Hyacinth Balediata Bangero

  • Email: hbanger@bgsu.edu
  • Hometown: Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines
  • Education:
    • Bachelor in Broadcasting, West Visayas State University (Iloilo City, Philippines)
    • Master in Mass Communication, West Visayas State University (Iloilo City, Philippines)
  • Expected Graduation: August 2027
  • SMC Emphasis: Media Audiences and Processes

Hyacinth is a broadcast journalist turned communication educator with a six-year of experience in marketing, philanthropy, and external and alumni relations. She is an innovator who introduced digital marketing in the workplace and is credited for introducing several digital initiatives in her workplace and volunteer organization. Hyacinth also takes on leadership, academic, and community roles in the Philippines. Presently, she’s a Fulbright-CHED PhD Scholar pursuing her doctorate in Media and Communication with emphasis in media audiences and processes. Among her diverse research interests are government and political communication, public relations, marketing communications, communication education and social media.

Hyacinth Balediata Bangero's CV

Updated: 04/15/2023 11:44AM