Winners of Supply Chain Case Competition Announced; Institute’s Spring Meeting

February 10 was a busy day for the Department of Management with a supply chain case competition followed by the Spring Dinner Meeting of the Supply Chain Management Institute (SCMI). During the afternoon, seventeen business students put their supply chain expertise to work by competing in the 3rd BGSU Supply Chain Management Case Competition. SCMI and the student Supply Chain Management Association co-sponsored the case competition. The seven teams of students presented a case they prepared to judges and a live audience. First place honors went to graduate students, Zachary Bourdon and Stephen Hagerman. Zach is pursuing a master’s of applied statistics and Stephen is a full-time MBA student.
The second place team included Zach Hunnell and Scott Zacharius, while third place went to Chelsea Folk and Kramer Joseph. Cash awards were given to the top teams.
Each team had two weeks to analyze and prepare a 12-minute presentation on the Harvard Business Case, Interior JV. Teams were judged on depth of analysis, quality of recommendations, their presentation skills, and professionalism during questions and answers.
Judges for the competition included members of SCMI: Kelsey Bolze and Jon Gilberg, CACI; Michael Began, Diebold; Mark Burton, John Deere; Derek Martzke, Magna Norplas Industries; Patrick Gardner, Pacer; and Tom Bishop, Therma Tru. Dr. Dan Bragg, management professor, was the faculty judge.
The Supply Chain Management Association’s directors of case competitions, Alex Shock and David Kellermeyer, helped to plan and organize the competition.
Following the case competition, more than 230 students, supply chain professionals, and faculty and staff gathered for the BGSU Supply Chain Management Institute’s Spring Dinner. The focus of the meeting was a panel discussion entitled “Effective Internship Programs: Perspectives from Supply Chain Professionals and Students.” Mark Burton, supply manager for John Deere, described the management internship program at his company and students Jodie Brand, Kyle Jacob, and Todd Lauer, who completed internships with John Deere, described their experiences. BGSU alumni Jon Gilberg and Kelsey Bolze who are contract administrators with CACI explained the internship opportunities in a service-oriented company. Student Ryan Polk shared his experiences as an intern with CACI.
The SCMI welcomed its newest member company – Norplas, located in Northwood, Ohio, a division of the global first-tier automotive supplier Magna Industries. Derek Martzke, materials manager, explained that Magna products are used by every automaker in the world and discussed the company’s decentralized organization structure and culture.
Supply chain students Kevin Carr and Joe van Bolderen received the BGSU Supply Chain Management Professional Certificate at the meeting. The Professional Certificate is awarded to students based on academic performance, completion of an internship, leadership in BGSU student organizations, and career professional development.
The Dr. Chan and Mrs. Young Hahn Freshmen Scholars were also recognized at the meeting. This award is presented to freshmen specializing in international business, management, or supply chain management who demonstrated high academic achievement during their first semester at BGSU. Recipients included:
- Andrew Bennett
- Zavia Currie
- Richard Eber
- David Greer
- Scott Kosakowski
- Zachary Kramer
- Cassandra Leffel
- Andrew Lotz
- Sarah Walter
- Kelly Wright
The generous financial support from the SCMI member companies made the spring dinner possible. We want to thank the 2013-2014 members of the BGSU Supply Chain Management Institute. Click here for a list of those members and more information on SCMI.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM