
Jazz Lab Bands
David Bixler, director, jazz lab band I
Rehearsals: TR 12:45–2:15 p.m.
Aidan Plank, director, jazz lab band II
Rehearsals: TR 12:45–2:15 p.m.
Founded in the early 1960s, the Jazz Lab Bands are the large ensembles of the jazz studies program. The bands regularly appear at jazz festivals including over 20 appearances at the prestigious Elmhurst Collegiate Jazz Festival. The bands emphasize student learning through repertoire study and improvisation training. The Jazz Lab Bands are open to both music majors and non-majors.
Chamber Jazz Ensembles
Chamber jazz or combo experience is vital to the jazz program at BGSU. All groups meet twice a week for rehearsal. One concert is required for each ensemble per semester. Additionally, each group plays in a master class setting giving a mini-concert for their peers and faculty. Additional opportunities exist for gigs and school community concerts.
Jazz Guitar Ensemble
Founded in 1985 by Chris Buzzelli and currently directed by Ariel Kasler, the group features a guitar “section” of 4-10 guitarists, a bass player and a drummer. The ensemble performs a wide selection of jazz arrangements, including standards, orchestrations of big band charts, and modern jazz selections composed for jazz guitar ensemble. BGSU is home to a large jazz guitar ensemble library with several hundred charts, including the entire collection of Jack Petersen’s arrangements and compositions.
Vocal Jazz Ensemble
(not offered at the present time)
The 12-voice Vocal Jazz Ensemble (VJE) performs a variety of music in the vocal jazz tradition: solo and tight-harmony choral music in the style of groups such as The Manhattan Transfer or The Real Group. The ensemble, which includes a rhythm section made up of BGSU students, each year explores a wide variety of musical styles and genres from bebop to show tunes. The group has already enthusiastic response through its performances on campus and at off-campus sites such at the Manor House at Toledo’s Wildwood MetroPark.
Upcoming Jazz Events
Updated: 09/30/2024 09:41AM