Peace Corps Fellows

a white dove on a blue and red circle background with the words Peace Corps

The Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Fellows Program (USA) is a graduate fellowship program for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who wish to earn a degree in the Master's of Arts in Cross-Cultural and International Education (MACIE) program. MACIE has been a Coverdell Peace Corps Fellows Program since 2008. As a Coverdell program, MACIE builds upon RPCVs’ practical international experience and provides the opportunity to fulfill the Third Goal of the Peace Corps, which is to apply the knowledge and skills learned overseas to an internship experience to an underserved community in the United States. 

Graduate Assistantships for Coverdell Fellows are awarded through the regular Graduate Assistantship Application process found on the Application page. There is no separate application for the Coverdell Fellows Program. Each year, 10-12 RPCVs apply to the program, and we generally enroll 5-8 Coverdell Fellows each year. Once admitted to MACIE, volunteers must submit their Description of Service (DOS) to certify successful completion of Peace Corps service.

RPCVs who are admitted to the MACIE Program automatically fulfill the Foreign Language Requirement by submitting their Description of Service. 


BGSU is a big supporter of Coverdell Fellows. For more information, see the BGSU Graduate College Coverdell page and to read about current and former fellows check out the BGSU Graduate College Meet Our Fellows page.

Updated: 12/11/2023 10:52AM