Teaching and Learning Summit

BGSU’s annual Teaching & Learning Summit is an opportunity for the BGSU teaching community to spend the day celebrating achievements, reflecting on the past year, sharing best practices for teaching and learning, and fostering future collaborations for both inside and outside of the classroom. Participants can expect an engaging keynote presentation, interactive workshop sessions, networking opportunities, inspiring discussions, and collaborative learning.  

2024 Teaching & Learning Summit

BGSU's annual Teaching & Learning Summit took place on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The theme for this year’s Summit was Forward: The Future of Teaching & Learning. Aligning with BGSU’s strategic plan, “Forward.,” this year’s Summit will envision what teaching excellence and student success looks like in the university classroom of the future. 

In this past year, generative AI has transformed the discussion about the future of teaching and learning and posed challenges in terms of inclusivity, equity, and integrity. Over the past year, most conversations have focused on two important issues with generative AI in higher education. Some have worried about the implications of AI for student learning and academic integrity, while others have worried our institutions are not moving fast enough to develop and integrate AI literacy into our courses and curriculum. 

To view materials and resources from the Summit, including a video recording of the keynote speech, please click on the link below to visit the Teaching & Learning Summit Canvas Repository.

Teaching & Learning Summit Canvas Repository

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Betsy Barre, Ph.D.


The keynote speaker for this year’s Teaching & Learning Summit was Dr. Betsy Barre, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Wake Forest University. Grounding her keynote in the theme of this year’s Summit and addressing the central conversations around generative AI in the classroom, Dr. Barre presented the keynote speech, entitled AI for Humanity: Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, and the Public Good. Dr. Barre invited participants to step back from the immediate concerns of generative AI to reflect on the relationship between artificial intelligence and the humanistic mission of higher education. What will our students need to learn to advance the public good in a world transformed by AI? How can we prepare them to address the increasingly complex moral dilemmas before us with both wisdom and humility? And what of our roles as educators? Can AI enhance our practices without compromising the relational, human core of our work?

Dr. Betsy Barre is the Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Wake Forest University and a faculty member in their Department for the Study of Religion. She is also an alum of BGSU's Honors Program, earning a B.A. in Philosophy (with a minor in History) in 2002. After graduating, she completed a Ph.D. in Comparative Religious Ethics at Florida State University and then held faculty positions at Lake Forest College, Marymount Manhattan College, and Rice University. She transitioned to full-time faculty development work when Rice launched its Center for Teaching Excellence in 2014 and has been leading Wake Forest's Center since 2018. 

Dr. Barre’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of moral philosophy, political theory, and the history of religion. Over the last 15 years, she has taught introductory ethics and religion courses; specialized seminars on disagreement, democratic deliberation, and the First Amendment; graduate courses on teaching and learning; and, most recently, a first-year seminar on sexual ethics. As an expert on both ethics and pedagogy, Betsy has been a leading voice in local and national conversations about artificial intelligence and its implications for higher education.  

Teaching & Learning Summit Pillars

Guiding this year’s theme are the four pillars of the Summit: Pedagogical Innovation, Success & Belonging, Equity & Access, and Lessons in Teaching & Learning. 

Pedagogical Innovation encompasses transformative practices and new approaches to teaching and learning in the classroom and beyond. Possible topics may include the use of AI for teaching and learning, educational technology integration, and active learning.

Success & Belonging encompasses strategies for promoting the success and belonging of students, faculty, and all members of the BGSU teaching community. Possible topics may include student support, faculty development, promoting well-being, and community building.

Equity & Access embodies practices that support a diverse, inclusive community of learners and educators. Possible topics include inclusive course design and pedagogy, accessibility, and equitable assessment practices.

Lessons in Teaching & Learning share stories of successful implementation of curriculum design, instructional strategies, and assessment practices. Possible sessions may include demonstrations of in-class activities, assignment or assessment examples, and teaching tips that support student success. Sessions that fall under Lessons in Teaching & Learning will provide attendees with practical tools and strategies that can be implemented into their instruction. 

Teaching & Learning Summit Learning Outcomes

By participating in this event, you will be able to:

  • Recognize transformative practices and new approaches to teaching and learning in the classroom and beyond.
  • Implement strategies to promote success and belonging for students, faculty, and all members of the BGSU community.
  • Discover practices that suport a diverse, inclusive community of learners and educators.
  • Discuss the successful implementation of curriculum design, instructional strategies, and assessment practices.
  • Explain how higher education can play a pivotal role in the development of safe and ethically aligned AI.
  • Connect with BGSU colleagues from across campus.
  • Identify campus partners and resources that can contribute to your own professional and personal development and support student success and engagement.

To make the most of this event, we ask participants to bring a cell phone, laptop or device to access digital materials and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

All members of the BGSU community, including full-time faculty, adjunct/part-time faculty, staff (classified and administrative), graduate students, and undergraduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend the Teaching & Learning Summit. 

Yes, all session facilitators, panelists, and campus partners are requested to register for the Summit using the registration form. Please indicate on the form if you will be facilitating a session, speaking on a panel, or participating as a campus partner in a campus partner networking session.

Yes! A boxed lunch will be provided to all participants attending the keynote session who register in advance by April 26th. Please indicate the lunch that you would like to receive along with any dietary restrictions on the registration form. All lunches will be served with the attendee's sandwich of choice, a canned soda or bottled water, kettle chips, and a cookie. Participants who register after April 26th are not guaranteed a boxed lunch.

Yes! The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help coordinate sessions and ensure that Teaching & Learning Summit is a memorable and successful experience for all attendees. Volunteers will play a vital role in various aspects of the Summit, including session coordination, technical support, and discussion table facilitation. The CFE is seeking volunteers to help coordinate panel discussions and interactive sessions and host discussion tables. Please indicate your interest in volunteering on the registration form. Everyone who indicates interest in volunteering at the Summit will receive more information about their volunteer role prior to the event.

Yes! The CFE will be recognizing individuals who received CFE certificates during the 2024-2025 academic year and awarding hard copies of the certificates during the Reception and Recognition session from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Please indicate on the registration form if you plan on picking up a hard copy of a CFE-awarded certificate during that time. Certificate availability is dependent on participant eligibility. 

The Summit is designed as an in-person event. Due to limited CFE staffing and the abundance of sessions being offered throughout the day, the CFE is unable to support the live-streaming of the entire event. The keynote speech and the Teaching & Learning with AI panel discussion will be live-streamed via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, please register for the event, and indicate that you will be attending the keynote session virtually (question 14).

Updated: 05/08/2024 09:39AM