Gerontology Minor

Minor (21 hours)
Students are required to complete three core courses, with the remaining hours selected from a list of approved courses. No internship is required for the minor.
Students should make their intention to minor in Gerontology known to the Program as soon as possible. An individual plan of study will be completed by the student and a representative of the Gerontology faculty and approved by the Program Director.
Required Core Courses:
All students are required to complete the following courses:
- Gerontology 1010 - Aging, the Individual, and Society (3 hours)*
- Gerontology 3300 - Psychosocial Aspects of Aging (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4020 - Health and Aging (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4100 - Social Policy & Programs (3 hours)
Elective Courses:
Students should complete four courses from the following:
- Gerontology 3010 - Diversity in the Experience of Aging (3 hours)
- Gerontology 3250 – Applied Social Gerontology (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4050 – Cross-Cultural Aspects of Aging (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4105 - Principles of Assisted Living and Home & Community Based Services (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4200—Program Evaluation and Grant Writing (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4600—Mental Health and Aging (3 hours)
- Gerontology 4700—Special Topics in Gerontology ( 3 hours)
- Biology 3100—Biology of Aging (3 hours)
- Communication Disorders 4610 - Aural Rehabilitation (3 hours)
- Food & Nutrition 4360 - Life Cycle Nutrition: The Middle & Later Years (3 hours)
- Human Development & Family Studies 3290 - Families in Middle & Later Years (3 hours)
- Philosophy 2190—Philosophy of Death and Dying (3 hours)
- Psychology 3090—Psychology of Adult Development and Aging (3 hours)
- Public Health 3200- Introduction to Public Health
- Sociology 4040 - Sociology of Aging
- Social Work 4200 - Social Work with Older Adults
- Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management 2600 - Hospitality & Travel Services for Aging Population
Any questions regarding the coursework in the Gerontology Program, or potential course substitutions, should be directed to the office, located at:
255 Health Center, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH. (419) 372-2326
*Note that GERO 1010 is a prerequisite for additional courses in Gerontology.
**Note that some elective courses have prerequisite courses not listed or included in the Gerontology minor.
Updated: 11/06/2024 03:13PM