Toggle high contrast Mariya Zaturenskaya BGSU College of Arts and Sciences Psychology Graduate Programs Clinical Psychology Health Psychology Mindful Behavior Therapies and Psychophysiology Lab People Mariya Zaturenskaya Mindful Behavior Therapies and Psychophysiology Lab People L. Brooke Short Celeste Uhl Emma Bergman Projects Recent Publications Recent Presentations Alumni The Treehouse Clinical Resources Department of Psychology Dr. Carolyn J. Tompsett, Chair Department of PsychologyBowling Green State UniversityBowling Green, OH 43403 419-372-2301 Department Phone: 419-372-2301 Department Fax: 419-372-6013 Psychological Services Center 300 Psychology BuildingBowling Green State UniversityBowling Green, OH 43403 419-372-2540 Updated: 03/17/2021 11:09PM