Section 4.3


Professional travel is central to professional development. The college encourages every department/school to dedicate a portion of its resources to the support of faculty travel. Recognizing that the resources which can be made available for this purpose are limited, the following guidelines and priorities are recommended.

  1. Probationary and tenured faculty should receive first priority in the assignment of travel funds.  Rarely, if ever, would circumstances warrant travel support for temporary appointees, part-time faculty or graduate students.
  2. Among probationary and tenured faculty claims on travel funds, first priority should be awarded to those participating in professional meetings as authors of papers; chairs of panels, discussants or respondents; officers of the organization or department recruiters. Secondary priority may be accorded to those attending meetings for professional advancement, but without specific participatory roles in the meeting.
  3. The College of Arts & Sciences is able to provide $500 annually to tenure-track faculty members in the College to help subsidize travel to conferences, symposia, and exhibitions. Please complete the Request for Faculty Development Funds form and return it to the Office of Resources and Planning, College of Arts & Sciences.
  4. Each department/school will be responsible for maintaining its own records regarding approved travel when no funds outside the department/school are requested. Travel risk insurance coverage is automatic when university employees are traveling on university business. Generally, university compensation of some sort validates the "official" nature of a trip. When no university compensation is provided, the "official" nature of travel would be subject to a case-by-case determination in the event a claim were filed.
  5. Chairs/directors should be familiar with the University Travel Expense Policy and forms, and should direct questions to Accounts Payable in the Office of the Controller.  Please note that the full reimbursement may not be paid if expenses exceed maximum allowances.
  6. Policies relating to travel expenses for recruitment of candidates for faculty positions are discussed in detail in Section 6 - Collegiate Personnel Policies.

Last Updated: 03/13

Updated: 06/23/2020 11:59AM