Pre-Occupational Therapy
What is "pre-occupational therapy"?
"Pre-occupational therapy" is a term used to describe students who plan to enter a school of occupational therapy after graduating from college. You should know that there is rarely if ever a "pre-occupational therapy" major at any university. When a student is "pre-occupational therapy", he or she is not only taking the classes required for admission to occupational therapy school, but also has a major in a specific subject matter area. A student can choose any major and still go to occupational therapy school so long as he or she has 1) successfully completed the courses required for admission to occupational therapy school, 2) has a strong overall college GPA, and 3) has demonstrated a dedicated interest in health care delivery.
What courses are required for admission to occupational therapy school?
Students are responsible for verifying all pre-requisite courses with the occupational therapy school of their choice. Typically, occupational therapy school admissions committees require the following courses to be taken in college:
- Abnormal Psychology
- Algebra/Statistics/Calculus
- Anatomy/Physiology (full year)
- English Composition
- General Biology
- General Psychology
- General Sociology
- Medical Terminology
- Neuroscience
- Public Speaking
Updated: 06/15/2020 12:35PM