Make-up & Proctored Testing
- BGSU Firelands
- Teaching & Learning Center
- Make-up & Proctored Testing

Teaching & Learning Center
BGSU Firelands
One University Drive
Huron, Ohio 44839
- Faculty Instructions
- BGSU Students
- Distant Test Proctoring [Non-BGSU College Exams]
- Dismissal from the Teaching and Learning Center
Giving a test at the Teaching & Learning Center
Instructors may bring the the TLC a hard copy of the test to be given to the student or they may email the test and the instrutor makeup test form to Additionally, a copy of any instructions or special considerations which the student / test supervisor should be aware of in the administration of the test should be brought or emailed to the TLC.
Computerized scoring bubble sheets, envelopes, a calendar, as well as envelope seals and the test submission form are available at the Teaching and Learning Center.
Do not bring answer keys or master computerized score sheets to the TLC.
- Check with your instructor to make sure that you can take your test in the Teaching and Learning Center.
- Contact the Teaching and Learning Center via telephone 419-433-5560 ext. 20703 or email: to schedule an appointment for your test. (Note: It is your responsibility to inform your instructor of your testing appointment to ensure your instructor delivers a test to the TLC.)
- It is the student's responsibility to inform their instructor of their testing appointment to ensure their instructor delivers a test to the TLC.
- Show up a minimum of ten (10) minutes prior to the start time of your test.
- You must have a Photo ID for verification to take the exam (acceptable IDs include BGSU ID, State ID, or Driver's License)
- You will be asked to sign in on the testing register to confirm your attendance for the exam.
- You will be asked to review the testing instructions and sign it to be seated for the test.
- When completed, the test must be returned to the test administrator / supervisor on duty in the Teaching and Learning Center.
- If you require testing accommodations as approved by the Office of Accessibility Services, please inform our personnel at the time you call to schedule your exam. Some accommodations may require a 48-hour notice to implement. If the TLC cannot provide your accommodation, you will need to seek support from your instructor or the Office of Accessibility Services (419-372-8495).
- Students taking a timed exam must turn it in at the end of their allotted time, even if the exam is incomplete. Note: All exams will be collected five minutes prior to closing of the TLC even if they are incomplete. Students should direct all questions to their instructors regarding the completion of their exam.
The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) will proctor exams from other universities at a cost of $25 per exam, which must be prepaid using this link testing payment. Once your institution affirms that they will allow you to test with us, you simply pay the fee. Once your payment is made, the TLC will receive notification that testing can be scheduled. Then our center will contact you to schedule the appointment, or you can contact our center at 419-433-5560 ext. 20748 and schedule your testing appointment.
Our Process:
- Your institution contacts the Teaching and Learning Center ( to affirm that you are permitted to take your assessments within our center.
- Your institution transmits the assessment to my attention at the address with specific instructions that will be adhered to by our proctors. These instructions are inclusive of, but not limited to;
- Instructor’s name and contact information (should also include an alternate contact if instructor will not be available)
- Subject of the test (if test series, please identify the assessments in the order they need to be taken)
- Time range for student to take the test (date and time specific)
- Amount of time student has to complete the assessment (if the test is untimed, that should be indicated as well)
- Any resources the student is permitted to use to take the assessment, if any (i.e., notes, books, calculator, computer, cell phone, scrap paper)
- Any special instructions pertaining to the order of the test, if the test is to be completed in a bluebook, if student needs quiet testing area, has extended time, or requires a reader or scribe for the assessment.
- If the test is not being sent by the instructor directly, the contact person and contact information from the testing center.
- Instructions on how the test is to be returned or (in the case of an electronic test) communicated back to the sending party.
- Any additional protocols your institution wishes us to uphold.
Testing is conducted at BGSU Firelands College, 1 University Drive, Huron, OH 44839 in the Teaching and Learning Center’s testing unit, 230 North Building. You are required to show a valid photo ID issued by your state or your institution to sit for your exam. We encourage you to arrive to the TLC not less than ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.
Bowling Green State University’s academic honesty policy and code of academic conduct will be upheld for any exams proctored in our center in addition to any academic honesty code/policy of your institution. Our site does use testing security. You will not be permitted to have certain personal belongings with you during the exam (i.e. cell phones, watches, computers, tablets, technological smart devices of any kind, food, unauthorized papers, etc.). A locker for your personal items will be available to you. You may not be permitted to leave the testing unit once you have been seated for the exam. All exams must be completed during the TLC’s hours of operation.
A test administrator / supervisor is authorized to dismiss you from a test session and / or your test may be canceled by the TLC for actions such as, but not limited to, the following:
- attempting to take the test for someone else or having someone else take the test for you.
- failing to provide acceptable identification.
- obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test, or information about the test.
- using a telephone or cellular phone during the test session or during breaks.
- using any aids in connection with the test which have not been approved by the instructor. These include items such as: mechanical pencils, pens, pagers, beepers, calculators, watch calculators, books, pamphlets, notes, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos or radios with headphones, telephones, cell phones, watch alarms (including those with flashing lights or alarm sounds), stop watches, dictionaries, translators, and any hand-held electronic or photographic devices.
- creating a disturbance (Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated; the test administrator / supervisor has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior.)
- attempting to give or receive assistance - or otherwise communicate in any manner with another person about the content of the test during the administration, during breaks, or after the test.
- removing or attempting to remove test content from the TLC.
- Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test content be removed, reproduced, and / or disclosed by any means (e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically) to any person or entity.
- bringing food, drink, or tobacco into the TLC.
- leaving the TLC without permission.
- failing to follow any of the test administration regulations here, those given by the test administrator / supervisor, or specified in any test materials.
Updated: 10/29/2024 09:04AM