Center for Student Connections and Opportunity

Through the cornerstones of the Office of Multicultural Affairs and LGBTQ+ Programs, as well as newer initiatives deepening support for other underserved populations, The Center for Student Connections and Opportunity (CSCO) provides educational programming and support resources to foster a culture of respect and belonging that positions each BGSU student to reach their fullest potential.

The staff of the Center for Student Connections and Opportunity is committed to providing advocacy, support, and education in pursuit of a more equitable and socially just University and community.

Belonging Ambassadors

Belonging Ambassadors for the Center for Student Connections and Opportunity (CSCO) are paraprofessional undergraduate student employees who support and facilitate the mission of the CSCO. These student leaders represent the CSCO across campus in various capacities (e.g., workshops, programs, presentations, outreach) empowering their peers and the community to engage with topics of cultural awareness, diversity, and inclusion in a collective effort to create a welcoming, socially just, and inclusive campus community.

Are you interested in being an ambassador for belonging at BGSU? Reach out to us at for more information!


The Center for Student Connections and Opportunity organizes and sponsors a variety of multicultural programs for faculty, staff, students, and community members. Make sure to explore upcoming events or check out past events put on by our office.

Updated: 11/26/2024 02:08PM