Helpful Links

It can be incredibly difficult to keep track of all the requirements students must complete in order to stay on track for graduation, as well as write and submit a thesis. The Graduate College has assembled all the necessary information for students. Below are several links to different parts of their website that contain some of the most frequently needed answers to student questions. Please note, however, that this list is not exhaustive. Please consult with the Graduate Coordinator, Bill Albertini (, and the Graduate College to ensure that your project is complete.

Graduate Catalogs

This page contains the most recent, as well as several years' worth of previous, Graduate Catalog. Please refer to this document for any questions regarding the English MA's requirements for degree and thesis requirements. In cases where information from the most recent Catalog appears to conflict with other printed material, please consult the Graduate Coordinator for assistance.

Graduate College: Documents and Forms

Application for Graduation, Transcript Requests, ETD Approval/Submission, Tentative Degree Program (TDP), etc. Note: Also contains a link to Important Dates and Deadlines. These are generally inflexible; be sure to reference this frequently to ensure that you stay on track.

OhioLink ETD Database

Contains all Electronic Theses and Dissertations submitted by Ohio graduate students. Your thesis will be published here, but you can also search for examples to help understand formatting, or for use in your research.

ETD Information

The main website containing information about the thesis completion and submission process. Some of the links it contains are duplicated below.

Thesis and Dissertation Handbook

The PDF on this page contains all general rules that apply to the creation and submission of a master's thesis. In some cases, it refers students to the guidelines set by their departments or the style manual chosen. Please be sure to consult with your Thesis Advisor, the Graduate Coordinator, or the Graduate College to resolve any questions.

Thesis Formatting and Templates

This page contains instructions for converting your thesis into a PDF so that it can be submitted online to OhioLink's ETD Database. It also contains templates for the title page, table of contents, and other preliminary pages (abstract, acknowledgements, etc.).

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:44PM