Attendance Policy

The College of Education and Human Development faculty and staff expect you to be prepared and present every teachable day during your professional year. A teachable day is considered a day that the school is open and teachers are to report to work. We recognize that weather can be uncertain in our area. To assist you in planning for missed days due to weather, you will be notified no later than the 8th week of the semester about the total number of days you will need to make up during finals week.

Next, to assist in supporting your professional development, you may apply in advance via email, to your Classroom Mentor Teacher, University Mentor AND Program Coordinator to attend 1 day of Professional Development (attend a PD, conference, job interview, or other professional activity). This does not include the allowable absence for the Teacher Job Fair. The TC may serve in a "substitute teacher" role only under the very specific guidelines provided HERE. You will record those days in your attendance log as well.

Updated: 10/03/2024 02:53PM