Marketing Professor Honored for One of Four Best Papers in 2013

Dr. Dwayne Gremler, professor of marketing and a Fulbright Scholar, recently received a “Highly Commended Award” from the Journal of Service Management for co-authoring one of the top four papers in 2013. The article is entitled “Effects of Perceived Employee Emotional Competence on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Rapport.”
The findings of his research found that managers of high-contact services should pay attention to emotional competence when hiring new employees, and/or encourage and train existing employees to develop this type of competence. During service encounters, it has been suggested that emotionally competent employees are likely to succeed in building rapport with their customers, which in turn often leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, these relationships have not been empirically examined. The study investigated the effects of customer perceived employee emotional competence (EEC) on satisfaction and loyalty.
Dr. Gremler is world renowned for his expertise on services marketing.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM