Staying in Touch

Want to stay connected?

Even after you leave BGSU, we'd love to hear from you and keep in touch! We have several opportunities for collaborating with current faculty and students through various research groups:

The OHP Group has a number of different projects examining workers' safety, happiness, and health, including:

  • A study examining the effects of light physical activity on creative performance
  • A study of work-life boundaries and recovery for employees working from home
  • A project examining home care nurses' use of technological resources to buffer job stress

If you are interested in communicating with the OHP group for collaboration in a project or just to find out more about what's going on in OHP research at BGSU, please contact

The Psychometrics Group is currently involved in multiple projects, including:

  • The development of a shortened, publically available measure of intelligence
  • An IRT analysis of DIF in measures of sub-clinical sadism
  • A comparison of CWB measured as either a formative or a latent construct

If you are interested in communicating with the Psychometrics Group for research collaboration or for more information about the group, please contact

A number of students and faculty conduct research related to applied judgment and decision making (JDM). Some ongoing projects include:

  • Contextual effects on the evaluability of validity coefficients
  • Dispositional predictors of choice deferral
  • Status-driven risk taking and maladaptive work behavior

If you are interested in communicating with current students and faculty about potential research collaborations or would like to obtain more information about JDM research at BGSU, please contact

Other ways for alumni to reconnect with BGSU include IPRA and Brown Bag collaborations. See the below sections for more information:

IPRA Collaboration

Working with the Institute for Psychological Research and Application (IPRA) at BGSU is a great opportunity for ongoing collaboration between alumni and current faculty and students. If you or your organization is interested in IPRA's services, please fill out the form below. To learn more about IPRA, click here.


Brown Bag Collaboration

Throughout the year, BGSU hosts a number of scholars in the field to give a talk or hold a discussion at our Brown Bag events. If you're interested in visiting Bowling Green to share your research or applied experiences with current students and faculty, please fill out the form below.

Brown Bag Form

Updated: 03/16/2021 12:46PM