Spring 2020 Sociology Capstone
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Via WebEx
Sociology majors put their substantive knowledge and statistical skills to work in SOC 4800 Sociology Capstone. Taught by Dr. Kei Nomaguchi, the capstone course provides students the opportunity to conduct independent, empirical research. Students analyze data from the General Social Survey or the Monitoring the Future Survey, write a research paper, and present their work at the end of the semester to department faculty. The 2020 Spring class had to move from face-to-face to remote learning in the middle of the semester due to COVID-19. Their presentations were divided into small groups and done via WebEx. A couple of students conducted their capstone research as Honors Projects.
Madison Mantor
Veteran Status and Likelihood of Having Poor Mental Health
Boris Stojkovski
Political Beliefs and Views of Law Enforcement Expenditures
Updated: 12/14/2020 03:36PM