Democracy and Public Policy Research Network

The Democracy and Public Policy Research Network (DePo) at Bowling Green State University consists of a community of scholars and students working to promote citizenship, innovation, and the public good.  

A message from the Founding Director, Robert Alexander

I am excited to welcome you to the DePo! We see our mission as an extension of Bowling Green State University’s dedication to be a public university for the public good. James Madison once wrote that “knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.” Drawing upon the expertise, talent, and knowledge of our university community, the DePo seeks to provide critical information to help citizens and policymakers understand their environments better so they can make decisions that best aim to serve the public good.  


The DePo features dedicated labs where students and faculty can work together to support the mission of the Research Network.  

Polling Lab

The BGSU Poll is a public opinion poll conducted under the direction of BGSU faculty to better understand citizen preferences on a variety of issues.

Policy Brief Lab

BGSU faculty and students produce short-form research articles that are accessible to policymakers and lay citizens in an effort to yield a better understanding of issues and inform decision-making around various public policies.  

Podcast Lab

The DePo’s Podcast for the Public Good is a regular program headed by students under the direction of faculty designed to gain a deeper understanding of a wide variety of issues with focus on creating a better understanding of those issues.

Public Engagement Lab

The DePo sponsors events designed to inform and engage the public through guided discourse, hosting public speakers, and presenting workshops for members of the community. 

Updated: 02/25/2025 01:08PM