Crayon Show

Crayons: A Return to Carefree Creativity
The desire to revisit the feelings of impulsively scribbling outside the lines in a coloring book, the smell of opening a new box of crayons, deciding which color to use first, and just plain making things for fun, served as the inspiration for this exhibition. As student/artists move through an academic framework, they are often met with more rigidity and rules. The advice of faculty members is often contradictory; what isn’t taken seriously is reinforced, causing judgment from people both in and outside the art world.
Art is consistently categorized and viewed through a specific lens. The discourse of the delineation between High and Low Art seems endless. However, that also opens up the discussion of alternative ways of making art, while invoking experimentation and creative freedom. The participants represented here wish to push the boundaries of seriousness in art, allowing themselves to be honestly creative, free of restraint, and challenge the narrative that art enjoyed purely for its aesthetics is inherently unimportant. This mindset acknowledges that fun, kitsch, and the use of non-traditional materials are valid in the art world.
As we approach graduation, and begin to confront the reality of establishing our place in the world, there is a longing to let go of the heaviness and seek a playful relief. We achieved this by revisiting one of the first mediums we were introduced to – crayons! Each artist in the exhibition selected a crayon color, used that color as the title of their piece, then incorporated the color as they saw fit in influencing their narrative. The result was a culmination of lively responses, as each artist explored a childlike approach to creativity and fun.
Updated: 04/26/2021 02:41PM