subha Nagarajan

  • Position: Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Natural and Social Science, Firelands campus

Community Information

Community Duration: Fall 2024

Meeting Schedule, Modality & Location: 

  • Friday, September 6, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
  • Friday, October 4, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
  • Friday, November 1, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
  • Friday, December 6, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)

Community Participants:

All BGSU faculty, adjunct instructors, and graduate students are welcomed and encouraged to participate. Priority registration for this community will be reserved for faculty from Firelands campus.

Community Description:

This learning community is dedicated to exploring the use of active, guided inquiry and collaborative learning in your classroom. Specifically, you will delve into learning about a research-informed instructional strategy called “POGIL®”. POGIL® is an acronym for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning. POGIL requires students to work in cooperative teams with well-defined team roles. Student teams work on carefully designed guided-inquiry activities where the instructor serves as a facilitator, guiding the inquiry process. POGIL® enables students to develop both subject matter proficiency and cultivate key process skills (skills valued by employers). While originally developed for use in STEM disciplines, POGIL's effectiveness has been demonstrated across various non-STEM fields as well, making it a versatile pedagogical tool. The learning community will provide opportunities for you to read and discuss the POGIL textbook, analyze the essential elements of POGIL, develop strategies for formation of cooperative teams and implement POGIL® in your classroom.

All participants in the community will be provided with a copy of the textbook.

Community Learning Outcomes:

By participating in this community, you will be able to:

  • Identify essential elements of POGIL.
  • Analyze learning cycle in POGIL.
  • Examine team roles and process skills.
  • Develop strategies for effective team formation.
  • Examine assessment rubrics used to assess effectiveness of POGIL

Participant Expectations:*

As a member of this community, you are expected to:

  • Meet the community learning outcomes. 
  • Attend at least 3 out of the 4 virtual learning community meetings.
  • Complete all the assigned readings**,watch videos and the asynchronous tasks. The asynchronous tasks will align with the synchronous meetings and will help drive discussion.

*Participants in this community must meet the stated participant expectations in order to be eligible to receive funds for participation.

**Relevant readings will be based on the textbook to be used for the learning community. 

Updated: 09/06/2024 05:07PM