String Leadership Development Clinic for High School Students



Saturday, September 21
Exact Time TBA

BGSU’s New String Leadership Development Clinic (SLDC)
for High School Students

Leadership skills for string players are often overlooked, but even within a large orchestra, the success of a string section depends on the strength of its leaders. This one-day event will help your students develop skills to become more effective leaders within their orchestral programs, their schools, and any other musical activities in their future.

Topics covered include:

  • How to lead effective peer-led sectionals
  • Workshops on communication, physical cues, and peer motivation/modeling.
  • Basic conducting skills
  • And more!

The SLDC is specifically designed for your student leaders. They could be your section leaders, students you see having a bright future as music educators, or anyone else you think could benefit from this program. Students will be invited to the SLDC by a nomination process, so please start thinking about your top student leaders (up to 5 per school).

More information to follow in August, but please reach out to Dr. Emily Freeman Brown ( or Dr. Hannah Levinson ( with any questions.

Updated: 05/31/2024 02:53PM