Katie Meschino



Katie is a first-year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at Bowling Green State University. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience at Quinnipiac University in 2020. She spent the following year working as a postgraduate associate at the Yale School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry. Katie is interested in studying the risk and maintenance factors for eating disorders in order to improve treatment and prevention programs. More specifically, she is interested in studying how sociocultural factors and body image influence disordered eating.


Meschino, K.J., Bennett, B.L., Stefano, E.C., Latner, J.D. (2021, November). Examining Thin-Ideal and Muscular-Ideal Internalization across Ethnic Groups. Poster to be presented at the Special Interest Group Expo at the 2021 Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana

Updated: 09/01/2022 07:55PM