Master of Architecture

@2013 Toledo American Institute of Architects (AIA) Senior Architecture Award, Frist Prize Arham Siddiqui

Why BGSU Architecture?

Bowling Green State University’s Master of Architecture (MArch) program is for students who intend to become licensed architects. The two-year professional Master of Architecture degree builds on the four-year pre-professional B.S. in Architecture degree currently in operation—or its equivalent from other institutions.

The BGSU Master of Architecture program is for students who have met the standards of admission and holding the four-year Bachelor of Science degree with a major in architecture from BGSU, or an equivalent pre-professional degree from a domestic or international institution recognized by BGSU.

Those holding an equivalent pre-professional degree with a major in architecture from a domestic or international institution, including students holding a degree in any field other than architecture, may be admitted to the Master of Architecture program with limited standing until specific prerequisite courses have been completed. Students admitted to the Master of Architecture program with limited standing shall be duly informed of the extended length of time required for graduation prior to acceptance into the program. GRE is not required for admission.

Admission to the two-year Master of Architecture program is term-specific. Students are typically admitted to Fall semester; however, there are cases where a student might be permitted to commence study in a different term, such as when needing to make up for background course deficiencies.

Almost all of the students admitted into the M. Arch program complete their pre-professional education through the BGSU B.S. Arch program. Graduates of pre-professional programs in Architecture elsewhere who apply for admission into the M. Arch professional program can be required to complete additional coursework if there are no previous SPC match.

In all instances, students must submit transcripts, course descriptions, and a portfolio, in addition to other admission documents, for review by the Department Chair and Graduate Admissions Committee; the content of transfer courses must align with course offerings in the Department that meet required SPC as defined by NAAB.

When a student’s record indicates that prior coursework does not satisfy given SPC’s, the student is directed to enroll in program courses that will satisfy the missing criteria. In this manner, the evaluation of these documents by the program will determine placement in the curriculum and which, if any, additional courses must be taken by the student in order to complete the program. Within this context, graduates of pre-professional programs in Architecture elsewhere who apply for admission into the M. Arch professional program are evaluated individually, and such students have curricula tailored to their specific situation.

For a regular admission in the program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum GPA of a 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA on a 4.0 scale, or a grade equivalent to B average.
  • Statement of Intent - A concise statement outlining your reasons for applying to the master's degree program and why your application should be favorably considered (about 350 words).  Applicants should attempt to produce an articulate statement both in content and composition.
  • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation from previous professors; a letter from an employer is desirable if applicable.
  • Electronic portfolio. The portfolio should have a minimum of five projects with a range of complexity representing work over the student’s undergraduate career and professional experience, if applicable. Projects should have descriptive captions that include the dates of execution, course, professor, or firm, project goals, and a brief self-analysis. Number of pages and format of the portfolio is left to the discretion of applicant. However the portfolio must be submitted as a single Adobe PDF file no larger than 20 MB.
  • A personal interview is not required; however, those wishing to visit the BGSU are encouraged to make arrangements by contacting the Department Chair.

The Master of Architecture (MArch) is a professional degree (a minimum 49 semester hours of credit) program that revolves around the concentrations of digital media in design and practice, urban and community design, and architectural history and historic preservation. These concentrations integrate entrepreneurial theories and strategies to advance architectural design and practice. An important feature of the program is the applied entrepreneurship which requires an internship in an organization with significant ongoing entrepreneurial initiatives.

This degree is typically completed in four semesters. This includes 24 credits in design studios. The remaining 25 credits are distributed among required professional, business, technologies, and history/theory requirements.

The faculty members are of a mix of ranks from professor to instructors. The academic and professional credentials of the full-time members combine doctorates, masters, and architectural licenses. Among the faculty are book authors, distinguished chairs, best paper writers, and expert practitioners. While the Department's plan calls for recruiting additional faculty, a core of practicing professionals provide adjunct support for the program.

Meet our Faculty

Contact Us

Master of Architecture

Arsenio Rodrigues, Ph.D.
Director. School of the Built Environment
419-372-ARCH (2724)

Sample Plan of Study

Year 1/Fall   Year 1/Spring  
ARCH 6210: Graduate Design Studio 1   6 ARCH 6220: Graduate Design Studio 2 6
ARCH 6510: Sustainable Systems* 3 ARCH 6530: Codes and Regulations 3
ARCH 6610: Professional Practice/Entrepreneurship 3 ARCH 6620: Business Innovation by Design 3
    Business Core: _________________ 3
Total credits 12   15
Year 2/Fall   Year 2/Spring  
ARCH 6310: Graduate Design Studio 3 6 ARCH 6911:Architecture Master Project 6
ARCH 6910: Directed Research in Architecture 3 ARCH 6800: Seminar in Architecture & Design 3
Business Core: _________________ 3    
ARCH 6630: Applied Entrepreneurship 1    
Total credits 13   9

Program Requirements

The graduate architecture curriculum immerses students in rigorous coursework and hands-on experience in designing, researching, developing architectural composition and applying those learned skills in professional practice. This curriculum is ideal for individuals with a strong interest to expand their entrepreneurial perspectives in anticipation of their future roles in a rapidly changing professional climate.

The BGSU’s M.Arch. Degree candidates fulfill the (5) core requirements of the graduate curriculum by completing 49 graduate credit hours distributed in the following areas.

Course Requirements

ARCH 6210 - Graduate Design Studio I
Comprehension of architectural design methods through topical investigation and studio project that address diverse cultural, social, behavioral, and physical needs and problems.

ARCH 6220 - Graduate Design Studio 2
The second in the graduate design studio sequence, this course continues to develop design skills while introducing the integration of passive and sustainable technologies as fundamental components of design development. Lectures and guest lecturer will bring in contemporary practices and research in sustainability as a resource to be incorporated into guided design practice. Students will work both independent and group projects based on theoretical and actual current regional initiatives

ARCH 6310 - Graduate Design Studio 3
Third design studio in the four-course graduate studio sequence. The course focus is on the integration of structural systems and materials exploration within a design studio project. Emphasis will be placed upon the relationship of structure to building enclosure, structure to form, and the detailed investigation of building connections and exterior/interior enclosure systems. This course is also intended to provide a foundation for understanding the protocols of architectural design by following a project from schematic design through construction.

ARCH 6911 – Architecture Master Project
The master studio constitutes the realization of the investigation and exploration initiated in the previous design studios and research seminar. Specifically, it offers students the opportunity to execute an independent master project within the structure of a supervised studio devoted to the investigation of a specific program.

  • ARCH 6530 - Codes and Regulations
  • ARCH 6610 - Professional Practice/Entrepreneurship
  • ARCH 6620 - Business Innovation by Design
  • ARCH 6630 - Applied Entrepreneurship (1)
  • ARCH 6800 - Seminar in Architecture and Design
  • ARCH 6910 - Directed Research in Architecture
  • ARCH 6510 - Sustainability Systems*

*In lieu of ARCH 6510 take CONS 5000 – Advanced Lean and LEED Construction

  • Elective 1 (By Advisement)
  • Elective 2 (By Advisement)

Some options may include: MBA 6000 - Accounting, MBA 6040 - Supply Chain, MBA 6060 - Finance (prereq. MBA 6000), MBA 6070 - Ethics, MBA 6080 - Leadership.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Master's degree, students in the Architecture program are expected to be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to build abstract relationships and understand the impact of ideas based on the study and analysis of multiple theoretical, social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental contexts. In addition, students will demonstrate the ability to use a diverse range of skills to think about and convey architectural ideas, including writing, investigating, speaking, drawing, and modeling. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to comprehend the technical aspects of design, systems, and materials and be able to apply that comprehension to architectural solutions. In addition, the impact of such decisions on the environment must be well considered. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize a wide range of variables into an integrated design solution. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of business principles for the practice of architecture, including management, advocacy, and the need to act legally, ethically, and critically for the food of the client, society, and the public. 

Updated: 01/16/2024 04:43PM