Student Wellness Network

Student Wellness Network Mission
The Bowling Green State University Student Wellness Network is a prevention, education, and advocacy group that promotes holistic wellness through interactive presentations, community events, service, and role modeling. The Student Wellness Network is an affiliate of the BACCHUS Initiatives of NASPA, a national organization for college health and wellness initiatives. Student Wellness Network members plan fun, educational events on topics such as alcohol and other drug awareness, healthy lifestyles, nutrition, sexual health and body image.
Active members of the Student Wellness Network pay $20 in dues per semester. Active members also have the option of paying $30 in dues for both Fall and Spring semester. This money is put toward funding health and wellness events on campus, providing resources to students, equipment rentals, and social events. There are no minimum obligations for members other than paying dues, and you can attend as many meetings and events as you like. However, some benefits are only available to members.
Members are eligible to run for office, vote in elections, and list the organization on their resume. Members are also eligible for sponsored travel opportunities, such as attending the BACCHUS General Assembly. Campus events are always open to the entire student body; however, smaller social events and retreats sponsored by the organization are only open to paying members.
Attend a Meeting
Feel free to check out a meeting! You do not have to be a member to attend, and we are always looking for new ideas and ways to collaborate with other organizations. The Student Wellness Network meets every Tuesday at 7:30 PM in the Student Recreation Center Conference Room (during the academic year).
Connect with the Student Wellness Network on BGSU Presence.
Contact Faith DeNardo, Wellness Connection Director, to learn more and to get involved.
2016 Spring Conference
Congratulations to Matt Reising, Graduate Assistant for being awarded the Regional BACCHUS Initiatives of NASPA Outstanding Advisor Award in April 2016 in Indianapolis, IN.
2015 BACCHUS General Assembly
Congratulations to Devin Smith for being awarded the Outstanding Peer Educator Award at the National BACCHUS Initiatives of NASPA Conference in Reston, VA.
2015 Applauding Excellence
The Student Wellness Network received an award from The Office of Campus Activities for student organizations. The winners were recognized at the Applauding Excellence Awards Banquet, having been chosen from a wide range of outstanding nominees. The awards was the Educational Program of the Year award for the Fifty Shades of Reality.
2014 BACCHUS General Assembly
Congratulations to Christopher Otte for being awarded "Outstanding Senior Peer Educator" from the BACCHUS Network!
2012 BACCHUS General Assembly
Wellness Connection Peer Educators and members of the Student Wellness Network attended the 2012 BACCHUS General Assembly in Orlando, Florida. View the Facebook Photo Album.
2012 Applauding Excellence Awards
The Student Wellness Network received two awards from The Office of Campus Activities for student organizations. The winners were recognized at the Applauding Excellence Awards Banquet, having been chosen from a wide range of outstanding nominees. One of the awards was the Cross-Cultural Program of the Year award for the Student Wellness Network's World AIDS Day Carnival. The other award is the Educational Program of the Year award for the Talk Sex program.
2011 BACCHUS Network Awards
The Student Wellness Network received a national award at the BACCHUS General Assembly for Outstanding Mental Health Program for the Erase the Stigma event. Peer Educator and Student Wellness Network Fundraising Co-Chair, Courtney Diener, was voted one of two Student Trustees for the entire BACCHUS Network.
2010 BACCHUS Network Awards
The Student Wellness Network received two national awards at the BACCHUS General Assembly. One award was for Outstanding Mental Health Program for Eating Disorders Awareness Week and one was for Outstanding Peer Education Recruitment for the Intensive Peer Education Training Weekend held in the spring. Peer Educator and Student Wellness Publicity Co-Chair, Courtney Diener, was voted the Area 7 representative to the BACCHUS Network.
Updated: 01/25/2023 07:14PM