Well Being Programs

Well-Being Programs

Empowering Your Well-Being Journey

Take your well-being to new heights and equip yourself with the tools and life skills to succeed at BGSU and beyond.


Learn to be intentially present, and better able to handle difficult situations.  

FREE Well-Being Coaching

We're here to help you develop your well-being action plan.

Move For Your Mood

Even moderate physical exercise can boost your mood, reduce stress, and increase learning capacity. Learn more and find our FREE movement session schedule.

Well-Being Programs

A Campus-Wide Comprehensive Well-Being Initiative

At BGSU, our mission is to intentionally prepare students, faculty and staff to lead meaningful and productive lives. Well-Being Programs at BGSU help achieve this mission and provide the fundamental life skills, resources, and support to enhance the welfare of our campus community by promoting the integration of the eight dimensions of well-being; physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, occupational, and financial.

What participants have to say about Well-Being Programs

Well-Being Programs helped me feel more calm, less worried and able to see what I'm grateful for in my life. The sessions and activities were interesting and got the audience involved. ~ Former Well-Being Program Participant

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Strive For Five Well-Being Challenge

FREE Wellness Challenge for BGSU Students, Faculty, and Staff | June 3 - July 14

This 6-week challenge is designed to motivate, educate, and inspire you to build healthier habits. Exercise, nutrition, and engaging in intentional self-care activities are extremely important and can have an impact on our energy levels, productivity, mental well-being and more.

Throughout the challenge, earn points by achieving daily goals at least 5 days per week! Use the provided habit tracker to log your progress and receive weekly emails with tips, resources, recipes, and motivation. Receive accountability and support from other Falcons who are also striving for five!

  • Move your Body - 30 minutes a day
  • Fuel your Body - Eat 5 or more servings of fruits + veggies
  • Relax – Take at least 5 minutes a day to intentionally relax your mind and body. Engage in mindfulness, meditation, journaling, stretching or any self-care activity.
  • Join as an individual or as part of a team. No limit on team size.
  • Interested in a friendly competition? There is an option to compete with others in the challenge. The top 2 teams and top 3 individuals with the highest points win a special reward!

Register Online for Strive for Five by May 31

Personalized Well-Being Coaching

Interested in making changes in your life to promote mental and physical well-being, but not sure where to start? Our Well-Being Coaches are here to provide support and assistance. After completing an interest form, you will be paired with a Well-Being Coach to help you develop a well-being action plan. Receive encouragement in a non-judgmental space to discuss your goals, ways to overcome barriers and how to use your strengths to enhance your overall well-being. Some common topics of Well-Being Coaching includes the following:   

  • Starting an exercise plan, including no cost referrals to recreation programs. 

  • Building confidence at the gym. 

  • Managing stress. 

  • Body acceptance.

  • Motivation and time management. 

  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships.  

  • Finding well-being resources on and off campus.

  • Individual therapy dog visits.   

Contact our Coaches

Well-Being is a Journey.

Well-being is an active pursuit to achieve harmony between the many dimensions in our lives, and when balanced, brings a sense of satisfaction, optimism, purpose and meaningful connection to others. Well-Being Programs were developed to empower your well-being journey and to help foster the development of necessary life skills to succeed at BGSU and beyond.

Well-Being Programs Primary Goals

  1. Increase Mental Health Awareness and Promote Resources - Mental health is just as important as physical health. Our goal is to improve our campus community’s understanding of positive mental health and help students, faculty and staff develop skills, knowledge and perspective on positive well-being practices. Well-Being Programs also promote available resources for students, faculty and staff who might need support, and reduce any stigma that might exist around seeking help.
  2. Build Healthy Self-Care Habits and Life Skills - Well-Being Programs aim to help individuals discover how to cope with the stressors of everyday life and develop healthy self-care habits and life skills to succeed and flourish.
  3. Foster a Supportive and Inclusive Community - Well-Being Programs aim to foster a shared sense of belonging and supportive environment on campus. Our goal is to build a thriving and resilient culture of health and well-being at BGSU.and when balanced, brings a sense of satisfaction, optimism, purpose and meaningful connection to others. Well-Being Design were developed to empower your well-being journey and to help foster the development of necessary life skills to succeed at BGSU and beyond between the many dimensions in our well-being.

Developing stress management skills, resiliency and grit, and establishing healthy self-care habits are all essential for living a healthy, meaningful life. Facilitated by the Counseling Center and Wellness Connection Peer Health Educators, these 45-minute interactive, educational sessions can be requested by any campus group (student organization, Residence Hall, department, academic class, and faculty or staff meetings), free of charge!

Well-Being Programs educational session topics include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Stress Survival
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Grit and Resilience
  • Healthy Coping
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise is Medicine
  • Alcohol, Other Drugs and More

Complete a Well-Being Programs Educational Session Request Form

Patrons and guests with disabilities are requested to indicate if special services, assistance, or appropriate modifications are needed to fully participate. Contact Accessibility Services at access@bgsu.edu or 419.372.8495 prior to the activity.

Upcoming FREE Well-Being Design Events and Programs

Updated: 05/22/2024 09:04AM