Recognition Tips for Department Heads and Supervisors

Recognition Tips

Supervisors and Department Heads can help build employee engagement by noticing, acknowledging, and recognizing the efforts, contributions, and accomplishments of their staff. 

One of the best and simplest ways to find out what forms of recognition are meaningful to a specific employee is to ask. Find out how, when, why, and by whom they would like to receive recognition. You can keep a record of what foods they like best, whether they prefer to receive praise face-to-face or in writing, or prefer a lunch invitation to a certificate.

Meaningful recognition should be one of the following: 

  • Relevant to the person
  • Appropriate for the achievement
  • Timely, sincere, and specific

Managers can have a discussion with their team to learn the preferred methods of recognition. More introverted individuals, for instance, may want to remain low-key, while others appreciate being publicly praised.

Examples of ways in which a supervisor or Department Head can show their employees they are valued include:

  • Say “thank you” on a regular basis
  • Smile. It's contagious.
  • Notice and praise progress towards a goal
  • Check-in on a project to give encouragement
  • Check-in on employees performing daily work to recognize those efforts
  • Acknowledge each team member’s contribution
  • Provide immediate positive reinforcement
  • Commend employees for small successes
  • Start meetings with success stories
  • Praise your employee for work well done - privately or publicly, depending on what that person prefers; be sure to state the specific attitude, behavior, or contribution you recognize
  • Allow the employee to participate on a committee, team, or task force of his or her choice
  • Email a note of appreciation and copy the employee’s supervisor
  • Email a message to the team that describes the employee’s accomplishment and how it supports the unit’s goals and objectives
  • Hand-write a note of thanks for a job well done
  • Encourage, enable, and empower employees to provide feedback, input, and observations
  • Encourage employees to take advantage of development opportunities
  • Encourage a team mentality; emphasize the importance of working together
  • Encourage peer recognition
  • Recognize the different roles and strengths each employee contributes
  • Casual dress on Fridays
  • Support flexible/remote work schedules, where feasible
  • Present “State of Department” reports to your employees acknowledging the work and contributions of individuals and teams
  • Encourage and implement ideas from employees shared at staff or other group meetings
  • Tour campus as a team
  • Use free weekly meal swipe on campus as a team
  • Occasional free refreshments or departmental luncheons (pizza, coffee, baked goods, etc.)
  • After-work activities, team bonding time
  • Traveling trophy
  • Professional growth opportunities
  • Off-site retreat for project team
  • Networking opportunities; lunch or coffee with a senior leader
  • Allow the employee to attend training of their choice as a reward
  • Bring in food items to celebrate accomplishments
  • Create a graffiti wall with a poster board where staff can write notes of praise to co-workers

Updated: 07/18/2024 12:33PM