Rules and Regulations
The Office of Recreation & Health and Wellness represent a comprehensive program that provides unique opportunities for recreation, wellness, and student development; promotes healthy lifestyles to the University and surrounding communities through personal and team challenges, hands-on educational experiences, and competitive activities; aids in student recruitment and retention; and supports the University’s core values and diversity initiatives to enhance the quality of life through the balance of work and play. To this end, rules and regulations outlined here are established to ensure a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for all. BGSU policies and procedures are enforced at all times.
Recreation & Health and Wellness facility rules and regulations apply to all activities, programs, services, and spaces contained within.
Enforcement and interpretation of all rules and regulations is at the sole discretion of Recreation & Health and Wellness staff. Rule violations, theft, malicious use of equipment, defacing Student Recreation Center (SRC), Perry Field House (PFH), outdoor recreation spaces, solicitation, verbal abuse of employees/users, or violation of other University policies, including the BGSU Code of Student Conduct, may be investigated per procedures established by the University. Sanctions, such as removal from a facility, revocation of privileges, prosecution, or referral of students to the Office of the Dean of Students, may be imposed.
Patrons are responsible for familiarity with and adherence to all Recreation & Health and Wellness rules and regulations. Rules and regulations are subject to change.
Physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injury. The Department of Recreation and Wellness provides for activities and programs that carry certain inherent risks. All participation in Recreation and Wellness activities and programs is voluntary and at the user’s own risk.
- All patrons excluding current BGSU students must complete the BGSU Recreation and Wellness Informed Consent Waiver and Release of Liability prior to initial facility use. Parent or guardian must complete the BGSU Recreation and Wellness Informed Consent Waiver and Release of Liability on behalf of minor(s).
- Patrons are encouraged to perform a visual inspection of all exercise equipment prior to use and are required to notify SRC staff if equipment is found to be broken or malfunctioning.
- Participants are required to report all accidents, injuries, and incidents to Recreation and Wellness staff and complete an incident/accident report in entirety at the time of occurrence.
- Recreation and Wellness is not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings. In the case of lost or stolen belongings, patrons are encouraged to immediately complete an Incident Report Form at the SRC Welcome Desk and report the incident to the BGSU Police at 419.372.2346.
- Handicap parking adjacent to all facility entrances/exits
- Ground floor entry doors equipped with electric door openers (SRC, PFH)
- Braille signage for the visually impaired indicating room numbers (SRC)
- Elevator access to all levels (SRC)
- Accessible restrooms on all levels (SRC, PFH)
- Accessible drinking fountains (SRC, PFH)
- Accessible day and rental lockers (SRC)
- Accessible showers in the general and Lower Level I family locker rooms with special shower seats (SRC, PFH)
- Chair lifts in Andrews and Cooper Pools (SRC)
- Accessible spectator seating in Cooper Pool (SRC)
- Accessible training equipment (SRC)
Individuals with special entry needs may request staff assistance at the SRC Welcome Desk, and PFH Welcome Desk or by calling the following numbers:
- SRC: 419.372.2705
- PFH: 419.372.9900
Patrons and guests with disabilities are requested to indicate if special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications are needed to fully participate. Contact Disability Services at or 419.372.8495 prior to the program or event.
- All individuals entering the SRC or PFH for usage are required to maintain an active SRC Membership or purchase a Day/Punch Pass. Children under 3 years of age may access the facility free of charge. SRC Membership and Day/Punch Passes include limited access to the PFH when the facility schedule permits drop-in recreation.
- Full-time undergraduate and graduate students receive an SRC Membership. Part-time students may upgrade to an SRC Membership through a tiered fee structure based on credit hour load or purchase a Day/Punch Pass.
- SRC Membership and Day/Punch Passes do not include access to Group Exercise classes or personal training sessions; patrons must purchase a Group Exercise Pass or Personal Training Package for access. An SRC Membership or Day/Punch Pass is not required for participation in Group Exercise classes or personal training sessions once a Group Exercise Pass/Personal Training Package has been purchased.
- SRC Memberships and Day/Punch Passes are non-transferable. Refer to Refund Rules and Regulations for additional information.
- All patrons excluding current BGSU students must complete the BGSU Recreation and Wellness Informed Consent Waiver and Release of Liability prior to initial facility use. Parent or guardian must complete the BGSU Recreation and Wellness Informed Consent Waiver and Release of Liability on behalf of minor(s).
- Members must present University issued credentials (BGSU ID, SRC Membership key fob) for subsequent entry to the SRC or PFH.
- Non-members must show a valid photo ID and complete the BGSU Recreation and Wellness Waiver to purchase a Day/Punch Pass. Day/Punch Passes are available to adults 18 years of age or older or children accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- All children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult of at least 18 years of age at all times in all facilities. See the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart below for specific open recreation space age and supervision requirements.
- Presenting a false ID or otherwise attempting/aiding unauthorized access to the facilities (i.e. holding the door open) is prohibited; violations result in revocation of facility use privileges and disciplinary actions including but not limited to referral to the BGSU Police and/or the Dean of Students.
- Animals are not permitted in the facility with the exception of licensed guide/medical dogs.
- University activities, Recreation and Wellness programming, and/or contracted events may restrict facility access.
The following general rules and regulations pertain to the Student Recreation Center (SRC), Perry Field House (PFH), and outdoor recreation spaces.
- Behavior detracting from the enjoyment or safety of others is prohibited (i.e. aggressive/disruptive play, use of abusive/profane language, disregard for good health practices/cleaning protocols/physical distancing etc.); Recreation and Wellness staff reserve the right to refuse admittance or to request individuals to leave the facility.
- Smoking, use of smokeless tobacco, use of e-cigarettes, use of vaping devices, and possession/consumption of alcoholic beverages or other drugs (except as prescribed by a physician) is prohibited at all Recreation and Wellness facilities, programs, and events. Smoking is only permitted in University designated smoking areas.
- Participants are required to wear attire in accordance with the Dress Code in all facilities and during all programs and activities operated by Recreation and Wellness.
- Patrons are responsible for wearing appropriate protective gear during sporting activities.
- Storage of personal belongings at SRC staffed locations is prohibited.
- All lost and found items are initially held at the SRC Welcome Desk, or PFH Welcome Desk. Clothing and smaller items are held for two weeks and then donated. Items of a personal nature (i.e. undergarments, socks, toiletries, etc.) are discarded. Lost BGSU IDs are submitted to the campus ID office. Wallets, driver’s licenses, and medications are stored in the facility safe and turned over to campus police.
- Personal training activities are only permitted by authorized BGSU Recreation and Wellness personal trainers and instructors.
- All facilities and equipment must be used for their intended purpose. Modification of facilities and/or equipment and netting beyond its designed purpose is only permitted with SRC staff approval.
- All equipment must remain within the facility and be returned to the permanent storage location concluding use.
- Only staff are permitted to set up/take down/adjust any volleyball, tennis, badminton, basketball nets, or other equipment.
- Only water and sports drinks in sealed plastic containers are permitted throughout the SRC and PFH. The following items are only permitted in the SRC lounges and PFH lobby, or with staff approval: glass containers, food, gum, sunflower seeds, candy, etc.
- Limited food/beverage items may be purchased at vending locations and at the SRC Welcome Desk. Vending machine refunds are only available at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union BG1 Card Services on the first floor Information Center at 419-372-4127.
- Use of roller blades, skateboards, scooters, bicycles, etc., is prohibited in the facility.
- Strollers are only permitted in SRC and PFH general facility spaces; strollers are prohibited in recreation spaces (i.e. Activity Courts, Indoor Track, Weight/Strength Area, Balcony/Cardio Area, etc.).
- Speakers and other sound systems are not permitted except when used with headphones or approved by staff.
- Use of recording devices (i.e. still cameras; video cameras; cell phone photography, video, or audio recording functions; etc.) requires approval of on duty SRC staff.
- Use of recording devices is prohibited in locker rooms and bathrooms.
- Personal photography/video is permitted only in the designated posing space.
- Cell phones are permitted unless deemed an issue of patron safety, noise, or privacy.
- Tape/marking on floors or walls, etc. are only permitted with staff approval.
- Signs/banners are only permitted with staff approval.
- While using BGSU Recreation and Wellness facilities or participating in programs, patrons must comply with the following:
- Shirts are required, no bare chests
- Shorts must cover the entire buttocks
- Appropriate athletic footwear (including 5-fingered shoes) must be worn in all recreation spaces with the exception of the following: Andrews Pool, Cooper Pool, hot tub, saunas, Locker Rooms, Outdoor Courtyard, and during specific Falcon Fitness classes
- Clothing with exposed rivets, buttons, zippers, metal parts, or other features likely to damage equipment are not permitted
To help prevent the transmission of viruses and infections and to protect fitness equipment/upholstery from contamination, Recreation and Wellness highly recommend patrons wear clothing that provides sufficient coverage to avoid direct skin contact.
This recommendation is based on guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
1. Membership Eligibility
All memberships are subject to verification for proper eligibility and purchase price. The Department of Recreation and Wellness (RecWell) reserves the right to adjust and/or correct eligibility, fees or expirations of the membership(s) purchased. Accurate information and required documentation is necessary to receive appropriate membership fees and discounts. Members are required to notify RecWell of any eligibility changes. False/inaccurate information or failure to notify RecWell of any eligibility changes may result in loss of membership and may result in loss of future access.
2. Membership Fees
- Membership fees are non-transferrable and non-refundable
- Members are responsible for reviewing bank/credit card statements to verify charges
- Membership fees are not based on facility usage and will be charged/withdrawn regardless of use of the facility
- Membership rates may increase annually. RecWell notifies members in writing in advance of a price increase
3. Recurring Memberships
- Monthly payment is made through credit card draft (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover)
- Monthly payments are processed the 1st of each month, or the next business day if the 1st is a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday
- This contract entitles the member to a discounted membership rate every month for 12 months.
- Recurring membership rates are subject to change at the end of the 12-month period with month-to-month payments continuing at the adjusted recurring rate unless cancelled by the member
- Breaking the contract or cancellation results in the forfeiture of the SRC membership at the discounted rate
- A cancellation fee of $60 is assessed for recurring memberships cancelled prior to twelve (12) months
- A cancellation fee is not charged if the membership has exceeded twelve (12) months
- Recurring memberships must be cancelled by submitting the “Recurring Membership Cancellation Form” on the RecWell website at least 7 days prior to the draft date. Failure to do so makes subsequent drafts non-refundable
- Cancellations must be confirmed via email by the Coordinator of Member Services prior to taking effect
4. Membership Freeze
- Memberships can be frozen due to extended travel or medical conditions (written documentation may be required)
- To freeze a membership, the member must contact the Coordinator of Member Services
- Membership freezes may not extend beyond 6-months unless approved by BGSU RecWell
- Temporary Charge: For recurring memberships, RecWell management software requires, during a freeze period, that a temporary/pending charge be placed on the designated credit card which is removed prior to the credit card billing settlement
5. Suspensions/Terminations
RecWell has the right to suspend or terminate SRC memberships for violations of SRC rules and regulations, failure to pay membership fees, or actions which violate any federal, state, or local laws
6. Transferring Accounts
SRC memberships and services are non-transferable. Membership privileges are to be used only by the person to whom the membership was issued.
7. Membership Dates and Facility Closures
RecWell may close the SRC for maintenance and other purposes throughout the year. Additionally, the SRC may close or reduce hours during university breaks and university observed holidays, as well as during inclement weather. Changes to facility hours are posted on the website, social media accounts, and inside the facility. The membership fee has these dates factored into the price. RecWell does not reimburse membership fees due to closures for the above reasons.
8. Inclement Weather and Other University Closures:
During periods of severe inclement weather, public emergency, or other crisis, university officials may announce, through the BGSU electronic alert system or through the local news media, that some or all of the university’s offices and facilities are closed for part or all of the day. RecWell will follow university policy and modifies SRC building hours, as needed
- Enter and exit the SRC using designated entrances only (Main Entrance located on Ridge Road and Secondary Entrance located adjacent to Lot X/Mercer Road). Other entrances/exits are for emergency use only.
- The SRC designated entrances/exits are universally accessible. Every floor contains universally accessible bathrooms and drinking fountains. Individuals with special physical needs may request additional assistance at the SRC Welcome Desk or by calling 419.372.2000.
- All patrons must leave the facility at the scheduled facility closing time. Patrons are alerted every 15 minutes for 1 hour in advance of the scheduled closing time.
- Personal belongings may not be stored on or near equipment. Secured wallet/cell phone lockers are located on the Entry Level and day/rental lockers are located in main locker rooms, in the Pools Hallway on Lower Level I, and in the family changing rooms on Lower Levels I and II. Unsecured cubbies are located throughout the facility.
- Sports equipment (i.e. basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, rackets, jump ropes, resistance bands, etc.) is available at the SRC Welcome Desk to check out for same day use by presenting University issued credentials.
- Individuals checking out equipment are held responsible and must pay for equipment that is lost (item not returned or i.e. basketball #5 is returned when basketball #2 was checked out), stolen, or damaged.
- A Recreation and Wellness representative will notify patron of a damaged or lost item fee assessment via email within 7 days of occurrence. Damage/replacement charges are payable at the SRC Welcome Desk.
- Individuals checking out equipment are held responsible and must pay for equipment that is lost (item not returned or i.e. basketball #5 is returned when basketball #2 was checked out), stolen, or damaged.
- Outdoor sport play is prohibited in the SRC including baseball, softball, football, rugby, lacrosse, Frisbee, etc. Space is available in the Perry Field House for other outdoor sports; specific permission may be necessary.
- Prior staff approval is required before conducting the following activities: martial arts weapons and/or sparring (i.e. boxing, martial arts, wrestling/grappling), floor hockey, inline hockey, and scuba diving.
- Hanging on rims/nets and slapping backboards is prohibited. Serious or repeat offenders may be asked to leave the facility and face suspension of building privileges.
- Motorized personal conveyance vehicles, including electric scooters and hoverboards, are not permitted to be stored or charged inside the SRC.
- Spitting is prohibited inside the facility.
- Recreation and Wellness is not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings. It is recommended that patrons do not leave valuable belongings in any lockers. In the case of lost or stolen belongings, patrons are encouraged to immediately complete an Incident Report Form at the SRC Welcome Desk and report the incident to the BGSU Police at 419.372.2346.
- A limited number of day lockers are available for daily use free of charge. Patrons are responsible for providing a lock and towel(s).
- Patrons requiring universally accessible day lockers are issued a day use key from the SRC Welcome Desk for specifically designated lockers. A $20 service charge is assessed for a lost or damaged key.
- Patrons are encouraged to verify a day locker is completely empty prior to utilizing.
- In the event belongings are left unsecured in a day locker, and the locker is subsequently used by another patron, the SRC is not responsible for retrieving belongings for the first patron before building closing time.
- Day lockers must be emptied by closing each evening. Contents left in a day locker overnight are removed and a $10 service charge is assessed to retrieve personal belongings. Locks can be purchased from the SRC Welcome Desk for day use lockers.
- A limited number of half and full size lockers in general locker rooms and full size lockers in private locker rooms can be rented at any time on a semester or yearly basis. Locker rentals are non-transferable and only refundable with staff approval.
- Patrons requiring universally accessible rental lockers are issued a key from the SRC Welcome Desk for use throughout the rental period. A $20 service charge is assessed for a lost or damaged key.
- Access to private locker rooms is only granted to patrons holding private locker memberships. All other patrons are prohibited from using the private locker rooms.
- Towel exchange service is only included with private locker rentals.
- Patrons are responsible for monitoring locker membership expiration. Locker memberships can be discontinued or renewed at the conclusion of the locker rental period.
- All locker membership renewals must be completed in person at the SRC Welcome Desk.
- To discontinue a locker membership, remove all personal belongings and secure the combination lock to the locker door latch, or return universally accessible locker key to the SRC Welcome Desk.
- If a rental locker is not emptied by the last day of the rental period, all contents are removed and a $10 service charge is assessed to retrieve personal belongings. Items removed from lockers are stored for 30 days and then donated.
- Running and rough play is prohibited in the locker rooms and Pools Hallway.
- Pouring water on sauna hearing elements is prohibited and damages the unit.
- Use of recording devices (i.e. still cameras; video cameras; cell phone photography, video, or audio recording functions; etc.) is prohibited in locker rooms and bathrooms.
- Patrons must be 13 years of age or older to enter and use the saunas. Same room adult supervision is required for all patrons ages 13-15 (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Patrons are advised to consult a physician before use.
- Use of sauna is not recommended for the following users without prior medical consultation and doctor(s) permission: pregnant women, elderly patrons, and patrons with medical conditions including but not limited to heart disease, diabetes, and high/low blood pressure.
- Use is prohibited while under the influence of alcohol, tranquilizers, or other drugs that cause drowsiness or that raise/lower blood pressure.
- Shower before entering.
- Heat to a maximum temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit/82 degrees Celsius.
- Pouring water on sauna hearing elements is prohibited and damages the unit.
- Limit exposure to 30 minutes at one time; a cool down period is recommended prior to returning.
- Maximum of 10 people permitted at one time.
- Keep door closed.
- Cover bench with a towel or cloth prior to sitting.
- Physical activity or exercise is prohibited in the sauna.
- Spitting is prohibited in the sauna.
- Electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc.), plastic bottles, and paper products (i.e. magazines, books, etc.) are prohibited in the sauna.
- Patrons must be 16 years of age or older to enter and use the Weight/Strength Area. Children ages 14-15 are permitted access upon completion of orientation; same room adult supervision is required (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Patrons are encouraged to perform a visual inspection of all exercise equipment prior to use and are required to notify SRC staff if equipment is found to be broken or malfunctioning.
- Equipment must remain within the Weight/Strength Area.
- Weight clips are recommended on all barbell and curl bar exercises.
- The use of a spotter while weight training is recommended.
- Propping weights against walls, mirrors, etc. is prohibited.
- Slamming or dropping weights is prohibited.
- Profanity, disruptive behavior, and grunting and/or screaming are not permitted.
- Re-rack dumbbells and weight plates immediately after use.
- Return space to original condition before exiting (i.e. re-rack dumbbells and return exercise accessories such as kettle bells, resistance bands, abdominal mats, etc. after use).
- Compressed chalk is permitted, loose chalk is prohibited. Clean up chalk residue after use.
- Wipe down all equipment surfaces (i.e. handles, upholstery, mats, etc.) with SRC provided disinfectant immediately after use.
- Standing, sitting, or placing personal items on the window ledge is prohibited.
- Personal training activities are only permitted by authorized BGSU Recreation and Wellness personal trainers and instructors.
- Patrons must be 16 years of age or older to use equipment in the Balcony/Cardio Area. Children ages 14-15 are permitted access upon completion of orientation; same room adult supervision is required (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Patrons are encouraged to perform a visual inspection of all exercise equipment prior to use.
- Limit workout on cardio equipment to 30 minutes (including warm-up and cool-down) when other patrons are waiting.
- Equipment must remain within the balcony/cardio area.
- Blocking corridors is not permitted; maintain a 36 inch (91 centimeter) clearance at all times.
- Return space to original condition before exiting (i.e. re-rack dumbbells and return exercise accessories such as kettle bells, resistance bands, abdominal mats, etc. after use).
- Wipe down all equipment surfaces (i.e. handles, upholstery, mats, etc.) with SRC provided disinfectant immediately after use.
- Transferring items between the Balcony and Main Level is prohibited.
- Personal training activities are only permitted by authorized BGSU Recreation and Wellness personal trainers and instructors.
- Patrons must be 16 years of age or older to use the Ab/Stretching and Slam Wall training areas and equipment. Children ages 14-15 are permitted access upon completion of orientation; same room adult supervision is required (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Use of equipment on any wall surface (other than the Slam Wall) is prohibited.
- Blocking corridors is not permitted; maintain a 36 inch (91 centimeter) clearance at all times.
- Return space to original condition before exiting (i.e. re-rack dumbbells and return exercise accessories such as kettle bells, resistance bands, abdominal mats,etc. after use).
- Wipe down all equipment surfaces (i.e. handles, upholstery, mats, etc.) with SRC provided disinfectant immediately after use.
- Personal training activities are only permitted by authorized BGSU Recreation and Wellness personal trainers and instructors.
- Patrons must be 11 years of age or older to enter and use the Indoor Track. Direct adult supervision is required for children 11-12 years of age; same room adult supervision is required for children 13-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Adhere to lane designation and direction signage.
- Avoid walking side by side or in groups when the track is busy.
- Spitting on the track is prohibited.
- Spectating court activities from the track is prohibited.
- Transferring items between the track and courts is prohibited.
- Direct adult supervision is required for children under age 13; same room supervision is required for children 13-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Court schedule is subject to change.
- Activity monitoring is the responsibility of patrons.
- Use for structured practices is only permitted with professional staff approval.
- Aggressive or disruptive play is prohibited; SRC staff reserve the right to end the game.
- Sitting on the dasher boards is prohibited.
- Soccer, volleyball, tennis, pickleball, and badminton are permitted with or without reservations; other indoor sports are permitted on a drop-in basis; other outdoor sports are prohibited.
- Spectators are only permitted to view activity from designated areas; viewing activity from the Indoor Track and along the sideline of Court 3 is prohibited.
- Reservations are accepted from SRC member or BGSU students only through
- Drop-in play is permitted.
- Reservations take priority over drop-in use.
- Concurrent reservations are not permitted.
- A maximum of 2 consecutive reservations is permitted.
- Reservations are accepted only for soccer, volleyball, tennis, pickleball, and badminton only.
- All reservations include adequate transition time at the end of the reserved session to permit “Reservation A” to breakdown/clean up/depart activity space while “Reservation B” sets up to begin activity at the start of contracted time. Groups are not permitted to enter the activity space prior to the transition period.
- A 10-minute courtesy hold on reservations is enforced; if participants are not on the court within this time frame, the reservation is void and the space becomes available for informal recreation.
- Patrons must be 5 years of age or older to use the Racquetball, Handball, Squash, and Wallyball Courts. Direct adult supervision is required for children 5-12 years of age; same room adult supervision is required for children 13-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Court use is restricted to designated sports and activities (i.e. racquetball, handball, squash, wallyball, etc.).
- Transferring items between Lower Level I openings and courts is prohibited.
- Reservations are accepted in person at the SRC Welcome Desk or by phone; an active SRC membership is required to reserve court space.
- Reservations require a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 24 hours advance notice; one-hour reservation limit per member.
- A 10-minute courtesy hold on reservations is enforced; if participants are not on the court within this time frame, the reservation is void and the space becomes available for general recreation.
- Direct adult supervision is required for children under age 13; same area supervision is required for children 13-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Use is permitted on a first-come first-served basis only during Andrews Pool operating hours; rental requests are accepted at other times.
- Closed during threatening or severe weather.
- Regular entry/exit only through Andrews Pool doors; pool doors must remain closed at all times. Entry/exit is only permitted through outdoor gates with staff approval.
- Attempting or aiding unauthorized access to the Courtyard/Andrews Pool is prohibited (i.e. climbing the fence); violations result in revocation of facility use privileges and disciplinary actions including but not limited to referral to the BGSU Police and/or the Dean of Students. Exterior assistance is required to retrieve balls/items landing outside the fence.
- No animals are permitted in the facility except for licensed guide/medical dogs, etc.
- Glass containers, tobacco, smokeless tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, and alcohol are prohibited.
- Patrons may bring in personal food/drinks.
- Group meals/parties require submission and approval of a rental request.
- Return space to original condition before exiting (i.e. place all trash/recycling in appropriate receptacles).
- Speakers and other sound systems are not permitted except when used with headphones or approved by staff.
- Proper footwear is recommended at all times outside the sand volleyball court.
- Sand volleyball games may be played for 20 minutes maximum if other patrons are waiting.
- Winning teams may stay on the court for no more than two consecutive games.
- Sand volleyballs may be checked out at the SRC Welcome Desk by presenting University issued credentials (BGSU ID, SRC Membership key fob).
- Behavior detracting from the enjoyment or safety of others is prohibited (i.e. aggressive or disruptive play, running, skateboarding, roller blading, Frisbee, etc.). Staff reserve the right to request individuals to leave the facility.
- Patron supplied portable gas grills may be utilized with staff approval; charcoal grills are not permitted.
- Remove sand/grass from clothing/bodies before re-entering Andrews Pool; use water hose or foot-washing station attached to drinking fountain located in Outdoor Courtyard as needed.
- Photography/videography is limited to capturing workout progress and muscle growth.
- Nudity or explicit content is strictly prohibited.
- Area is monitored by Recreation and Wellness staff periodically to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.
- Staff have the authority to intervene if any inappropriate activity is observed or reported.
- Use of weight equipment is not permitted.
- Avoid capturing others in photos without their specific consent.
- SRC users and members are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior or rule violations to the Welcome Desk staff.
- Limit of 2 participants at a time.
- Clean and sanitize all equipment (massage chairs, yoga mats, etc.) before and after use with provided supplies.
- Sit in massage chairs correctly and for their intended purpose.
- Only one person per chair at a time
- 250lb weight limit
- Only one person per chair at a time
- Treat all items with care.
- Use of Student Recreation Center weight equipment is not permitted.
- Notify Welcome Desk staff of any broken or non-functioning items.
- Disconnect Bluetooth devices before exiting the room.
- Return space to original condition before exiting. (i.e. close containers)
- Adhere to the Offices of Recreation & Health and Wellness Dress Code for entire duration of room time.
- Participants must abide by BGSU’s Student Code of Conduct, BGSU Employee Handbook and Sexual Harassment Policy.
- The Well-Being Room is monitored by Recreation and Wellness staff periodically to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.
- SRC users and members are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior or violations of rules and regulations to Welcome Desk staff.
- Staff have the ability to intervene if any inappropriate activity is observed or reported.
- SRC users and members are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior or violations of rules and regulations to Welcome Desk staff.
Violation of Well-Being Room rules and regulations may result in immediate consequences, including, but not limited to, membership suspension/termination and/or referral to the Office of the Dean of Students.
- A reservation is required for the Martial Arts Studio. Drop-ins are not allowed.
- Registered BGSU Student Organizations and individual participants can reserve the studio by completing an online reservation request form, through the MyRec Portal, or by contacting Julia Adams via email at
- Participants are permitted to make one reservation per day.
- Reservation requests must be submitted a minimum of one week prior to the date of the reservation.
- Participants are required to close the door at the conclusion of reservation timeslot.
- All participants must clean and return any equipment used during their session. Mats and other gear must be properly sanitized and stored after use. The studio door must be closed and locked after use.
- No shoes are allowed on the mats. Participants must either go barefoot or wear appropriate martial arts footwear. Shoes can be stored in the provided cubbies during use.
- All participants are expected to behave respectfully towards each other, the instructor, and the studio. Disruptive behavior and/or vulgar language is not tolerated.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the studio, except for water in a sealed container.
- Participants must wear appropriate martial arts uniforms or workout clothing. No loose jewelry, accessories, or other material that can puncture the mats are allowed.
- Participants must report any injuries or health issues to the Welcome Desk staff immediately.
- Internal programming offered by the Office of Recreation or Office of Health and Wellness takes priority over external reservations. If scheduling conflicts arise, the Office of Recreation will notify the group a minimum of one week prior to the reservation to notify them of the change.
- Filming and photography must be approved in advance by the Office of Recreation staff.
- Any material capable of damaging the mats, including but not limited to, markers, pens, sharp objects, and/or free weights are not permitted in this space.
Violation of Martial Arts Studio rules and regulations may result in immediate consequences, including, but not limited to, membership suspension/termination and/or referral to the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Enter the water only when an SRC Lifeguard is on duty.
- Adhere to all rules and regulations. SRC Lifeguards enforce all rules and regulations and reserve the right to remove anyone for unsafe or inappropriate behavior.
- Children 10 years of age and under require direct and constant adult supervision.
- SRC Lifeguards reserve the right to require a parent or guardian to be in the water with children whom the lifeguard deems weak or non-swimmers.
- Life jackets must be US Coast Guard Approved and can be worn in both Andrews and Cooper Pools.
- Chair lifts to access the pools and hot tub are available upon request of aquatic staff.
- Diving from the pool side is permitted only in water at a depth of 12 feet or more.
- Swimming over or hanging on lane markers is prohibited.
- Kick boards, pull buoys, and swim noodles are permitted; SRC Lifeguards reserve the right to restrict use based on pool load and improper utilization.
- Users are responsible for returning SRC pool equipment after use.
- Only water and sports drinks in sealed plastic containers are permitted on the pool deck. Glass containers, food, and gum are prohibited in the aquatics facilities.
- Hyperventilating and extended breath holding activities are prohibited in the pools/hot tub.
- Shower prior to entering the pools/hot tub.
- Anyone who currently has or has had diarrhea in the past two weeks is prohibited from using the pools/hot tub.
- Patrons with skin diseases, skin infections, open sores, cuts, etc. are prohibited from using the pools/hot tub.
- Any type of bandage including Band-Aids must be removed prior to entering the pools/hot tub. Adhesive tape is permitted in the pools with staff approval.
- Spitting, spouting of water, blowing the nose, and similar behavior in the pools/hot tub is prohibited.
- Running on deck and rough play is prohibited in the pools/hot tub, pool decks, diving boards, and platforms.
- Appropriate swim wear that is clean and designed for swimming is required in the pools/hot tub at all times; street clothes, athletic attire, compression shorts, underwear, thongs, and see-through swim wear, are prohibited.
- Swim diapers are required for diaper aged children; regular diapers are prohibited.
- Diaper changing is restricted to locker rooms and restrooms.
- Direct and constant adult supervision is required for children 5-10 years of age; same room adult supervision is required for children 11-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Personal flotation devices, “floaties,” and other flotation devices are only permitted in Andrews Pool under the condition that children are under direct, in water, adult supervision (adult must be in water with child at ALL times).
- Indoor pool furniture must remain inside; not permitted in the Outdoor Courtyard.
- Patrons must be 5 years of age or older to use Cooper Pool. Direct and constant adult supervision is required for children 5-10 years of age; same room adult supervision is required for children 11-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Flotation devices and small toys are prohibited in Cooper Pool.
- SRC Lifeguards reserve the right to test patrons swimming in water at a depth of 4 feet or more, for their own safety. Patrons must demonstrate that they are able to swim 15 meters unassisted.
- Only SRC staff, approved coaches, and swim meet personnel are permitted on the bulkhead.
- Swimming underneath the bulkhead is prohibited.
- Lap swim in designated lanes only.
- Exclusive lane use is not guaranteed; claiming lanes by placing belongings or hovering at the pool edge is prohibited.
- Lanes may be shared between two swimmers by splitting (each swimmer on one side) or by two or more swimmers by circle swimming (each swims to one side and back on the other) in a counter clockwise manner. It is recommended that swimmers of similar skill levels/speed share lanes when space permits.
- Execute lap swimming passes only at the wall; avoid passing in the middle of the lane.
- Patrons requiring universally accessible spectator seating are granted priority use in designated locations.
- Patrons must be 13 years of age or older to use the hot tub; same room adult supervision is required for children 15 years of age or younger (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Use the hot tub only when an SRC Lifeguard is on duty.
- Capacity is limited to 12 persons.
- Patrons are advised to consult a physician before use.
- Use of hot tub is not recommended for the following users without prior medical consultation and doctor’s permission: pregnant women, elderly patrons, and patrons with medical conditions including but not limited to heart disease, diabetes, and high/low blood pressure.
- Use is prohibited while under the influence of alcohol, tranquilizers, or other drugs that cause drowsiness or that raise/lower blood pressure.
- Limit exposure to 10-15 minutes at one time; a cool down period is recommended prior to returning.
- Use of diving boards and platforms is only permitted with SRC staff approval.
- Only one person is permitted on a diving board at a time.
- Dive straight from the end of the board.
- Swim out of the area immediately after diving.
- Swimming underneath the diving boards is prohibited.
- Only one bounce per dive or jump is permitted.
- Hanging on the diving boards is prohibited.
- All dives must be in forward motion, with the exception of dives executed by the dive team while under the direct supervision of the dive coach.
- Patrons are not permitted on the 5- or 7.5-meter platforms during recreation swim unless authorized by professional staff.
- Dives from the 1- and 3-meter boards may only be performed from the end of the boards. Dive straight out (no cartwheels, sitting dives, hand stands, reverse dives, inward dives, etc.).
- The area under the 1- and 3-meter boards is a “diving only” area. Lap swimming is not permitted in the diving area unless the 3-meter boards are closed.
- Only four people are allowed on the 3-meter springboard platform at a time. All other patrons must wait on the deck (not on the ladder) until the person ahead of them completes their dive.
- Only one person is permitted on each of the 1-meter diving boards and ladders at a time.
- Throwing objects to a person diving off any of the diving boards is prohibited.
- Goggles and eyewear are prohibited during dives.
- Usage by the general public is prohibited.
- Usage by competitive swimmers is only permitted under direct supervision of an authorized coach or instructor.
- Water basketball units are permitted only at the pool edge.
- Play must not interfere with lap swimming or general pool use.
- Play area is restricted to a 20-foot range from water basketball unit.
- Patrons are prohibited from throwing water basketballs across the pool.
- Hanging on rims, dunking, and shooting from the pool deck are prohibited.
- Aggressive or disruptive play is prohibited; SRC staff reserve the right to end the activity.
- Water polo play and equipment are only permitted in Cooper Pool.
- Water polo play or use of water polo balls is only permitted during contracted times.
- Hanging on goals is prohibited.
- Belayers are required to pass a skills test and be re-approved by Recreation and Wellness staff annually.
- Participants are required to adhere to all climbing wall rules and regulations and are required to sign the BGSU Adult Climbing Wall Release prior to climbing.
- A parent/legal guardian is required to read and sign the BGSU Minor Climbing Wall Release for all children under age 18.
- Direct adult supervision is required for children under age 13; same room supervision is required for children 13-15 years of age (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Use is permitted only when a climbing wall attendant is present.
- Swipe-in/validate at Climbing Wall Reception Area prior to facility use.
- Only SRC staff are permitted behind Climbing Wall Reception Desk.
- Loose chalk in chalk bags is prohibited; chalk socks only.
- It is recommended that climbers remove jewelry, tuck in loose clothing, and wear safety straps on glasses.
- Immediately report accidents and safety issues to an on-duty climbing wall attendant (i.e. loose holds, missing tape, damaged equipment, etc.).
- The first person to start a route has the right of way with top ropers first.
- While lowering top ropers, boulderers have right of way to finish.
- Utilize crash pads for official Climbing Wall activity purposes only.
- The climbing area must remain clear of all gear, chalk bags, and other objects.
- Dangerous or unsafe behavior results in suspension or removal of climbing privileges.
- Participants are responsible for returning all SRC climbing equipment after use.
- Boulderers have the right of way until finished.
- Patron’s head is prohibited from passing the brown 11-foot line.
- A spotter is required during challenging moves.
- Bouldering under or over climbers is prohibited.
- Use proper climbing equipment at all times. The SRC provides all necessary equipment. Personal equipment must be approved by a climbing wall attendant prior to use.
- Belayers are required to use an SRC belay device, carabiner, and rope; personal belay equipment is prohibited.
- Ensure proper functionality of all equipment prior to climbing (harness, knots, and belay devices).
- All climbers must be belayed by SRC staff or individuals with BGSU belay training.
- Belayer must be anchored into red floor anchors.
- Brake hand must remain on the rope at all times.
- Use active belay commands.
- Climbers are only permitted to climb at the speed of belayer’s ability to keep the belay rope secure; belayers are responsible for informing climbers to slow down.
- Purchase of a Group Exercise Pass and completion of the Group Exercise Consent and Liability Waiver is required for participation; all Group Exercise Passes are non-transferable. Refer to Refund Rules and Regulations for additional information.
- Participants must be at least 14 years of age or older to purchase a Group Exercise Pass. Children ages 14-15 must be accompanied in class by a parent/guardian Group Exercise passholder.
- University issued credentials (BGSU ID, SRC Membership key fob) must be presented at the start of each class.
- Programs may be strenuous; it is recommended that participants consult a physician to determine fitness level before beginning any Group Exercise program.
- Participants are required to wear appropriate athletic attire covering the mid-section, back, and sides (i.e. t-shirts, tank tops, sweat shirts, gym shorts, leggings, sweat pants, etc.). Jeans, cargo shorts, khakis, and other street clothing are prohibited.
- Non-marking, closed toed, athletic shoes are required except in specific Falcon Fitness classes.
- Participation is first-come, first-served. Instructors reserve the right to determine class minimums and maximums based on equipment and facility space.
- Class schedules are subject to change or cancellation.
- It is recommended for safety reasons that participants attend entire class for appropriate warm-up and cool down.
- Water in a closed plastic container is the only beverage permitted in the Falcon Fitness studios.
- Equipment utilized during class must remain in the Falcon Fitness studios; return equipment to designated storage location at the conclusion of class.
- Purchase of a Personal Training Package and completion of the Personal Training Consultation Form and Consent and Liability Waiver is required for participation; all Personal Training Packages expire one year after purchase date; all Personal Training Packages are non-transferable. Refer to Refund Rules and Regulations for additional information.
- Participants must be at least 14 years of age or older to purchase a Personal Training Package. Children ages 14-15 must be accompanied during sessions by a parent/guardian passholder.
- Clients are assigned a trainer after all paperwork has been evaluated. If necessary, Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to request a Physician’s Clearance Form.
- Sessions that begin late end as scheduled; arrival 30+ minutes late results in forfeit of session without refund.
- Client-requested schedule changes or cancellations require 24-hour advance notice from client to trainer. Failure to do so results in forfeit of session without refund.
- Purchase of an Intramural Sport Pass and completion of an Agreement to Participate Form is required for participation; all Intramural Sport Passes are non-transferable. Refer to Refund Rules and Regulations for additional information.
- Participants are required to adhere to all BGSU IM rules and regulations.
- Participants must be enrolled at BGSU (undergraduate or graduate) and paying the University general fee; BGSU faculty and staff may participate. Dual-enrolled students (College Credit Plus CCP) may not participate in BGSU IM sports.
- Each participant is required to present an accurate and valid BGSU photo ID prior to play.
- Consult with IM and/or facility staff if injured during IM play to receive first aid and complete an accident report while on site.
- Staff reserve the right to cancel scheduled games based on current facility playing conditions, weather forecasts, safety and comfort of players and workers, and preservation of facilities for future use.
- Participants are responsible for sports equipment provided by the IM Office; all personal equipment and uniforms used in the IM program must meet the rules and regulations governing each sport.
- Metal/screw in spikes and five-finger shoes are prohibited in IM play.
- Sportsmanship standards are in place to assist staff and participants in determining what actions and behaviors are deemed acceptable, unacceptable, and season-ending. Eligibility for continued IM play is subject to these standards, which are measured during each contest.
- Completion of a sport specific release form and acknowledgment of the BGSU Code of Student Conduct is required prior to participation.
- Existing club sports or student organizations may not be duplicated.
- The Club Sports Office reserves the right to refuse recognition to any clubs requiring extensive University resources and/or clubs involving high liability or risk factors which cannot be reasonably overseen by the club and the Club Sports Office and staff.
- All club sports must have and maintain a minimum membership of 10 students.
- Undergraduate members must maintain nine credit hours per semester with the exception of graduating seniors who must maintain one credit hour during their final semester.
- Graduate student members must maintain full-time status each semester to be eligible to participate.
- All officers must maintain an overall minimum GPA of 2.25 and be in good discipline standing (not on University probation, etc.).
- Faculty/staff, alumni, and community members are not eligible for club sports membership, participation, or funding, but may serve as advisors, coaches, and supporters.
- Club sport presidents must fulfill all responsibilities outlined in the Club Sports Handbook; failure to comply results in notification of the club advisor and the Office of Campus Activities.
- A minimum of one trip leader is required to accompany all clubs on every away trip. Any individual 18 years of age or older, who is currently enrolled in, or employed by BGSU, or listed as a coach or advisor, is eligible for the position.
- Release forms and emergency medical information forms must be on file in advance of travel 30 miles or more from BGSU.
- Each club sport is required to have a safety officer.
- It is the responsibility of each club sport to secure the services of a coach if so desired. All coaches must be approved by the Director or Club Sports, who may also dismiss a coach if necessary.
- Club sports members must function in accordance with the Club Sports Handbook, their Club Constitution, and the BGSU Code of Student Conduct. Teams/individual members may face disciplinary action for inappropriate behavior (i.e. hazing, stealing money or equipment from club, physical abuse, violation of rules and regulations at other schools, etc.) while representing BGSU Club Sports. Disciplinary action may result in revocation of recognition as a Club Sport and additional disciplinary action may be deemed appropriate by the Director of Club Sports, the Office of Campus Involvement, and/or the Student IM/SC Discipline Program Staff. Individuals will be deemed ineligible from further participation for a period of time as deemed appropriate by the Assistant Director for Intramurals/Club Sports and/or the Office of the Dean of Students.
- When an injury occurs during any club practice/event an injury/accident report form must be fully completed and submitted to the Club Sports Office within 48 hours for weekday events, or by Monday morning for weekend events. When an event is hosted by a BGSU sport club, a form must be completed for any person injured, not just BGSU players.
- All individuals entering the PFH for usage must be active SRC Members, approved guests, rental group participants, or purchase a Day Pass.
- Patron parking is available in the front parking lot. The rear lot is for PFH/Recreation and Wellness professional staff only.
- Enter and exit the PFH through the Main Entrance only. Other entrances/exits are for emergency use only.
- The PFH Main Entrance is universally accessible. The facility contains universally accessible bathrooms and drinking fountains. Individuals with special physical needs may request additional assistance at the PFH Welcome Desk or by calling 419.372.9900.
- Participants 10 years of age and younger are only permitted during private rentals, or when usage is low enough to ensure safe participation; direct adult supervision is required (see the Facility Open Recreation Space Age Requirements chart).
- Use of space during drop-in recreation time is on a first-come, first-served basis.
- A limited number of lockers are available in the PFH locker rooms. PFH users must bring their own locks and towels. Lockers must be cleared daily. A $5.00 fine is charged for removal of a lock and/or personal belongings from a locker used overnight. Recreation and Wellness does not reimburse or replace cut locks. There is no storage of personal belongings at the PFH Welcome Desk.
- Clean shoes must be worn in the facility; individuals attempting to enter with muddy shoes are not admitted.
- Non-marking athletic shoes are required in activity spaces
- Joint or body braces/casts with exposed hard surfaces must be sufficiently covered with a soft material during play.
- Sports equipment such as basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs, baseballs, softballs, tennis balls, kick balls, Frisbees, bases, cones, etc. are available at the PFH Welcome Desk to check out for same day use by presenting University issued credentials. Individuals checking out equipment are held responsible and must pay for equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged.
- Specific BGSU Intercollegiate Athletic Department owned equipment (track/field, football, baseball, etc.) is only accessible with contracted permission.
- Batting, punting, kicking, or improperly throwing balls and other equipment in the vicinity of others, or at walls, windows, and ceilings is prohibited. Any damages incurred result in fee assessment of repair charges.
- Motorized personal conveyance vehicles, including electric scooters and hoverboards, are not permitted to be stored or charged inside the PFH.
- Spitting is only permitted in appropriate receptacles located throughout the building; spitting on the floor of the Track or Turf Rooms is prohibited.
- Spikes are only permitted on the running track during practices or meets. Spikes must be 1/4 inch pyramid (“cone shape”); all other spikes are prohibited.
- Track Room users must yield to track activity at all times.
- Hanging on rims/nets and slapping backboards is prohibited. Serious or repeat offenders may be asked to leave the facility and face suspension of building privileges.
- Rubber and plastic cleats or turf shoes may be worn in the Turf Room; metal-cleated shoes are prohibited.
- Covering arms and legs while playing on the FieldTurf is recommended.
- Field goal kicking is only permitted into the Turf Room center divider net’s marked target area.
- Punting is only permitted into a designated kicking net.
- Turf/rubber mat squares are required for batting, pitching, and lacrosse goalie activity.
- Batting practice (live hitting) is only permitted outside of batting cages with staff approval.
- Softball or baseball scrimmages or contests are prohibited.
- Sharp objects that can penetrate the surface of the FieldTurf (i.e. corner flags, tents, etc.) are prohibited.
- Outdoor activities are suspended when lightning occurs within 8 miles. Seek shelter in a fully-enclosed building or hard-topped vehicle; partially enclosed vending areas are NOT safe. Stay away from trees, light poles, flag poles, metal fences, bleachers, etc. Outdoor activities resume 30 minutes after last strike.
- Fishing is permitted in the ponds adjacent to the north and west sides of the SRC; wading, swimming, boating, and ice skating are prohibited.
- Use permitted first to contracted groups/individuals, then on a first-come first-served basis.
- Field modification (i.e. paint on playing surfaces, etc.) is only permitted with Recreation and Wellness staff approval.
- Digging of holes, ditches, pits, etc. is prohibited.
- Return space to original condition before exiting (i.e. throw away all trash/recycling, etc.).
- Individuals and groups are only permitted to sell or provide food/beverages on the premises with Recreation and Wellness staff approval.
- Vehicles of any kind (i.e. cars, trucks, motorcycles, vending stands, etc.) are only permitted on the fields with Recreation and Wellness staff approval. Any damages incurred result in fee assessment of repair charges.
- Vehicles are prohibited from being parked along roadways.
- Glass bottles and containers are prohibited.
- Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at all outdoor facilities and fields.
- Patrons/spectators are responsible for picking up after all pets.
- Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to postpone or cancel scheduled activities due to weather and turf conditions.
- Rental request forms are available online at the following locations:
- SRC Facility Rentals:
- PFH Facility Rentals:
- Outdoor Recreation Spaces:
- Birthday Parties:
- Team Building:
- Rentals and events begin and end at contracted times.
- Rental groups are responsible to clean up and exit the facility no later than the end time of a given contract.
- All rentals include adequate transition time at the end of the rental session to permit “Renter A” to break down/clean up/depart activity space while “Renter B” sets up to begin activity at the start of contracted time. Groups are not permitted to enter the activity space prior to the transition period.
All non-BGSU, rent-paying organizations utilizing facilities are required to protect themselves with general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage and to hold the University harmless from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising from the use of it’s facilities. It is also recommended that groups have proof of sexual misconduct and molestation coverage in the amount of $1,000,000.
Documentation of this insurance must be given prior to the first rental date. If not covered through an organization, go to the following link for assistance in purchasing tenant user liability insurance:
Click on Products and use the drop down for Student Special Event Liability or select another category if appropriate.
The Department of Recreation and Wellness collaborates with rental groups desiring to sell souvenirs or Coca-Cola products in conjunction with their events. A percentage or nominal fee is charged for these opportunities. Users work with Recreation and Wellness staff to organize order quantities and other details and to comply with Wood County Health Department regulations.
- Customers desiring to conduct business online with Recreation and Wellness are offered the services of Fusion, a recreation and parks software service. Use of Fusion is not required.
- Access to Fusion:
- Get the BGSU RecWell app for iPhone or android
- Navigate to the MyRec portal:
- BGSU Students, Faculty and Staff: When logging in, select ‘BGSU MyRec Login’ and use your BGSU username and password.
- Community Members: Request an account through the MyRec Account Request Form
The following rules and regulations apply to SRC Memberships, activity registrations, and rentals/contracts.
- The standard refund processing fee is $25 and generally requires a two-week time frame. Certain programs or services may have different fees at the discretion of the area director.
- Refunds issued after use begins are subject to prorating.
- Refunds are issued due to injuries or illnesses; a medical excuse may be required.
- Refunds are issued if a patron has moved from the area; documentation may be necessary.
- Refunds are issued if Recreation and Wellness cancels a program or course.
- For refunds regarding apparel and merchandise, at the discretion of Recreation and Wellness staff, a receipt must be presented with the request within 30 days of the purchase. All manufacturers’ rules and regulations are honored and are not subject to refund processing fees.
- Refunds are issued due to weather (i.e. lightning, tornado, snow emergency levels 2 and 3, etc.). No refund is issued for Level 1 conditions.
- Refunds and cancellations are not offered through Fusion.
Special Pricing and Discounts
- Special prices and discounts are valid for the expressed offers and date ranges only.
- No other discounts apply.
- Special prices and discounts do not apply to previous purchases.
- Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to revoke offers without notice.
- All vehicles parked on campus are required to have an official BGSU parking permit.
- Community members can purchase semester or annual parking permits corresponding with the SRC Membership period only after purchasing an SRC Membership.
- BGSU affiliates must contact Parking Services for the designated permit.
- Hourly paid parking is available at the Lot X kiosk (adjacent to Mercer Road).
- Bicycles may only be locked in University bicycle racks; bicycles locked to permanent benches, trees, etc. are removed from the premises.
Lot Designations
- SRC: Lot X | Enforcement: M - F, 7 AM - 7:30 PM
- PFH: Lot 18 | Enforcement: M - F, 7 AM - 5 PM
- Music Building: Lot 16 | Enforcement: M - F, 7 AM - 7:30 PM
- Ice Arena: Lot 10 | Enforcement: M - F, 7 AM - 5 PM
Updated: 03/11/2025 10:55AM