Rhetoric & Writing Students, Faculty, and Alumni at 2019 CCCC
The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) will be well attended this year by Bowling Green State University's Rhetoric and Writing doctoral program. Below is a list of workshops, presentations, and roundtables facilitated by current students, faculty, and alumni of our program; we can't wait to see you in Pittsburgh in March!
Current Graduate Students
Wednesday, March 13
Presenter(s): Kristin LaFollette and Danielle Donelson
Date/time: Wednesday, March 13, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Session W.08)
Presentation: "Developing an Indigenous Scholarly Practice: An Indigenous Rhetorics Research and Writing Retreat" (all-day workshop)
Synopsis: This workshop, sponsored by the Caucus for American Indian Scholars and Scholarship, is designed to introduce Indigenous theories, practices, and approaches to research and writing.
Thursday, March 14
Presenter(s): Sara Austin and Kelly Moreland (with respondent Lee Nickoson)
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 12:15-1:30 p.m. (Session B.25)
Presentation: "Feminist-Rhetoric, Feminist-Composition: Performing Feminisms in/across Institutional Learning Sites" (panel)
Synopsis: This panel explores three institutional learning sites in which feminism can be enacted as an embodied and epistemic praxis.
Presenter(s): Lauren Garskie
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 12:15-1:30 p.m. (Session B.43)
Presentation: "Performance in and by Space: Understanding and Designing for Collaboration in Our Writing Spaces" (as part of the panel "From Performance-Rhetoric to Performative Pedagogy")
Synopsis: The presentation interrogates the relationship between space and collaboration in a space intentionally designed to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration. It translates such findings for the writing classroom and provides the audience with a framework for approaching collaboration within their own university spaces.
Presenter(s): Triauna Carey
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 4:45-6:00 p.m. (Session E.37)
Presentation: "'Wow, You Really Are Articulate!:' The Rhetoric of Microaggressions and the Performativity of Taking Up Space in the World of Academia" (as part of the panel "The Translingual Experience and the Rhetoric of (Racial) Microagressions")
Synopsis: I am examining how women of color negotiate performativity, identity, taking up space, and the politics of language usage to navigate through the rhetoric and practices of academic institutions.
Friday, March 15
Presenter(s): Kristin LaFollette
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 9:30-10:45 a.m. (Session G.31)
Presentation: "The Queer Art of Writing: (Re)Imagining Scholarship and Pedagogy Through Transgenre Composing" (as part of the panel "Three Ripples on Performance: Across Authorship, Transgenre, and Dramatism")
Synopsis: Using arts-based and queer approaches, this presentation advocates for the use of art as a tool in writing studies research and pedagogy.
Presenter(s): Bailey Poland, Lena Ziegler, Brandie Bohney, Renee Drouin, and Tammie Southall
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 2:00-3:15 p.m. (Session J.19)
Presentation: "Leave No Woman Behind: Contradictions and Complications in the Rhetorics of Womanhood" (panel)
Synopsis: This panel interactively explores the complications of rhetorics of womanhood and the conflicts inherent in imposed and self-assumed identities of women in academia.
Presenter(s): Lauren Salisbury
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 2:00-3:15 p.m. (Session J.32)
Presentation: "The Role of Space and Place: How Students Perform Location in Online Writing Courses" (as part of the panel "Creating Venues for Greater Accessibility")
Synopsis: In this panel we examine technological approaches for creating greater accessibility in online environments.
Saturday, March 16
Presenter(s): R&W current students, faculty, and alumni including Emma Guthrie, Ann von Mehren, Lee Nickoson (co-chair), and Christine Denecker
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Presentation: "Teacher 2 Teacher"
Synopsis: Designed as a series of practice-based conversations, T2T provides a space to celebrate teaching. Open to all convention attendees, T2T participants will be invited to learn about a range of activities, assignments, and methods from more than 40 teacher-presenters.
Friday, March 15
Presenter(s): Dan Bommarito
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (Session H.35)
Presentation: "Cross-Language Research, Writing, and Situated Problem-Solving: A Qualitative Study of Collaborative Doctoral Mentoring" (as part of the panel "How a Discipline Performs: Studies in Dissertations, Mentoring, and Teacher Identity")
Synopsis: Our panel situates disciplinary performance/the performances of disciplinary identities for doctoral education and first-year writing instructors.
Wednesday, March 13
Presenter(s): Richard Colby and Rebekah Schultz Colby
Date/time: Wednesday, March 13, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Session W.05)
Presentation: "Remixing Performance in Games"
Synopsis: Participants will explore theories of play and games emphasizing performance, remixing existing games to create new performances, and concluding with an escape room challenge.
Presenter(s): Caleb James
Date/time: Wednesday, March 13, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Session MW.07)
Presentation: "Performance-Teaching, Performance-Policy: An Action-Planning Workshop for Times of Crisis" (half-day workshop)
Synopsis: This workshop session intends to help participants generate responsible strategies and policies for responding to hate speech and coercive behaviors, especially in policy gray areas.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Monske (also chairing Session B.34)
Date/time: Wednesday, March 13, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Session W.09)
Presentation: "Establishing a Community of Inquiry in Online Writing Courses through Student and Instructor Presence" (full-day workshop)
Synopsis: This workshop aids instructors in establishing a successful Community of Inquiry (CoI) within their online classes.
Thursday, March 14
Presenter(s): Christine Denecker (also chairing TSIG.14 and F.37)
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 1:45-3:00 p.m. (Session C.03)
Presentation: "'Fast Women in a Slow Church': A Performative Look at Grailville, a Radical Catholic Feminist Community"
Synopsis: Panelists explore the feminist, progressive performance rhetoric of Grailville to consider how this radical community negotiates its agenda within the constraints of the Catholic Church.
Presenter(s): Megan Adams
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 1:45-3:00 p.m. (Session C.33)
Presentation: "Making Media in the Mountains: How Digital Storytelling Affects Identity and Rhetorical Agency" (as part of the panel "Rhetoricizing Roots")
Synopsis: Panelists examine concepts of cultural identity through community-driven pedagogies.
Presenter(s): Soha Youssef
Date/time: Thursday, March 14, 3:15-4:30 p.m. (Session D.35)
Presentation: "'The Instructor Speaks the English Language Clearly (yes/no)': Marginalizing Rhetoric on End-of-Semester Course Evaluations" (as part of the panel "Documenting Performances, Performing Documents")
Synopsis: Professional genres—from the job application and advising note to the grant proposal and the course evaluation—organize our performances and relations.
Friday, March 15
Presenter(s): Jeffrey Moore
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 8:00-9:15 a.m. (Session F.18)
Presentation: "Performing Ethos: Faculty and Students Negotiate Diverse Identities and 'White Space' in the Two-Year College"
Synopsis: This panel examines teacher influence on student performance and perceptions of “white space” in the two-year college.
Presenter(s): Erin Laverick
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 8:00-9:15 a.m. (Session F.42)
Presentation: "Who Tells Your Story? Using Hamilton to Teach Rhetorical Conventions and Writing Skills" (as part of the panel "Performing Teaching and Performative Learning: Improvisation, Virtuosity, and Composing")
Synopsis: Panelists explore and improvise to help students develop writing skills. Podcasts as course text, teacher as improviser, and biography as tools/ resources to influence first-year writing.
Presenter(s): Jen Almjeld
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 9:30-10:45 a.m. (Session G.15)
Presentation: "Spotlight Session: Playing the Field/Playing in the Dark: Race, Gender, and Performance Rhetorics of Inclusion and Community-Engaged Scholarship" (roundtable)
Synopsis: Roundtable leaders encourage a conversation about confidence and the stamina necessary to engage in performance-rhetorics in the midst of calls for community-engaged scholarship.
Presenter(s): Danielle Donelson
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 11:00-12:15 a.m. (Session H.05)
Presentation: "Remaking Spaces through Critical Performances"
Synopsis: This panel brings together performative rhetorics, bodies, and spaces to discuss methods for addressing social issues, inequalities, and injustices.
Presenter(s): Erin McLaughlin
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 11:00-12:15 a.m. (Session H.06)
Presentation: "Composing the First-Year Experience: Performance-Based Writing Projects for Personal, Intellectual, and Social Success"
Synopsis: This panel will explore the role of performance-based experiences in supporting the academic and social needs of first-year students at elite institutions.
Presenter(s): Richard Colby and Rebekah Schultz Colby
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session I.23)
Presentation: "Performing Games/Performing Composition: Playing, Imagining, and Creating Embodied Rhetorics in the Writing Classroom"
Synopsis: Games are ethical spaces of performative rhetoric that encourage active engagement of writers and teachers similar to the relationship between player and designer.
Presenter(s): Katherine Fredlund
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session I.32)
Presentation: "Performing Submission, Practicing Subversion: A History of Women’s Rhetorical Education at Oberlin College" (as part of the panel "Histories of Educational Practices and Their Impact on Marginalized People Groups")
Synopsis: This panel explores the history of literacy and rhetorical instruction at minority-serving institutions.
Presenter(s): Jeffrey Kirchoff
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session I.37)
Presentation: "Don’t Be Afraid of the Doodle: Comics as Performative Writing" (as part of the panel "Comics and Performative Teaching/Writing")
Synopsis: In this session, panelists explore storytelling and the crafting of comics in the performative writing classroom.
Presenter(s): Lanette Cadle
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session I.44)
Presentation: "Is Breaking Bad? Creative Composing with Other People’s Intellectual Property"
Synopsis: Participants will practice strategic recomposing and theorize fair-use pedagogy and practice during an interactive session demystifying remix and intellectual property.
Presenter(s): Christine Tulley
Date/time: Friday, March 15, 2:00-3:15 a.m. (Session J.17)
Presentation: "Think Tank for Newcomers—Developing Papers and Sessions for CCCC 2020"
Synopsis: Newcomers will develop ideas for sessions for CCCC 2020 with help from established scholars/teachers. The 2020 CCCC Convention chair will be present.
Saturday, March 16
Presenter(s): April Conway
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 8:00-9:15 a.m. (Session K.16)
Presentation: "'You Have to Act…': An Intersection of Teaching, Mothering, and Activism" (as part of the panel "Performing “Up” Motherhood to Navigate Competing Roles")
Synopsis: Arguing that mothering is a complicated, underappreciated performance, this panel explores actionable strategies for supporting academic mothers to “play up” (rather than downplay) their motherhood.
Presenter(s): Stacy Kastner
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 8:00-9:15 a.m. (Session K.27)
Presentation: "Power, Performance, and the Untenured WPA"
Synopsis: This roundtable discussion focuses on performing the kinds of managerial power required by WPAs, within the confines of pre/non-tenure positions at a variety of institutions.
Presenter(s): Estee Beck
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 9:30-10:45 a.m. (Session L.21)
Presentation: "The Dialogue in the Margins: Examining the Narrative, Roles, and Scripts of Disciplinary Commenting"
Synopsis: Results of IRB-approved intervention study into directive/facilitative commenting practices in WAC graduate student writing course with faculty, student, and researcher.
Presenter(s): Christine Tulley
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session N.17)
Presentation: "Making Mentoring Work Visible" and "Organizational Mentoring" (as part of the roundtable "Micro-Mentoring and Macro-Mentoring: Advice-Giving as/for Academic Labor")
Synopsis: This roundtable will offer brief topical talks on mentoring and the additional opportunity for participants to network.
Presenter(s): Tina Arduini
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 12:30-1:45 p.m. (Session N.30)
Presentation: "Grammar Workshopping: The Performance of Rhetorical Grammar in the First-Year Composition Classroom" (as part of the panel "Performance-Composition Approaches: Contract Grading, Jigsaw Teaching, and Rhetorical Choices")
Synopsis: This session prompts composition scholars to consider the affordances and possibilities of a wide range of performance-composition approaches that invite students to explore and choose in writing situations.
Updated: 03/29/2019 10:31AM