School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations

Advance your career and transform lives

Hone your leadership, professional and research skills through theory-based coursework, flexible schedules and in-depth practical experiences. 

Graduate Admissions 2022

School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations

Invest in degrees with a record of success 

The School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations encourages students to combine classroom knowledge and skills with their personal and professional values. Graduates transform lives and organizations throughout the state, nation and world. We maintain high standards of academic and professional competence consistent with state and national standards and accrediting bodies. Several programs – clinical mental health counseling, school counseling and educational leadership (principal and superintendent) – lead to professional licensure.

Our multidisciplinary programs are designed to help you prepare for meaningful careers in a variety of fields. Graduates of the School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations work in schools, universities, agencies, hospitals, healthcare organizations, business and industry, government and other human resource organizations. Many graduates enter competitive doctoral programs.
  • Counseling
  • Higher education
  • Student affairs
  • Cross-cultural and international education
  • Leadership

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Graduate Programs

Administration of Higher Education
Administration of Higher Education et edhd chelf certificate Clusters gradcol
Building-Level Leadership
Certificate 100% Online
Building-Level Leadership edhd 15-week bme Clusters gradcol et online chelf certificate
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Clinical Mental Health Counseling school counselors professional counselors gradcol sshspm et College of Education and Human Development crisis counseling Majors and Programs master hs chelf
College Student Personnel
College Student Personnel bme gradcol student affairs Master of Arts et chelf master College Student Personnel
Cross-Cultural and International Education
Certificate Masters
Cross-Cultural and International Education research edhd gradcol education models et master chelf hlic certificate Cross Cultural and International Education
District-Level Leadership | Certificate | Online
Certificate 100% Online
District-Level Leadership | Certificate | Online online et Hybrid chelf certificate gradcol
Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education bme Clusters gradcol et governance administration diversity inclusion edhd Leadership hybrid chelf certificate
Educational Leadership
Masters 100% Online
Educational Leadership Ohio M.Ed leadership gradcol et master educational theory principal license administration edhd Leadership 15-week hybrid med educational leadership online chelf
Leadership Studies
Leadership Studies phd edhd bme Clusters gradcol cohorts et interdisciplinary chelf faculty positions
Research and Assessment of Higher Education College Personnel
Research and Assessment of Higher Education College Personnel edhd gradcol internships student affairs et chelf certificate
School Counseling
School Counseling school counselors edhd professional counselors gradcol sshspm College of Education and Human Development Majors and Programs master chelf
Graduate Admissions 2022

Graduate prepared for the next stage of your career

When it’s time to put your education into practice, you will be able to hone your skills with internships in schools, universities and other settings in Ohio, across the country and around the world. We also offer courses and experiences in international education and global understanding, as well as opportunities for travel abroad.

While studying, our cohort model offers a sense of community, and our student-centered faculty are strong mentors invested in your success. While at BGSU and after, you’ll have the opportunity to network and learn from alumni and experts who’ve been where you are.

Engage in meaningful research

Our faculty are active researchers who welcome collaboration with graduate and undergraduate students. You also have opportunities to work with faculty on research and conduct your own. Graduate assistantships are available in all programs. Faculty and students in the School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations research a wide range of topics, including:

  • Strategic leadership, planning and organizational change
  • Urban educational leadership
  • Disability, gender, class and LGBTQ+ issues in education and counseling
  • Cultural consciousness
  • Comparative international education
  • Immigrant and refugee education
  • Adolescent development
  • Emotional labor
  • Education law
  • School finance
  • Program evaluation
  • Assessment and evaluation in education

Undergraduate contact

Dr. Sherri Horner
Assistant director,
Undergraduate Education

Graduate contact

Dr. Chris Willis
Assistant director,
Graduate Education

Updated: 09/18/2024 05:06PM