Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial Aid

Because the Academic Program Abroad is a part of Bowling Green State University, financial aid that could be applied to study on the BGSU campus can be applied equally to study in the program abroad. Outside financial aid for Academic Year Abroad programs is handled through the University Office of Financial Aid. Contact Ryan Czech at for specific questions on financial aid.


In addition to outside sources of financial aid, certain special scholarships are available for Bowling Green State University students. The Janet M. Shanklin Memorial Scholarships are awarded each year to selected students participating in the full academic year program (both fall and spring semesters) plus one scholarship is awarded to a student participating in the summer program available here. Recipients must submit a statement on their reasons for participating in the program and are selected by a committee from BGSU’s Spanish faculty, part of the World Languages and Cultures Department. BGSU also offers an international travel grant to all degree-seeking students participating in a study abroad program. Information on grants and additional education abroad scholarships are available. 

Financial Aid and Scholarship Information

Updated: 01/17/2019 09:19AM