Frequently Asked Questions
From Current Media Production and Studies Students
How many hours are needed for graduation?
A minimum of 122 credit hours is required for graduation. At least 40 hours of the total 122 hours must be completed at the 3000/4000 level, and the last 30 hours must be completed at BGSU. Apply for graduation in the School of Communication Studies office, 306 Kuhlin Center, by the end of the second week of the semester in which you plan to graduate.
What is a Junior Audit?
A Junior Audit is required for graduation. The audit is a review of the courses you have completed and are currently taking. You initiate the Junior Audit during your Junior year (60 credit hours) by completing your major check sheet and submitting it to your Faculty Advisor for review and a signature. The audit is then forwarded to the College Office for review by a College Advisor. A detailed letter will be prepared informing you exactly what requirements you must complete to earn your degree. This letter will be sent to the address listed on the audit form as well as to the the School of Communication Studies office.
How do I drop a course?
First seven days of the semester: Use your online registration account. After the first week, you must complete a Drop/Add form in the School of Communication Studies Office, 306 Kuhlin Center. Take the form to the instructor for his/her signature. The instructor will mark it "WP" (withdraw pass)or "WF" (withdraw fail) according to your standing in the class. If you are dropping all of your classes you will need to meet with a College Advisor and file an "Official Withdrawal" form with the College Office.
What courses may I take S/U (commonly called pass/fail)?
You may take up to 16 credit hours S/U. You may not take any classes required for your major S/U. The 16 hours does not include those courses, which are only offered S/U. To receive an "S" in a course you must attain a "C" or better to constitute a passing grade.
May I take a course at a local college during the summer & transfer the credits to BGSU?
Yes. Prior to doing so, check with the Transfer Credit Evaluation Office within the Office of Registration and Records for information about the proper procedure to follow. Remember, if you are within your last 30 hours at BGSU, these credits must be earned at BGSU.
How do I obtain permission to register for more than 18 hours?
Permission for any overload must be obtained from the College Office. Course registration in excess of 18 hours may carry extra fees. Consult the Bursar's Office for specific charges.
What penalty is there for taking English 112 late in my program at BGSU?
If you take English 1120 after you have reached Junior standing (60 credit hours), three credit hours are added to the 122 hours needed for graduation. If you take English 1120 after you have reached Senior standing (90 credit hours), four credit hours are added to the 122 hours needed for graduation.
What happens if I take a 100 level course as a Senior?
If a Senior takes a course numbered 100-199 (except foreign language or computer science), an additional hour will be added to the 122 hours needed for graduation.
What happens if I get a "D" or "F" in a course?
The grade of "D" is a passing grade. You may elect to retake the course. Some departments, such as Mathematics, require a "C" to better to advance in sequence. There are certain rules that must be fulfilled in retaking the course. Refer to the "Retaking a Course" section in the Undergraduate Catalog for further information. You must receive a "C" or better in all MDIA classes.
Is it possible to receive a "WF" in a course for which I have registered S/U?
Yes. If you stop attending the course without following proper procedures to drop the course or to withdrawal from the University, your instructor may assign you a "WF". A "WF" is calculated as an "F" on your GPA.
The grade of "WF" may also be assigned in the following four circumstances:
- If a student is failing at the time of withdrawal from a course prior to the "WP" deadline.
- If a student withdraws after the "WP" deadline has passed.
- If a student stops attending but does not process an official withdrawal.
- If a student has never attended class but does not officially withdraw from it.
How do I remove an Incomplete?
The mark of "INC" (incomplete) is given when, for some acceptable reason, a student fails to meet a definite requirement in a course as established by the instructor. The mark of "INC" may be removed and a grade (if taken for a grade) or the letter "S" (if taken "S/U") may be substituted for it by a student making up the deficiencies to the satisfaction of the instructor. Unless an extension of time is granted by the academic dean, a mark of "INC" must be removed by March 1, Aug. 1 and Nov. 1 for the fall and spring semesters and summer session, respectively. For courses
taken "S/U", any mark of "INC" not removed by these deadlines will change to "U." For courses taken for a letter grade, any mark of "INC" not removed by these deadlines will change to "I" and be calculated as "F" in the cumulative grade point averages of all undergraduate students, with or without an extension of time. The student who has been granted an extension, however, will have the opportunity to have his or her grade point average recalculated and the "I" changed to the grade assigned.
What do I need to do before the "WP" deadline?
CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE! Get a printed copy at the Office of Registration and Records. Check for specific classes, making sure you are registered for the section you are attending (M001, M002, etc.). Check your grading option and number of hours, as corrections must be made before the "WP" deadline.
Are there any scholarships available through the College of Arts and Sciences?
A variety of scholarships are available. The Office of Student Financial Aid publishes a guidebook each spring. The College Office has an application process that occurs each year during the month of February. The MDIA department has scholarships available to Media Production and Studies majors.
How does the wait list process work?
The Department of Media Production and Studies follows the university online registration wait list procedures. If the class is full, you can sign up for the wait list online. It will be processed and it helps us to determine if we can offer additional sections. If no additional section is offered, then the department will base on the wait-listed students' needs in determining who gets enrolled. Students will be notified if there is an opening available and they will be enrolled in the class.
How do you change your major to MDIA?
If you are a student in the college of Arts and Sciences, you must go to 205 Administration Building and fill out a "Major Change Request Form." Check with your individual college to find out further procedures.
Updated: 02/27/2025 11:24AM