Vantage OB CE
The School of Nursing Simulation Lab is proud to partner with Vantage Healthcare of Ohio (VHO) to bring this tailored continuing education contact hour certification to nurses serving the Northwest Ohio community. Two day-long sessions were held in June and July 2023.
According to the Ohio Department of Health's 2019 "A Report on Pregnancy-Associated
Deaths in Ohio 2008-2016", preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage were among the top five causes of mortality in pregnant persons. They classified 85% of the deaths caused by preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage as being preventable. During this study, it was determined that approximately a third of factors which contributed to maternal death were preventable at the provider level.
Our training includes a hands-on session with our high-fidelity "simMom" birthing manikin, during which participants are able to practice what they have learned during the class section.
Read more here.

Updated: 07/24/2023 03:58PM