Gabriel Matney
More Information on Gabriel Matney
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, Mathematics Education, 2004
M.S., University of Oklahoma, Applied Mathematics, 2000
B.S., Oklahoma Baptist University, Mathematics Education (Endorsement in Computer Science), 1997
K-12 Mathematics Education, authenticity, fluency, and teacher professional development.
Gabriel Matney has been a School of Teaching and Learning faculty member since August, 2011.
- Introduction to Secondary Mathematics I and II
- Early Childhood Mathematics Methods
- Investigations in Mathematics for the Middle Childhood Teacher
- Advanced Seminar in Mathematics Teaching
- Culture and Mathematics Learning in Thailand
- Culture and Mathematics Learning in China
- Culture and Learning in New Zealand
- Culture and Learning in Fiji
- Australia: Systems of Informal Learning for STEM Education
- Upper Elementary Mathematics Instruction
- Advanced Methods in Elementary School Mathematics
Book Chapters
Matney, G., Bostic, J., & Lavery, M. (2019). A validation process for complex pedagogical knowledge: The standards for mathematical practice knowledge assessment. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Eds.), Quantitative measures of mathematical knowledge: Researching instruments and perspectives (pp. 179-204). New York, NY: Routledge.
Journal Articles
Matney, G., Porcella, J., & Gladieux, S. (2020). Quick blocks: Developing spatial sense. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12.
Boonsena, N., Inprasitha, M., Changsri, N., & Matney, G. (2019). Teachers learning about teaching practice in a modify lesson study. Psychology, 10, 977-988.
Bostic, J., Matney, G., & Sondergeld, T. (2019). A validation process for observation protocols: Using the Revised SMPs Look-for Protocol as a lens on teachers’ promotion of the standards. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 11(1), 69-82. (DOI):
Lustgarten, A., & Matney, G. (2019). Examining number talks with secondary preservice teachers. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 80(1), 22-30. Retrieve from:
Yuan, X., & Matney G. (2018). Searching for the middle zone of Chinese and American Mathematics Teaching through Math Camps. Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(2), 1-16. (DOI):
Retrieve from:
Matney, G. (2018). Peer Mentoring Professionalism among Preservice Mathematics Teachers: Safe Spaces for Community Teaching Practice. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 10(2), 67-84.
Isoda, M., Araya, R., Eddy, C., Matney, G., Williams, J., Calfucura, P, Aguirre, C., Becerra, P., Gormaz, R., Soto-Andrade, J., Noine, T., Mena-Lorca, A., Olfos, R., & Baldin, Y. (2017). Teaching energy efficiency: A Cross-Border Public Class and Lesson Study in STEM. Interaction Design & Architecture(s), 35, 7-31. [Acceptance rate 10%]
Matney, G. & Jackson, J. (2017). Research Projects and Secondary Mathematics Preservice Teachers' Sense of Efficacy. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 9(4), 171-186.
Bostic, J. & Matney, G. (2014). Role-playing the Standards for Mathematical Practice: A Professional Development Tool. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership.
Matney, G. (2014). Early Mathematics Fluency with the CCSSM. Teaching Children Mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Matney, G. (2014). Deepening Teachers’ Understandings of Mathematical and Pedagogical Connectedness. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 15(1), 50-59.
Davis, S., & Matney, G. (2014). “I had never really made sense of that before”: Constructing Mathematical Content Knowledge and Teaching through Story Telling. Journal of the Arkansas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.
Matney, G., Jackson, J., & Bostic, J. (2013). Effects of Minute Contextual Experience on Realistic Assessment of Proportional Reasoning. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 6(1), 41-68.
Matney, G., & Daugherty, B. (2013). Seeing spots and developing multiplicative sense making. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19(3), 148-155. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Matney, G. & Matney, T. (2013). Leaping without bridges: Implementing the common core with students not previously instructed within its expectations. Oklahoma Journal of School Mathematics, 5(1), 14-21.
Bostic, J. & Matney, G. (2013). Overcoming a Common Storm: Designing PD for Teachers Implementing the Common Core. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 67, 12-19.
Matney, G., Fox, M., Knapke, S., Murray, M. (2020, March). Lesson study and teacher’s dialogue about SMP 5. In J. Cribbs & H. Marchionda (Eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Las Vegas, NV.
Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2020, March). Measuring what we intend: A validation argument for the grade 5 problem-solving measure (PSM5). Validation: A Burgeoning Methodology for Mathematics Education Scholarship. In J. Cribbs & H. Marchionda (Eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Las Vegas, NV.
Sondergeld, T., Stone, G., Bostic, J., & Matney, G. (2019, July). Validity in a different context: Exploring relations to other variables evidence. In Editors (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Pretoria, South Africa. Retrieved from
Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2019, July). Developing a problem-solving measure for grade 4. In Editors (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Pretoria, South Africa. Retrieved from
Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2019, February). Validation: A Burgeoning Methodology for Mathematics Education Scholarship. In A. Sanogo & J. Cribbs (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 43-50). Charlotte, NC.
Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2018, November). Content validity evidence for new problem-solving measures (PSM3, PSM4, and PSM5). In T. Hodges, G. Roy, & A. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings for the 40h Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1641). Greenville, SC.
Bostic, J., Matney, G., & Sondergeld, T. (2017). (Re)Considering Teachers’ Promotion of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. In Olson, T. and Venenciano, L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 1-8). Fort Worth, TX.
Sullivan, C., Matney, G., & Jackson, J. (2017). An Investigation of Students’ Perceptions of Doing Mathematics. In Olson, T. and Venenciano, L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (pp. 81-88). Fort Worth, TX.
Bostic, J. & Matney, G. (2014). Looking for elementary mathematics teachers’ common core-focused instruction. In Matney, G. T. and Che, S. M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 41st Annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. San Antonio, TX.
Matney, G., Panarach, Y. & Jackson, J. (2013). Translating mathematics efficacy. Proceedings of the 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Phuket, Thailand.
Bostic, J. & Matney, G. (2013). Preparing K-10 teachers through common core for reasoning and sense making. In Reeder, S. L. and Matney, G. T. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 40th Annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Tulsa, OK.
Panarach, Y. & Matney, G. (2013). Development of the 5T model for the enjoyment of learning together. Proceedings of the 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Phuket, Thailand.
Matney, G. (2012). Generating a peer mentoring culture through mathematics camps. In Van Zoest, L. R., Lo, J.-J., & Kratky, J. L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University.
Matney, G., Panarach, Y., & Matney, T. (2012). Improving attitude and problem solving through mathematics camps. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Seoul, Korea.
Matney, G., Bostic, J., & Brahier, D. (2012). Overcoming a common storm: Designing the PD teachers need for successful common core implementation. Proceedings of the 39th Annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Charlotte, NC.
Refereed Paper Presentations
Matney, G., & Bostic, J. (2014, April). Creating Spaces to Develop Mathematically Proficient Students: Essential Instructional Elements of the CCSSM. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. New Orleans, LA.
Matney, G., & Bostic, J. (2014, April). Spaces for Children’s Development of Structure, Pattern, and Repeated Reasoning. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. New Orleans, LA.
Pratt, S., Matney, G., & Richardson, K. (2014, March). Conceptual Tasks in Secondary Mathematics. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. San Antonio, TX.
Eddy, C., Matney, G., Pratt, S., Wilkerson, T., Kuehnert, E., & Olsen, M. (2014, March). A Bilateral, International Research Network for Algebraic Reasoning. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. San Antonio, TX.
Bostic, J., Matney, G. (2014, March). Opportunities to Engage in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. San Antonio, TX.
Bostic, J., & Matney, G. (2014, February). Role-playing the Standards for Mathematical Practice: A Professional Development Tool. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators conference. Irvine, CA.
Matney, G., & Matney, T. (2013, October). Promoting Students’ Fluency with the Common Core State Standards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Louisville, KY.
Matney, G. & Bostic J. (2013, October). Promoting Students Fluency with the Common Core State Standard. Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dayton, OH.
Bostic J. Matney, G. (2013, October). Making Sense of Modeling with Mathematics. Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dayton, OH.
Matney, G. & Bostic J. (2013, October). Issues with the transition to Common Core instruction and resources to overcome them. Ohio Mathematics Education Leadership Council conference, Dayton, OH.
Matney, G., Panarach, Y. & Jackson, J. (2013). Translating mathematics efficacy. Proceedings of the 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Phuket, Thailand.
Bostic, J., Matney, G., Brahier, D., Gojak, L., & Speer, W. (2013, March). Preparing teachers for the CCSS: Looking towards the future. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Tulsa, OK.
Panarach, Y. & Matney, G. (2013). Developmental 5T model for learning and enjoying. Proceedings of the 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Phuket, Thailand.
Matney, G., & Daugherty, B. (2012). We’re seeing spots: Visions of multiplicative sense making. Regional meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Chicago, IL.
Matney, G. (2012, November). Improving Mathematics Preservice Teacher Efficacy through Field Based Research. School Science and Mathematics Association annual meeting, Birmingham, AL.
Matney, G. (2012, November). Generating a Peer Mentoring Culture through Mathematics Camps. North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kalamazoo, MI.
Matney, G., Bostic, J. (2012, October). Divergent Perceptions of the SfMP among K- 10 Teachers. Ohio Mathematics Education Leadership Conference, Columbus OH.
Matney, G., Panarach, Y., Matney, T. (2012). Improving Attitude and Problem Solving through Mathematics Camps. The 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Seoul, Korea.
Matney, G., Jackson, J. (2012). Researching Connections between Real-World Assessments and Student Experiences. 39th Annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Charlotte NC.
Matney, G., Bostic, J., & Brahier, D. (2012). Overcoming a common storm: Designing the PD teachers need for successful common core implementation. Proceedings of the 39th Annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Charlotte, NC.
Member: Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference Local Organizing Committee for Khon Kaen Thailand. (2018-2020)
Vice-President for Publications: Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2016-Present)
Editorial Board Member: Investigations in Mathematics Learning (2015-Present)
Chair of Publications Committee: Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2016-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (2016-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Origami in Science, Mathematics, and Education (2017-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Action in Teacher Education (2015-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership (2013-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: School Science and Mathematics Journal (2012-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Investigations in Mathematics Learning (2007-Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (2013 – Present)
Manuscript Reviewer: Research Council on Mathematics Learning Proceedings (2009-Present)
Publications Committee: School Science and Mathematics Association (2014-2016)
Research Journal Editor Search Committee: Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2015)
Publications Committee: Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2014-2015)
Nominations Committee: Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2014)
Editor: Research Council on Mathematics Learning 41st annual research proceedings (2013-2014)
Co-Editor: Research Council on Mathematics Learning 40th annual research proceedings (2012-2013)
Member: Program Committee for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics New Orleans Regional Conference (2009-2010)
Member: Conference Committee; Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2010-2013)
Editor - Intersection Points a publication of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (2007-2010)
NCATE SPA Reviewer: Served as a Program Reviewer for the mathematics Specialized Program Area for universities submitting to NCATE for national recognition and teacher certification (2007-2011)
Manuscript Reviewer: AERA proposal and manuscript reviewer for Division B Curriculum Studies (2006-2008)
Ohio Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Judge (2012-Present)
Faculty Associate Director: Northwest Ohio Center of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education, Bowling Green State University (2014 – 2019)
Math Teacher Circles: Lead and create sessions for the Black-Swamp Mathematics Teachers Circle alongside the team below. We create six sessions a year that are free to teachers. During 2013 and 2014 we worked to find a team of mathematics teachers and mathematics educators to work together to create a Math Teacher Circle in Northwest Ohio. This team completed Math Teacher Circle training from the American Institute of Mathematics in Washington DC in the summer of 2014. Deb Gallagher and I wrote an ITQ grant to fund the start-up of the Math Teachers Circle (2013 – Present)
Network of Regional Leaders: Ohio Department of Education (2014 – Present)
Vice-President for Universities: Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2015-2018)
Higher Education Member: Ohio Performance Assessment Pilot Project. I applied and was approved to work with ODE on developing and implementing mathematics performance assessments for grades 4 and 5 in the state of Ohio. The project will establish the reliability factor for large scale performance assessments. If the reliability factor is good, the model is likely to be adopted by PARCC and Smarter Balance consortiums for assessing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (2011-2014)
Vice-president: Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2010-2011)
Enjoys family, church, soccer, peanut butter and chocolate, witty people, solving problems, good music, sky diving, roller coasters, good jokes, ice cream, creating, video games, meeting up with old friends, making new friends, and designing new and exciting learning experiences.
Updated: 07/25/2024 12:11PM