Margaret Booth
School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations
559 Education
Ph.D., Education (Educational Psychology & Comparative Education)
Ohio University, 1991.
Dissertation: Children of migrant fathers: The effects of father- absence on Swazi children’s preparedness for school.
M.A., International Studies (African Studies Cognate)
Ohio University, Athens, OH, 1987.
B.A., English, Secondary Education Certificate
Miami University, Oxford OH, 1982.
- EDFI 6010: Comparative Education
- EDFI 3030: Educational Psychology Applied to Adolescent Development
- EDFI 6730: Adolescent Development within Social Contexts
- EDFI 6750: Cross-Cultural Human Development and Learning
- EDFI 6420: Research in Education
- HIED 7340: College and University Teaching
Adolescent development within diverse educational cultural contexts
Adolescent identity development and educational implications
African youth development within socio-cultural contexts
Scholarly Books & Chapters:
- Booth, M. Z. (2006). Swaziland adolescents. In J. J. Arnett (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Adolescence, (pp. 934-946). Routledge.
- Booth, M. Z. (2004). Culture and education: The social consequences of western schooling in contemporary Swaziland. University Press of America.
- Booth, M. Z. (2002). Education for liberation or domestication? Female education in colonial Swaziland. In T.M. Hunt & M.R. Lessard (Eds.), Women and the colonial gaze (pp. 174–187). Palgrave Macmillan.
Refereed Articles:
- Booth, M. Z., Roberts, A. C., Gerard, J. M., & Gilfillan, B. H. (2022). Young adolescent perceptions of school climate and self-efficacy: The intersectionality of race and gender. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 45(10), 1-16.
- Booth, M. Z., Gerard, J., Deom, G. M., & Frey, C. J., (2022). Deconstructing adolescent ethnicity: A longitudinal analysis of youth ethnic identity and classification in a multi-cultural US school. Journal of Adolescence, 94(3), 366-379.
- Matuga, J. M., Booth, M. Z., Robert, A. E., & Koscheva, C. (2021), Perceptions of metacognitive and self-regulation strategy use of undergraduate students during the covid-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the Annual International Technology and Education Conference (INTED/online), 8th – 9th March 2021.
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666.
- Mowen, T. J., Boman, J. H., Kopf, S., & Booth, M. Z. (2021). Self-perceptions of attractiveness and offending during adolescence. Crime and Delinquency, 68(10), 1847–1875.
- Booth, M. Z., Abercrombie, S., & Frey, C. J. (2017) Contradictions of adolescent self-construal: Examining the interaction of ethnic identity, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Mid-western Educational Researcher, 29(1), 3-19.
- Gerard, J., & Booth, M. Z. (2015). Family and school influences on adolescents' adjustment: The moderating role of youth hopefulness and aspirations for the future. Journal of Adolescence, 44(1), 1-16.
- Booth, M. Z., Curran, E., Frey, C. J., Gerard, J., Collet, B., and Bartimole, J. (2014). Ethnicity, gender, and adolescent attitude toward school: Adaptive perspectives in transitional times. Mid-western Educational Researcher, 26(2), 3-27.
- Booth, M. Z., & Gerard, J. (2014). Adolescents’ stage-environment fit in middle and high school: The relationship between students’ perceptions of their schools and themselves. Youth and Society, 46(6), 735-755.
- Booth, M. Z., & Gerard, J. M. (2011). Self-esteem and academic achievement: A comparative study of adolescent students in England and the United States. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 41(5), 629-648.
- Booth, M. Z. (2011). This they believe: Young adolescents voice their opinions about school. Middle School Journal, 42(3), 16-23.
Nieto, C., & Booth, M. Z. (2010). Cultural competence: Its influence on the teaching and learning of international students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 14(4), 406-425.
- Booth, M. Z., & Sheehan, H. (2008). Perceptions of people and place: Young adolescents' interpretation of their schools in the US and UK. Journal of Adolescent Research, 23(6), 722-744.
Booth, M. Z., Sheehan, H., & Earley, M. (2007). Middle grades school models and their impact on early adolescent self-esteem. Middle Grades Research Journal, 2(1), 73-97.
Booth, M. Z. (2006). “Neither a borrower, nor a lender be:” Educational reform through transnational borrowing and lending. Comparative Education Review, 50(2), 278-287.
Booth, M. Z. (2003). ‘"You learn, and learn, and learn....and then you are an adult:" Parental perceptions of adolescence in contemporary Swaziland. Adolescence, 38, 221-238.
Booth, M. Z., & Booth, G. M. (2003). What Americans can learn from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Phi Delta Kappan, 85(4), 310-315.
Booth, M. Z. (2003). Settler, missionary, and the state: Contradictions in the formulation of educational policy in colonial Swaziland. History of Education, 32(1), 35-56.
Booth, M. Z. (2003). The impact of parental availability on Swazi students' school achievement: A nine-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Educational Development, 23(3), 257-274.
Booth, M.Z., & Matuga, J. (2003). Swazi children's families as reflected in their drawings: The impact of the home environment. African Symposium, 3(2).
Booth, M. Z. (2002). Swazi concepts of intelligence: The universal vs. the local. Ethos, 30(4), 376-400.
- Booth, M.Z. (1997). Western schooling and traditional society in Swaziland. Comparative Education, 33(3), 433-451.
- Booth, M.Z. (1996). Parental availability and academic achievement among Swazi rural primary school children, Comparative Education Review, 40(3), 250-263.
- Booth, M.Z. (1995). Children of migrant fathers: The effects of father absence on Swazi children's preparedness for school, Comparative Education Review, 39(2), 195-210.
- Manuscript reviewer for: Journal of Adolescent Research; Middle Grades Research Journal; Comparative Education Review; African Studies Review.
- Spencer Foundation Research Award: Enhancing Social Opportunity in a Post-Recession Era through Academic Climate for Adolescents and Young Adults. $50,000.
PI: Research Development Counsel Grant,: Improving Academic Achievement and Social Opportunity for Adolescents from Low SES, Multi-Cultural Rural Communities(2009-2010, $12,500)
Spencer Foundation Research Award: A Study of the Historical Development of Western Schooling in Swaziland. $28,233. (Completed June 1, 2001)
Spencer Foundation Research Award: The Home Environment and School Achievement: A Longitudinal Study of Primary School Children in Swaziland. $23,000. (Completed June 1, 1999)
- Improving Academic Achievement and Social Opportunity for Adolescents from Low SES, Multi-Cultural Rural Communities: Collaborative research project with Fremont, Ohio schools.
Updated: 08/15/2024 11:08AM