Club Sports
Visit the Club Sports website to learn about the various teams offered at BGSU. Email clubsports@bgsu.edu to join a team or start a new one.
Connect with us through the convenience of your phone. Search BGSURecWell on Google Play or the App Store. You can also sign up online at myrec.bgsu.edu.
Older Adult Fitness
Stay active with Older Adult Fitness classes or join our Facebook Community to connect and support each other's well-being.
Falcon Fitness
Click here to view the complete schedule of class times, formats, and instructors.
Student Recreation Center Memberships
Amenities include an Olympic and warm water pool, hot tub, sauna, sport courts, cardio and weight equipment, an indoor track, locker rooms and convenient parking.
Learn more about the BGSU PAWS Team - a dedicated group of campus and community volunteers and certified therapy dogs. The team hosts events on BGSU campuses throughout the year and is also available by request.
Club Sports
Visit the Club Sports website to learn about the various teams offered at BGSU. Email clubsports@bgsu.edu to join a team or start a new one.
Connect with us through the convenience of your phone. Search BGSURecWell on Google Play or the App Store. You can also sign up online at myrec.bgsu.edu.
Aquatics: aquatics@bgsu.edu | Jacob Muellerschoen: jamuell@bgsu.edu
Club Sports: Club Sports Website | clubsports@bgsu.edu
Bill Switaj: wswitaj@bgsu.edu
Falcon Fitness: fitness@bgsu.edu | Karyn Smith: karync@bgsu.edu
Intramural Sports: imsports@bgsu.edu | Stu Smith: stusmit@bgsu.edu
Sign up online: IMLeagues.com
Membership: Julia Adams: jthatch@bgsu.edu
Older Adult Fitness: fitness@bgsu.edu | Karyn Smith: karync@bgsu.edu
Climbing Wall: outdoorpro@bgsu.edu | Julia Adams: jthatch@bgsu.edu
Wellness Connection: wellness@bgsu.edu | Faith DeNardo: faithy@bgsu.edu
Youth and Family: recyouth@bgsu.edu | Julia Adams: jthatch@bgsu.edu
Student Recreation Center: recwell@bgsu.edu
Julia Adams: jthatch@bgsu.edu
419.372.2000 | 419.372.8454 (fax)
Perry Field House: pfh@bgsu.edu
Patrick Nelson: pnelson@bgsu.edu
419.372.9900 | 419.372.8044 (fax)
SRC Pools:
Jacob Muellerschoen: jamuell@bgsu.edu
SRC Academic Year Facility Hours
Monday - Thursday: 5:30 AM - 10 PM
Friday: 5:30 AM - 8 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Sunday: Noon - 8 PM
View complete SRC hours including BGSU holidays, maintenance, or event related closures.
Cooper Pool Hours
Monday - Thursday: 5:30 - 9 AM & Noon - 8 PM
Friday: 5:30 - 9 AM & Noon - 7:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Noon - 4 PM
Climbing Wall Hours
Monday - Thursday: 6 - 9 PM
Office of Health & Wellness Hours
Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Andrews Pool/Hot Tub and Courtyard Hours
Monday - Thursday: Noon - 8 PM
Friday: Noon - 7:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Noon - 4 PM
Availability of lifeguard staff, learn to swim classes, BGSU swim meets, birthday parties and other events may restrict Andrews and Cooper Pool operational hours.
View Live Facility Counts online or through the BGSU App.
Updated: 12/20/2024 10:45AM