Everything there is to know about Student Legal Services can be found in our Legal Services Program. 

Our most commonly answered questions are listed below.

SLS is a team of lawyers who have agreed to represent BGSU students on various legal issues.

Yes! SLS employs lawyers licensed in Ohio, with offices on BGSU’s campus.

Yes. Once someone turns 18, they are legally considered an adult. Most students have few resources available to handle legal issues that could significantly impact their future. 

In many cases, timely legal advice and representation can minimize such long-term ramifications and reduce distractions from a student’s course of study.

SLS has averaged more than 1,000 student consultations per year for the last 10 years.

SLS handles many issues that students may face while attending BGSU. Including, but not limited to:

  • Landlord-tenant disputes

    • Security Deposit deductions

    • Evictions

    • Repairs

    • Lease interpretation

    • Zoning violations

  • Traffic cases

    • Speeding

    • OVI

    • Driving Under Suspension

    • Equipment violations

  • Criminal misdemeanors

    • Underage Alcohol offenses

    • Marijuana/Paraphernalia possession

    • Petty theft

    • Disorderly content

    • Nuisance Party

    • Fictitious Identification

  • Consumer Disputes

    • Internet purchases

    • Credit card charges

    • Debt collection activity

    • Identity theft

  • Personal Family Matters

    • Wills

    • Powers of Attorney

    • Simple dissolution of marriage

    • Name changes

  • Review of Contracts

    • Employment agreements

    • Entertainment releases

  • Notary Services

Generally YES. There are certain geographic and jurisdictional limitations of the program, but most cases in the Bowling Green Municipal Court, Perrysburg Municipal Court, Sandusky County Court #2 and some cases in the Wood County Common Pleas Court are covered.

All BGSU students who have paid the $13 SLS participation fee at the beginning of each semester.

Call or text 419-372-2951 to schedule an appointment.

Schedule an appointment anyway! SLS lawyers offer professional advice and consultation in a variety of areas. Our lawyers are happy to meet with you to make a coverage determination.

SLS is always looking for opportunities to collaborate on educating students about their legal rights and responsibilities. Attorneys are available for class lectures, workshops and/or seminars. Additionally, a variety of pamphlets, brochures and sample legal documents are available in our office.

Yes. Under Ohio law, SLS cannot generally advise or represent students:

  • Against the University or its trustees, faculty or staff

  • Against the State of Ohio

  • Against a State Officer or Agency

  • Against Law Enforcement for actions arising out of their duties

  • Against another student

  • Against the Board of Regents

SLS also has contractual limitations that restrict the handling of certain types of cases. Examples include:

  • Personal injury or property damage claims

  • Felonies

  • Immigration

  • Estate and probate matters

  • Complex wills and trusts

  • Taxes

  • Business and real estate matters

  • Bankruptcies

  • Copyrights and patents

  • Contested divorce and child custody

  • Other matters which may unduly monopolize the program resources to the disadvantage of other students

Updated: 08/21/2024 11:08AM