Alternate Text Errors
Figures Alternate Text
This error shows images that do not have alternate text or, if decorative, have not been marked as an "Artifact". Every image must have alternate text for the screen reader to convey or be marked as an "Artifact" for the screen reader to skip that image if it is purely decorative. This is one of the most common errors. If the images were made correctly accessible in the source document and it was exported correctly into PDF you should not receive these errors.
Confused about whether or not an image or graphic is meaningful or non-essential? Please see the W3C Alt Decision Tree that will pose a series of questions that will help determine which is appropriate.
Purely decorative items include colored blocks, images of people, a line, a flower, any image that adds nothing to the information being given and is only there to make the document more lively for those viewing it. At no time can the text of the document refer to this image, otherwise the image must be tagged appropriately.
Note: An image with a text overlay or logo with text is NEVER purely decorative and will need to be tagged and should not be marked as an "Artifact".
SmartArt is severely discouraged if you will be exporting the document to PDF for the following reasons:
- When a PowerPoint or Word document that uses SmartArt in any way is exported into PDF, every element (arrow, line, highlight, star, colored block, outline, background, shadow, etc, INCLUDING the image as a whole) will require alternate text, creating a "Figures Alternate Text" and "Nested Alternate Text" error for EACH element.
- Even if the SmartArt was made accessible within the original format, that accessibility generally does not transfer when exporting SmartArt to PDF.
- Each SmartArt element will be listed as a "Figures alternate text" error, and once you insert the alternate text, they will be housed in a "Diagram" tag in the Tags panel, which was the image-as-a-whole error element that required alternate text.
- Once you enter the required alternate text for all these elements, because of it being housed now in a "Diagram", every one of those "Figures Alternate Text" error elements will now transfer to being a "Nested Alternate Text" error element.
Updated: 10/20/2022 10:36AM