Student Teaching Semester
The Capstone experience for the aspiring teacher is student teaching. Student teaching for most programs will be scheduled for the semester immediately following the methods block semester. In most cases, pre-service teachers will have the same placement for student teaching as they had for the methods experience; however, some program areas may make assignments based on their requirements. This section of the Professional Year Handbook provides basic guidelines for the student teaching experience.
Student Teaching Objectives
The “full-day” plan for student teaching is based on the belief that the understandings, attitudes, and skills that are desired for the teacher candidate can be developed most effectively when there is opportunity for the teacher candidate to feel a part of a Community of Inclusion Collaboration and Respect.
College of Education and Human Development Conceptual Framework
EDHD’s faculty and staff engaged in conversations about the ideas and principles that we share across our various roles and fields of studies. We asked, “What does, or should, the EDHD Experience mean?" In responding to that question, we developed the EDHD Conceptual Framework:
A Community of Inclusion, Collaboration, and Respect
Learn across differences by promoting equitable and inclusive practices
Leadership and Service
Develop capacities to lead and serve professions and communities
Integrative and Experiential Learning
Engage through practice and reflection
Inquiry and Innovation
Integrate theory and practice to generate knowledge and promote public good
Professional Preparation
Commit to meaningful personal and professional lives
While all of the principles are important, nothing else is possible if we are not part of a community of inclusion, collaboration, and respect. Consequently, we ask everyone who works in the College to commit to doing something that contributes to our community. As Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Student Teaching Internship
The student teaching internship portion of the professional year is an exciting and challenging capstone to the undergraduate major in one of our teacher education programs. There are several common expectations for all of our programs and these expectations are made clear here. There may also be program specific expectations that will be shared by program coordinators.
Attendance Policy:
The College of Education and Human Development faculty and staff expect you to be prepared and present every teachable day during your professional year. A teachable day is considered a day that the school is open and teachers are to report to work. We recognize that weather can be uncertain in our area. To assist you in planning for missed days due to weather, you will be notified no later than the 8th week of the semester about the total number of days you will need to make up during finals week. Next, to assist in supporting your professional development, you may apply in advance via email, to your Classroom Mentor Teacher, University Mentor AND Program Coordinator to attend 1 day of Professional Development (attend a PD, conference, job interview, or other professional activity). This does not include the allowable absence for the Teacher Job Fair. Finally, be sure to follow the guidelines provided for allowable days subbing. You will record those days in your attendance log as well.
Dates of Attendance/Spring Break:
For the Internship semester, teacher candidates (TC) will follow the school district calendar. This means that all vacation days the school is closed, the TC will not be in attendance. This policy also includes spring break. TC will take only the days designated by the school district for spring break. To be licensed in the State of Ohio you are required to meet a minimum of 65 days in the internship. The Office of Educator Preparation and Partnerships will work with students on an individual basis if a school district schedule does not permit students to earn their full 65 days.
Required Lesson Plans:
It is the expectation of the College of Education and Human Development faculty and staff that you will be prepared with an approved lesson every day that you teach. Each program has an approved lesson plan format that must be fully completed and approved by the Cooperating Mentor Teacher (CMT) and/or the University Mentor (UM). The approved templates can be found in the EGADS portal that all parties have access to. It is up to the CMT and UM to determine the due dates for these lesson plans to be submitted each week for review.
After the midterm evaluation, if it is determined by the CMT and UM that a strength of the teacher candidate is in planning approval may be given to the TC to use the modified lesson plan template. This template still requires essential planning structures, but reduces the amount of detail for each of the requirements. This template is shared by ALL teacher education programs.
Updated: 10/03/2024 01:45PM