Guidelines for Renewal of a Graduate Assistantship

According to current HMSLS and Graduate College policy, in order to have an assistantship renewed, students must:

  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA
  • Be making satisfactory progress towards the degree

The following are indicators of unsatisfactory progress, in which case an assistantship may not be renewed:

  1. Having a graduate GPA less than 3.0
  2. Receiving a D, F, or WF in a graduate course
  3. Taking courses that do not count towards a HMSLS degree unless these courses are in addition to a typical graduate course load (i.e., a student takes 9 credit hours [6 hours if in the 4th semester] counting towards in addition to non-degree coursework)
  4. Dropping more than 1 course in a semester
  5. Having more than one incomplete grade

Additionally, “Satisfactory academic progress in a program also involves maintaining the standards of academic and professional integrity expected in a particular discipline or program; failure to maintain these standards may result in the academic dismissal” (Graduate Catalogue, p. 24).

(approved by the Graduate Faculty, January 14, 2014)

Updated: 12/11/2023 12:09PM