Graduate Student Resources

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Welcome to teaching at BGSU!

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) has developed targeted resources for Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) to help you manage your unique experience as an instructor and student at BGSU. This page outlines resources specific to GSIs. You are also invited to participate in CFE workshops and events, certificate programs, and communities of practice.

Teaching as a Graduate Student Canvas Resource

We've developed the Teaching as a Graduate Student Canvas Resource as a way to jump-start your preparation to teach at BGSU.This Canvas resource is a repository of information related to teaching and learning designed to help you succeed as an instructor. Feel free to use this resource in whatever way will be helpful for you—whether that's moving through one module at a time or finding specific resources relevant to your current situation.


Through Bowling Green State University’s institutional membership, all faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars have access to the NCFDD, which provides professional development, training, and mentoring activities. NCFDD resources are broadly applicable across academic disciplines and include a range of topics such as time management, overcoming academic perfectionism, how to develop a daily writing plan, how to write grant proposals, and more

Updated: 01/12/2024 11:24AM