Scholarships for Current Students
The College of Musical Arts is proud to provide scholarship support for students. These scholarships are provided through the generosity of alumni and friends of BGSU. Awarding of the scholarships is based on a competitive process. The amount awarded reflects the wishes of the donor(s) and is dependent upon current and projected market conditions.
- If financial aid is a requirement you must complete a FAFSA application to be considered for the scholarship.
- You must be enrolled for the applicable academic year to be eligible for these awards.
After clicking the above link, click the "Sign In" button and log in using your BGSU username and password.
More information about the scholarship application process can be found on the financial aid website.
Endowed Scholarships
The BGSU College of Musical Arts is fortunate to have a dedicated community of generous donors who have established endowed scholarships that will support students for generations to come. These scholarships, awarded based on specific criteria, provide vital assistance to both undergraduate and graduate students. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our donors, whose support nurtures the musical aspirations of our students.
Bernice Ely Coulon Special Achievement Awards
Bernice R. Shanklin Band Scholarship
Bernice R. Shanklin Music Scholarship
Berns & Kahn Scholarship in Music Education
Bob Sebo Endowed Jazz Studies Scholarship
Bushong Trumpet Scholarship
C. Elizabeth Cobb Memorial Fund
Cathy McCambridge Memorial Scholarship
David Glasmire Memorial Scholarship
David Joy Zoll Scholarship
Diane Inbody Pepple Scholarship in Music Education
Dorothy Robertson Christensen Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Marjorie E. Conrad Voice Scholarship
Dr. Paul Makara Violin Scholarship
Dr. Richard and Annette S. Ecker Award in Instrumental Music Education
Dr. Richard Kennell Music Scholarship
E. Printy Arthur Jazz Studies Award
Edwin and Karolynn Betts Performance Award
Elfreda M. Rusher Music Education Scholarship
Field-Starks Family Book Award
Francis Burnett Scholarshipp
Frank Baldanza Vocal Talent Scholarship
Gerald McLaughlin Memorial String Scholarship
Grafner and Bleckner Scholarship
Hansen Music Fellowship
Hansen Music Undergraduate Scholarship
Heidi Fern Clausius Master’s in Music Scholarship
Helen Lakofsky Piano Scholarship
J. Paul Kennedy Music Achievement Award
Jan Arthur and Herbert B. Van Gorder Memorial Trumpet Scholarship
Jessica J. Walker Memorial Marching Band Scholarship
Jim and Jamie Self Tuba Scholarship
John A. Hage Falcon Marching Band Leadership Award
Joseph and Zola Buford Scholarship in Music
Judith Bentley Flutist Endowed Scholarship
Keith and Helene Dearborn Music Education Award
Lee Z. Steele Music Scholarship
Mark S. Kelly Band Scholarship
Mary Ann Dalton and Eugene R. Wilson Choral Music Scholarship
McMaster Scholarship
Misamore Marching Band Scholarship
Natalie Katz Sternberg Music Education Scholarship
O & P Endowed Piano Fund
Otis and Lois Sonnenberg Music Education Scholarship
Robert and Leona Fellers Scholarship
Robin McEwen Memorial Scholarship
S. Leiniger & N. Cucare Scholarship
String Department Scholarship
The Alumni Men’s Chorus Society Scholarship
The Richard S. James Memorial Scholarship
Timothy F. Smith Scholarship
Vince Polce Scholarship
Violet Beebe Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Warren Allen Vocal Talent Endowed Award
Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund
Updated: 02/13/2025 04:46PM