Core Faculty
Scott Highhouse
Position: Professor
Distinguished Research Professor - Phone: 419-372-8078
- Email: shighho@bgsu.edu
- Address: 234 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
B.A., University of Akron
Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1992
I am primarily known for applying research on judgment and decision making to problems in personnel psychology. I have lately been interested in understanding organizational resistance to using scientific approaches to employee selection, and on how the act of working provides meaning. I also have interests in applicant attraction and corporate branding.
Mike Zickar
Position: Professor
Sandman Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology - Phone: 419-372-9984
- Email: mzickar@bgsu.edu
- Address: 233 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
My research focuses on applying psychometric techniques to organizational problems. Current research has used item response theory methods to identify people who are misrepresenting themselves on personality inventories. I also use computational modeling techniques to model how such misrepresentation will decrease the quality of selection decisions.
Margaret E. Brooks
Position: Professor
Department of Management
Dual Appointment: Industrial-Organizational Psychology - Phone: 419-372-9389
- Email: mbrooks@bgsu.edu
- Address: 358H Maurer Center; 235 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
B.A. University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, 1999
M.A., Ph.D. Bowling Green State University, 2004
My research is in the areas of judgment and decision making, employee recruitment and selection, corporate reputation, and diversity and discrimination in the workplace. Some specific interests include structuring decision environments to improve workplace decision making, communicating validity information to nonscientists, understanding how people form judgments of jobs and organizations, effects of subtle bias and discrimination at work, and work experiences of marginalized populations.
Clare L. Barratt
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-4250
- Email: cbarrat@bgsu.edu
- Address: 240 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
B.S. Eckerd College
M.A. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Ph.D. Texas A&M University
My current research focuses on understanding the social networks and relationships of individuals and organizations that influence, and are influenced by, employee attitudes, emotions, health, and behavior. Specifically, I am examining how one's social network at work and home influences employees' perceptions of support and inclusion, and how those perceptions then influence their behavior (good and bad). This area of research evolved out of my broader interest in examining when and why employees engage in risk-taking and negative workplace behaviors (i.e., CWB/withdrawal). In tandem, I also conduct research on high-risk occupations (e.g., nursing, law enforcement) examining how employees are impacted by the dangers and culture associated with their jobs, especially non-traditional employees within such occupations (e.g., sex, racial, and sexual orientation minorities), as well as how to mitigate their stress and burnout.
Samuel McAbee
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-4337
- Email: smcabee@bgsu.edu
- Address: 236 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
Ph.D. I/O Psychology, Rice University, 2014
M.S. I/O Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, 2011
B.A. Psychology, University of California, Irvine, 2007
My first area of interest involves the development and evaluation of psychological measures for use in applied settings (e.g., workplace, education, military). My research in this area has examined issues related to the development and application of short alternatives to longer psychological measures across a number of substantive domains (e.g., personality traits, working memory capacity), and the application of bifactor models to personality measures. Other interests include the examination of measurement invariance/equivalence and subgroup bias in psychological measures, and the commensurability of alternative measures of personality for predicting academically and organizationally relevant performance outcomes.
My second area of interest involves the study of personality in workplace and educational contexts. Issues include the use of broad versus narrow personality traits for prediction, the use of observer reports to inform selection and admissions decisions, and how distal personality factors influence student and employee outcomes.
Melissa Keith
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Phone: 419-372-2371
- Email: mgkeith@bgsu.edu
- Address: 247 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: Yes
B.A. Saint Louis University
M.S., Ph.D. Purdue University
My current research program is focused broadly on the topics of creativity, motivation, online samples in psychological research, and the gig economy. With respect to creativity, my work focuses on how motivation theory and research can be leveraged to enhance engagement in the creative process and creative performance. I am also interested in a range of topics relating to personal and contextual predictors of creative performance, as well as, creativity measurement. My research on the gig economy began with a narrower interest in online participants as workers. This work has resulted in a broader interest in gig worker experiences and well-being.
Undergraduate Resources: How to Apply to Graduate School
Emeritus Faculty
William Balzer
- Position: Emeritus Professor
- Phone: 419-372-0623
- Email: wbalzer@bgsu.edu
- Address: 250 Psychology
Accepting Students: No
B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1978
M.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1979
Ph.D., New York University, 1983
My recent work shares the "best practices" of I-O psychology with institutions of higher education. In particular, I am doing work on the application of Lean principles and practices to college and university processes. Additional research interests have focused on how we measure job performance, individual variability in job performance, how performance judgments are made about others, and how feedback can help improve performance. I am also interested in job attitudes, especially job satisfaction.
Milton D Hakel
- Position: Emeritus Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8144
- Email: mhakel@bgsu.edu
- Address: 234 Psychology Building
Accepting Students: No
Ph.D., 1966, University of Minnesota
How do people form impressions of others and use those impressions to make consequential decisions, such as in deciding who to select for employment or what salary to offer? How can you learn to become more effective at whatever you want to do? How can we improve the way research findings are used? These are the three main themes in my research interests.
Department of Psychology
Dr. Carolyn J. Tompsett, Chair
Department of Psychology
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Department Phone: 419-372-2301
Department Fax: 419-372-6013
Psychological Services Center
300 Psychology Building
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Updated: 08/26/2024 09:18AM